Untitled-so far

Hey, it's Naomi Hunter, some authors may recognize me, I review everything, and I also very, very minorly star in a fanfic by Outlaw Rin ("New Recruit", I'm Rouge Kitty ^^) and I'm co-authoring Akili Moonwolf's "A Warrior's Path". I wrote this little ficcie for my English class, it was a journal on 'love' since we were doing Romeo and Juliet. *gags* I hate R&J But I want to post it so possibly someone can appreciate it, since my Teacher doesn't watch Zoids. -.- So now I can leave my two page intro on basically a summary of Zoids. The fic's a Brad/Naomi angst-y thing. Naomi's shown in my own way, kinda. And I most likely gave her a lip ring coz Lip rings are sexy. ^^; Bit/Leena fans can assume whatever the hell they want, it's up to you, at the moment the overkill of b/l is irritating me. Okay, please Read and Review, and No flames please, though *CONSTRUCTIVE* criticism is welcome. In quoting Jewel: "It doesn't take a talent to be mean, your words can crash things that are unseen, so please be careful with me: I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way." Yeah I've been burning a hole in Pieces of You lately. And on with the Disclaimer. But Ps. This takes right after (as in that night) The Royal Cup's final battle where the Blitz team wins it. It's a party, though that gets said. ¬_¬ I'll shut up now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, If I did I'd be reeking havoc in a ShadowFox and I'd've added more spiffy girls to make some decent Yuri and Naomi would be a more important character.

Naomi sighed as Leon pulled her by the arm through the crowd of Zoid Patrons and warriors. The party was to celebrate the Blitz team's win and the end of the Backdraft Organization, thrown by the Zoid Battle Commission. It was full of fancy and rich people, the kind who sit around and have butlers named something like "Alfred" serve them caviar while they do nothing all day. Needless to say, Naomi didn't fit in, neither did the rest of the somewhat scruffy Zoid warriors, down on their luck, hoping for something other than instant Noodles, heated on a campfire in the desert. ((A/n: Hehe ^_^ Fuzzy Paaaaaaaaaaandas. )) She /wanted/ to stay in the hotel, but, /no/, here she was, with Leon being literally dragged by him, saying "It'll be fun".

Naomi sighed again, feeling dejected. She'd lost everything. Her dream, a shot at class S, her pride, reputation, ability to care, and Brad…. 'No, I don't care about Brad! What /am/ I talking about?' she thought in her head as another voice echoed. 'Give it up, Naomi, lie to the world, not yourself.' Naomi shook her head. 'Okay, okay…I like him…a lot. But I don't have a chance, not anymore. Besides…Why would he care?' The voice echoed back hopefully, "But what about your bet!? He /wanted/ to--"

"Naomi? What's wrong?" Leon asked, breaking her from the argument she was having with herself. "Are you /that/ upset we lost?"

"Huh?….Oh. No…it's not that, really…." She said trailing off.

"Then what is it? Can I take a guess?" Leon said as she moved out of a fancily dressed woman's way, with a dead Fox around her shoulders. Naomi shuddered at the sight of the poor Fox as the woman looked at her then turned her nose up letting out a snooty, "Humph!" noise, then commented: "Tramp" as she walked off.
"Murderer." She called after her. Naomi turned back to Leon who, gave her a small smile.

"Brad?" Naomi blushed and put up her hands, shaking her head. "Liar." Leon said, "It's obvious."

"It doesn't matter anyway…." She said defeated as Leon sighed.

"Just /tell/ him, baka-chan! What's the worst that can happen?" ((a/n: I use 'baka-chan' when ya like call someone an idiot but don't mean it rudely. Ex: Baka-chan what did you do that for? *shrugs* ))

"Everything, okay?"

"No, It's not. Just go talk to him, you never know---"

"I don't care what happens, I'll talk to him, but only to say goodbye." She said with some bitterness. As Leon only sighed when she walked off.

Naomi would've felt self-conscious since it was a high-class party and she was still in her battle outfit, a red leather corset-top, black gloves hooking on her middle fingers, red shorts with lots of belts and boots reaching mid-thigh, but she was too angry to care. Angry with Leon, angry with Brad for making her feel like this, and mostly herself. ((a/n: My English teach' put checks by this paragraph ^^))

She saw Brad, cool and casual as always, leaning against a decorative column. He saw her and smiled, almost swaggering over. 'Too late to run now…." she thought taking a deep breath.

