Author's Note: Last chapter, thanks guys! I was going to divide this one but it felt weird that way so yeah. Enjoy, and thanks again!

He'd seen Xianglian dance many times.

She was fond of the art and, in her spare time, strove to perfect every pirouette, every step and every pause. He would watch from the stairs – she was aware of his presence, of course – and she would continue to dance around the small fire, humming an improvised melody. At the end, she would curtesy and smile at him, "What do you think? Am I getting better?"

He smiled back and nodded, "I think so, yes."

She strode towards him and took his hands, pulling him to his feet. Kilik abided by the request and stood, tilting his head a little. He did not understand quite what she was trying to say or trying to ask of him at this point, so he monitored her face, gauging it for a reaction of some form. She smiled again – he smiled too – before tugging at his hands again, "Come stand by the fire, you must be cold over there."

It was one thing to watch her dance in person… It was another to watch the memory in the fire.

Kilik had broken. The crack had spread quietly over time, but in the last week its process had accelerated until it cleaved him in two. He was resting his elbow on his knee, staring into the flames, and his hand was covering most of his mouth and cheek. He missed her so much, and there were still so many things he wanted to say to her and ask her.

He closed his eyes as he felt more tears crawl down his skin. Just for tonight, he'd break and remember. Every time he sealed off the real world, he would fall into a different part of his memory. There were so many bits and pieces to appreciate that he didn't know where to consciously start – he would just grab at whatever came at him first. Considering it was his turn to keep watch tonight, it was not the best thing to do – but he couldn't help it.

She had been bullied again by one of the temple elders. That tender issue of family was brought up again, and he reminded her of just how filthy she was. Of just how much sin she brought into the world just by existing, and that she would never be fit to take one of the Yugas.

But Xianglian trained hard everyday. She tried to better herself in the hope of clearing the stain that her parents had left – but this man, amongst many others, were always blinded by the progress she hoped she had made. She began to think it was useless – after all, blood was thicker than water. Maybe she'd never win.

And then there were footsteps. She quickly rubbed her eyes, hoping that it was not apparent that she'd been crying, and turned to face the only person who ever seemed to care. Kilik stood there, arms dangling limply by his sides, and looked. He just looked, like he always did – to some it was unsettling, but to her it was comforting.

"Has he been bothering you again?" he inquired. His voice betrayed his calm face – he was very angry.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter."

Kilik grumbled something under his breath before approaching swiftly. He sat beside her and looked to the endless trees, pondering on what to say to her. After a few moments of quietness, he spoke again, his voice calm once more, "It doesn't matter what your parents did. You are beyond them."

For a second, he thought his hand would break, because she'd suddenly squeezed it so tightly. He tried to grip it with the same strength.



He opened his eyes, wishing to hold onto the wisps that faded away – but his vision was blurry. The voice that had called him a second time was not Xianglian's, but if he hadn't of known her so well, he could've easily been mistaken. He stared at the fire again – he didn't want to come apart with someone watching, with someone knowing – and he tried to focus on Edge Master's teachings again. He tried to forget once more.

I will not allow you to forget.

He… couldn't do it.

Xianghua frowned – it was very unlike him to be emotional, let alone crying. With little else to do, she sat beside him and moved to hold his hand. The touch sparked a sudden resistance against her – he ripped his hand away and held onto the Kali-Yuga, which was by his left, with both hands. With a small shrug – she could understand, they'd only known each other for three weeks after all – she brought her knees to her chest and sat beside him, waiting for him to settle down and be himself again.

Something she'd always been curious about was how he knew that the Hero's Sword was evil. He had said it so convincingly that day that she had decided to accompany the pair to destroy it – perhaps this was her fate. Still, he never explained to them why – even Maxi was completely unaware. After seeing this, though… Maybe he knew from personal experience. Maybe it was best not to ask.

She cleared her throat and stuck her sword into the ground, "I'll keep watch now, okay? You go get some sleep."

He nodded, a little calmer, "Please don't tell Maxi."

"I won't tell a soul, I promise. Now, please go to sleep. It will be sunrise soon."

There was something awkward about the way Kilik looked at her. There was something even more awkward about the way he stroked her hair and murmured a heartfelt 'thank you' before standing and going to his place under the giant tree to sleep.

He could chase her image for a little while longer.

There were too many things that Xianghua did that reminded him of Xianglian.

