Hi guys! Sorry for not updating other stories, school's up and I haven't been in the mood for the last few weeks! But I will get on with them asap!

Summary: The Avatar got infected by something that's crucial to his and his friends' survival. Will the Gaang save him and themselves before it's too late? Kataang. Rated M for violence and gore.

This story takes place in the Western Air Temple- after the Boiling Rock. Let's just say that there were a few more episodes before they left at that place, okay? ;P

Ages are the same, but it doesn't really matter.

85 out of 100 of the story is Kataang-y. Hah :P

Since it's violent and gory, viewer discression is highly advised. So, be warned!

Please review! ^.^

I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender

It was midday, everyone was just finishing up lunch- rice and fruit. The Gaang was sitting in a circle, with a steaming pot in the middle. Zuko and Sokka had saved Suki, Hakoda and Chong (can't remember the original name, but y'know, he was the big buff guy from Boiling Rock?) and so everyone was taking a time-out and enjoying themselves. Everyone except for Aang, he said that he didn't need a break.

"Ugh, Katara?" Sokka started, "Can you cook something else besides... this, for once?" he whined. Katara frowned at her brother, obviously irritataded, "Well, if you hate my cooking so much, you can cook yourself!" she said. Sokka whined again, "B-But Katara, you know that I can't cook!". "Well then, I suggest you to just live with it." she replied.

It made Aang chuckle, "Sokka, seriously. It's not that bad, at all!" the Avatar told his friend. Katara smiled at him, liking the compliment. "It's because you're all a veggie-chumper and you're not all that-..." he couldn't finish, so Toph did it for him, "Whiny? Selfish? Annoying? Sarcastic?". Everyone but Sokka laughed, who gave the earthbender a death-glare.

"Ouch!" Aang suddenly yelped, and placed his hand on his hip. "What's wrong, Aang?" Katara got worried and looked at him. "I think that something just bit me on the hip." Aang told her, rubbing his side, because it itched a bit. Hakoda perked up, Wait, what? This can't be... he thought. "O-Oh.." Katara said, a little more relaxed. "Neh, probably a wasp." Toph said, waving her hand.

Zuko got up and placed his half-embty bowl next to Katara's cooking-pot. It was a gesture meaning that he had finished. "Come on, Aang. The lesson started." he said dullingly and started walking towards the training-ground. Aang nodded and finished his meal, placing his completely embty bowl next to the pot. He then ran after Zuko.

"Wait, Zuko, why's there a half left?" Katara asked the firebender. Zuko coughed, "Bad-food." Katara jumped, "What?". "Nothing, I just coughed." he said casually, while Aang shrugged at the furious Katara. Toph started laughing, and was soon joined by Sokka. Katara gave them 'the eyes' and they both stopped immideatly. No-one wants to get her angry at a time like this, especially for her cooking.

Zuko and Aang went on, while the rest of the group finished their meals and chatted.

"Allright, take your 'dragon' stance. We'll start with-..." Zuko talked to Aang, who just got into his stance, before getting an enourmous head-ache. He moaned, holding onto his head. "You allright?" his sifu asked. "Yeah-Yeah... Continue." Aang assured him, What was that? It just, stroke me or something. Ugh, I feel dizzy. No, focus! It was nothing. The Avatar thought.

For the next half an hour, Zuko kept teaching Aang some firebending moves and techniques, while Aang himself tried to avoid the headache-shots he got from time-to-time.

Aang blasted a fire-whip, that didn't reach as far as it should've. His arms felt numb, and the headaches were now friquent. His vision went blur and he couldn't hear Zuko's voice properly now. His gut started to make strange sounds and he couldn't focus.

"Aang, what's going on with you? You're acting rather strangely today. What's with all the groaning and bad-firebending?" Zuko got really irritated and snapped at him. Aang couldn't even hear the half of what he was saying, as his ears started to hurt and hear a strange and loud noise. He squeezed his now half-blind eyes shut and started to yell. Aang walked around dizzily, trying to get the noise out of his head. What is going on? What's happening to me? he shouted in his head, because the only things that came out from his mouth were high-pitched yells.

Zuko went closer to him, "Aang? What the-" Aang got on his knees and puked out blood. He stopped, and screamed in horror, then puked again. A puddle of dark-blood appeared below him. He gripped onto his stomach and kept yelling and puking. Zuko got scared, "Aang? What is going on with you!" he shouted at him.

Zuko backed away, as Aang started to wave his arms around and hit the ground. He started crying- this was all way too much for him. It hurt, it smelled and it was scary. But he kept on going.

Katara heard Aang's horrifying yells and got up and started running immideatly, being scared for her life, that Zuko did something to him. Everyone in the hang-out shared shocked looks and started running after her. Hakoda was scared, too. For some reason, he did know what may be going on, No, no, no! This can't be happening right now! Not the Avatar!

Katara reached the training area, her eyes darted on Aang's quivering body, which hovered above a blood-puddle. He collapsed and yelled for the last time. Zuko was a few meters away, frozen. Katara's heart stopped and her cheeks were covered in tears.


Mmnnyeeeh, good, bad? :P

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this was based on a dream I had a few days ago. I 'developed' the story for some time, until I starting writing it down. Creepy? Absolutely. Don't judge me, I know I'm weird. xD

So, like it, love it, hate it? Whatever, please review, anyway! ^.^

~Wind And Tides