Prolouge: Dream of Sorrow
It was an average cold night in the winter for Ponyville, everypony was fine with what they were doing, if anyone was awake...
At Sweet Apple Acres, it was colder than ice itself, the fire in the fireplace just ran out, and everyone would catch a cold soon, it was 10 below, without that fire, Granny Smith may die, she was old, but she whined that if it gets too cold, her heart would freeze.
But... The sad part... Is the youngest family member, Applebloom, was having a horrible nightmare of a filly she fell in love with some days ago...
Appleblooms Nightmare...
"No... Diamond... No... More..." pleaded Applebloom as she lay on the ground with her last few moments of living.
"Why? So you can love me? Fat chance with that." Diamond Tiara rudely said before lifting a home made sticks and stones hammer, targeting the bow wearing filly's head and swung down...
Applebloom woke with tears in her eyes, she looked around, everything was alright, she felt her head, she was ok, but her heart was not.
Applebloom had fallen in love, but loving her enemy to death is what really hurt, Applebloom knew any attempt to win Diamond Tiara was pointless. She looked at her clock: it read 3:59am, she was up too early, she then felt it, a frozen chill crawled up her spine and went into her heart, she was cold, "The fire...!" she realized.
As she quietly came down the stairs, she looked in her big brothers room, he was shivering, even with the 6 blankets he had, she checked on Applejack, same thing, but she was mumbling, "Lightnin... I love y'all too..." Applebloom giggled as she walked by, shed ask her big sister about who Lightning was sooner or later, for now, her objective remained clear; Fix the fireplace.
Applebloom felt her heart and soul warm up as she watched the flames and the warmth it created brushed past her fur, her little mind got to thinking, she pictured her and Diamond, cuddling and playing... A tear left Applebloom's eye, she was hurting herself, she knew a rich, cute, and, painful to admit, stuck up pony like Diamond Tiara would never date her, or show a sign of love... Not since last time they clashed was when the newspaper incident occurred, Diamond Tiara didn't talk to ANY of the crusaders.
Applebloom declared it hopeless, she had her heart on one other filly, but the real trouble was gonna be admitting the love to her directly.
Scootaloo, a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader...
Important Author Note:
Hello, everybody, I know I've been gone a while, but that's not important, I'm writing again, and making fics longer like this, but may be kinda crappy a little too, I decided to change the couple because of Season 2, Episode 23, so, and, I kept thinking that Scootaloo fitted the picture more, welcome to my new and improved; A Very Sweet Apple. Please R&R! Oh, the hammer part? It's a tiny GRIMDARK, but there will be no more of it, I Pinkie Promise!