60. Under
He watches as her coffin is lowered under the earth. Tears burn behind his eyelids. He's alone, staring into the dark abyss of what used to be their life, now gone, torn away, all because of his mistakes.
She died of a broken heart. He can almost feel her fingers on his face, but they're merely a ghostly apparition, a longing for a life he will never know again.
He awakens in a cold sweat to find the room still cloaked in darkness. Cora slumbers on, unaware of his inner demons.
He vows to never take her for granted again.
antigone - Glad you liked the chapter! The lighthearted stuff is so fun to write! And you've put that so wonderfully - Robert and Cora definitely did grow up together and never had to change until the war where Cora found a purpose and Robert didn't. I hope you're right when you say Robert/Jane will make Robert/Cora stronger!
A/N: Well, we've reached the end of the road. Bit of an angsty one to end on, but I think it ties them off nicely. Major thanks to everyone who reviewed/subscribed/favourited this 'fic during the process. In particular I would like to thank anonymous again, antigone, BlueBelleK, cohenwannabe, DC- JellyBean's, fuzzydream, GranthamGal, krisnreine, MandaPanda2, MelissaMargaret, SissiCuddles and subtle tea, who reviewed consistently throughout. :D I never thought that this set of drabbles would become my most reviewed story on this site, so thank you so much for making the journey fun! I've enjoyed writing these so much because of that.
More Robert/Cora fanfics to follow in the future. :)