He promised Naruto he wouldn't cut anymore. He promised to get his life together and yet, Sasuke found himself digging the knife in deeper each night as he tore his legs and arms open, blood pouring down his body onto his bathroom floor. His life was already a mess, he didn't need more pain; but the pain kept coming. He promised to stop doing drugs, but he started using again and the guilt was only adding to his already shattered heart. He couldn't bear anymore pain. He needed an escape and he needed it now. He went to his box under his bed where he kept his saviors and took out a syringe and heroine; he then went to his desk and got out his knife. Sasuke walked to the bathroom, locked the door behind him and turned on the shower. Sitting down on the floor, Sasuke shot up the drug, instantly feeling its affects and being swept away from his pain. He got into the shower with his knife and, as he let the water wash down his body, he began to open his old scars. Water mixed with blood running down his legs, causing agony to mix with the affects of heroine. He continued cutting until he was sure he wouldn't be able to walk the next day. Then he began to cut his torso. Blood ran down his alabaster chest as water swirled into his newly made scars. When he finished, he got out and tried his best to close the wounds all while he could feel the heroine start to wear off. The pain came crashing down on him as he fell onto his bed, gashes still bleeding, staining the sheets crimson with his blood. He sat up in bed, took out his lighter, lit it and held it to one of the gashes on his leg. He felt the flame begin to lick at his wound and that's when Naruto called.
"Shit!" he thought. He had promised Naruto he wouldn't do this anymore.