"Hello, Naomi…"He said grinning as she forced herself to stay put and not turn and escape.

"Hey, Brad, congrats." Naomi responded, not sure exactly who said that.

"Thanks," He said a bit shyly. ((a/n: UH OH! Awkward silence! ^.~))

"So………..How's it feel to be in Class S?"

"No different actually, but the real fun hasn't started yet. I just know that I'm going to be paid more." He said shifting his weight seeming nervous. Naomi stood static, staring at their feet.

"Um…Naomi…I…"He started shyly as she inhaled sharply and snapped her head up.

"What did you mean by the bet?" She said quickly, cutting him off as he blushed and shrugged.

"I don't know exactly. I guess either you could join the Blitz team, you and Leon, or well I could join your team….either way."

"Oh. I suppose I should consult Doctor Tauros about joining the Blitz team. I mean, you shouldn't have to drop a rank, because I lost a bet." She said with a tiny sigh.

"It doesn't matter." He stated, shrugging then shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Don't. Besides, I lost….um…yeah…" she said cursing herself for not leaving when she had the chance.

"Hey Brad!!" Bit called happily, running up with Leena and Jaime. Jaime had an excited grin on his face and Leena stuck her tongue out mockingly at Naomi., who only looked at her strangely., not the cool, confident, cocky, mellow Naomi. Leena withdrew her tongue as Naomi looked back down at her feet.

" Yo, Brad! We gotta get up on stage, they're gonna award us and stuff!" Bit said happily as Brad barely smiled and silently tried to signal him to go away, but of course Bit would never notice. "Oh, Hey Naomi! Great Battle back there!" he said to her as she shrugged.

"Yeah? Whatever, thanks." She said loosely crossing her arms. Bit gave them both funny looks and turned to Leena and Jaime.

"We'll meet you up there real soon, okay Brad?" Leena told him dragging Jaime away, who was still grinning stupidly. ((a/n Wuv Jamie Wuv Jaime. ^_^))

"Naomi---" Brad started again after they left, as Naomi put up a hand still looking at the floor.

"Brad, no…I'm sorry…." she said as he sighed angrily.

"Naomi, /please/, I need to…I need to talk to you-" He stopped as her finger touched his lips, she still wouldn't look up all the way.

"Let's just end it on this…." she said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and turning around. Brad blushed and tried to find his voice.

"Naomi!-" He called after her as Doc called for him, yelling his name. He looked from Doc to Naomi's fading form, disappearing within the crowd. He shook his head and Followed Doctor Tauros, who gave him a questioning look but decided not to ask.


* You took your coat off, and stood in the rain. You're always crazy like that. And I watched from my window, always felt I was outside, looking in on you. You're always the mysterious one with, dark eyes and careless hair, you were fashionably sensitive, but to cool to care….You stood in my doorway, with nothing to say, besides some sad comment on the weather, In case you've failed to notice, in case you've failed to see, this is my heart, bleeding before you this is me down on my knees and these foolish games are tearing me apart, and your thoughtless words are breaking my heart…. You're breaking my heart…You were always brilliant in the morning, smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee, your philosophy's an art, Burke (?) moved you, you loved Mozart, and you'd speak of your loved ones as I clumsily strummed my guitar…| |((a/n Break)) I hid my soiled hands behind my back, somewhere along the line I must have gone off track with you. Excuse my, I think I've mistaken you for, somebody else, Somebody who gave a damn somebody more like myself. And these foolish games are tearing me, you're tearing me, you're tearing me apart. And your, Thoughtless words are breaking my heart……you're breaking my heart…And You took your coat off and stood in the rain, you're always crazy like that…. *

A/N: Well? Yeah I know it sucks. The last part in * *'s is most of the song "Foolish Games" By Jewel. Dun own that either. I thought it kinda worked well, and I was bored. Well R&R Please? I'll give you a hug if you do….. *big teary shojo eyes pwease? Yeah, okay I'll shaddup now. And PS: This isn't the end. I expect 2 more chapters. Short, I know…..now hot the review button and don't flame me!