Willoffire123: Though I would like to, I don't own Soul Eater or Harry Potter. Hope you like the story!

Maka's POV

"Why are we here on a Saturday? Cool guys like me don't go to school on Saturdays," grumbled my weapon partner Soul Eater.

"You don't show up to school on weekdays either Soul. Anyway, Lord Death said he had an important mission for us," I snapped.

We were indeed walking towards the Death Room, on a Saturday. Whatever we're needed for better be important or Soul's going to get us in trouble with his big fat mouth. We entered the Death Room to find the rest of our team waiting for us. Black Star was doing one-armed push-ups while his weapon partner Tsubaki was trying unsuccessfully to make him stop. Death the Kid, Lord Death's son was slumped over next to the mirror, crying and beating his fist against the ground wailing "I'M AN ABOMINATION! I'M GARBAGE, ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE! I DESERVE TO DIE!" While his weapon partners, the Thompson sisters Liz and Patty were trying to calm him down.

Lord Death looked up. "Oh hello there you two! Wazzup?"

We had all gotten used to Lord Death's absent mindedness and informal manner a long time ago. As Kid always says, 'He won't give you a straight answer to anything and never takes anything too seriously.'

I stood at attention. "Hello Lord Death! Scythe Meister Maka reporting for duty."

"Yeah," grumbled Soul. "Now can you tell us why the hell we're here on a Saturday?"

Black Star stopped doing push-ups and Kid stood up.

"Well I just got a request from a headmaster of a school for wizards and witches up in England for some extra protection from Kishin eggs. So I signed up your team!" said Lord Death cheerfully.

We all burst into protest. Kid cleared his throat.

"Dad, would you please tell us why we are being sent to protect a school of witches?"

"Yah, yah. Well, there are two types of witches. The bad kind that you guys hunt, and the good kind. These guys are good witches."

I don't believe this, however, if Lord Death says so it must be true. He's the Grim Reaper, he's bound to have seen it all.

"You're packed right?" He asked. We all nodded. Sid had told us to pack for a yearlong mission before we left.

Lord Death clapped together his enormous hands. "Well then, off you go! Your plane leaves from Death Airport in 10 minutes."

Soul jumped. "What! Are you serious? We have 10 minutes to get to the airport, which happens to be on the other side of Death City."

Liz shrugged. "Kid wouldn't get on it unless it left at exactly 8 o'clock."

"Don't worry everyone, it's a private jet. So it will wait for you. Now, off you go!" said Lord Death

We all sprinted out of the room to get to the airport, since Kid (or Sam as we now have to call him so as not to attract attention) still wouldn't get on the plane unless it left at 8 o'clock.


We all sat in our luxury, black leather recliner seats in our private jet, panting like dogs.

"Thank (pant) Death (pant) we (wheeze) made it," I gasped.

Black Star, being Black Star, was completely fine and he had his face pressed against the window. "YAHOO! WE'RE GOING TO ENGLAND!"

Tsubaki smiled, then turned to me with a worried look. "Hey Maka, do you think we'll see Free there again?"

I frowned. That was a possibility.

"I'd say not, the school is called Hogwarts and it is isolated from the rest of England. Muggles, or non-magical people don't even know it exists," said Kid immediately.

A voice came over the intercom. "Hello Lord Death's son and friends, thank you for flying Death Airlines. We should be landing in Brighton Airport in two hours. Have a pleasant flight."

I settled back into my chair and looked out the window as the sleek, black jet lifted into the air. A school for witches? I don't know, but I have a feeling that this is going to be a VERY long extra-credit lesson.

Review if you want to... I guess. It'd be nice though...