She would purse her lips to try and win an argument or favour, just like she did. She would wink at him, just like she did. She would spin around in a little circle and comment on how amazing the scenery is, just like she did. Kilik felt as though the lines were beginning to blur – as though Xianghua was no longer Xianghua, but that she was becoming Xianglian. That she was becoming the woman that he had murdered – or did he? – and that she never really left.

He'd caught himself about to say her name so many times.

They were travelling deeper into Europe, towards a castle that they'd heard of in their travels. Those who told them mentioned Soul Edge numerous times in addition to one called the Azure Knight, also known as Nightmare – so it seemed like a good place to begin.

Maxi pulled him aside from Xianghua's chipper chatter one day with a wicked grin after Xianghua made some comment that he didn't understand. After a few moments, he nudged him in the ribs and laughed, "You really are clueless. She digs you! She won't smile like that for me," she pulled some of her hair behind her ear and continued walking many metres ahead, "What about you? I think you like her too. You get this weird, faraway look in your eyes whenever you look at her. Don't hide it!"

He furrowed his eyebrows – the other man looked like he was ready to tease him for days to come, "Yes, she is a nice person and I like being around her. Why does that make it special?"

"Because you liiike her."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," he looked away and picked up the pace.

"You don – what?" he blinked several times before speeding to catch up, "What do you mean 'you don't understand'?" Maxi was absolutely baffled, particularly when Kilik's expression did not change, "How can you not understand, man? Don't you… You know… Love her?"

The thing cringed, disgusted, pained, You love her.

Kilik stopped dead in his tracks.

"Or like, feel like you're flying or somethin' whenever you look at her?"

Rain. Stone. "No. She does not make me feel like I have wings."

Xianglian's face appeared for a few moments before he carried on, his expression hardening. Maxi then inquired, "So, does this mean you won't get offended if I tell her how pretty she is and try to make a move on her? Are we cool on that?"

Ostrheinsburg Castle.

It was night time, and the cold wind was very bitter. Xianghua looked to the other two males, who merely stared at the building with what she assumed was discontent. If the Hero's Sword was here, then so was Kilik's past, and so was Astaroth. This would be the last part of their journey together, and she was unsure that she wanted this instance to mark the end of their friendship.

So she pressed, "What are we going to do after this?"

"Probably head back to the sea," Maxi replied with a nonchalant shrug, looking at her.

As expected, Kilik did not respond. He would return to Edge Master afterwards, though, as he promised.

They entered the castle in silence, weapons at the ready, and inwardly groaned at what they found. More golems, more lizardmen, more soldiers and slaves of the Azure Knight and Soul Edge. A loud war cry erupted from the beasts as they charged towards them, hoping to make quick work of the intruders – but they sorely misjudged them.

As the trio fought, they continued deeper into the castle, going up an intricate, spiral staircase. With a mighty strike, Kilik knocks four lizardmen into the railing, breaking some of it as their bodies went through. Now on the second floor, they quickly analysed their surroundings. There were still many opponents, but one particular opponent stood out like a sore thumb.

"Astaroth!" Maxi hissed, charging.

He did not hear the other two call out for him as he weaved past other opponents to deliver a strike to Astaroth's face. Reeling from the strike, he swung his axe horizontally, forcing the Japanese man to duck and then continue attacking. The memories of that day – losing his friends, losing Kyam – quickly rushed to the forefront of his mind. His only thought was retribution.

Kilik knew that and understood, beginning to lead Xianghua away, "Let's keep going. He can handle Astaroth on his own – besides, it is his fight."

Xianghua nodded, sidestepping around one enemy and slicing his throat open. Afterward, she kicked another particularly large lizardman – most likely the leader. The strike forced him to an angle – and then the Kali-Yuga came and struck him in his back and then his head. As they moved on, the foes seemed to pour behind them, intent on either attacking Maxi or watching Astaroth destroy him.

Finally, they were at the top of the staircase. Before them was a large room, empty aside from one lone warrior. He stood tall and proud, red eyes glaring out from a dark grey helmet. He looked like any normal knight, save for his right arm. It was extremely large and had two horns protruding out from the back of it, and only three fingers – or giant claws, rather. Xianghua was clearly disturbed by mutation and unwavering glower of the opponent – Kilik merely stepped forward.

"You are Nightmare," he stated, still as calm as ever.

Although he could not see his mouth, Kilik swore that Nightmare grinned darkly.

"You are the reason she is dead," he then said, slipping into stance as the knight approached, "You are the wielder of Soul Edge."

"And the taker of your soul!" he growled, swinging out the weapon with a mighty roar thereafter.

The sword came down heavily with a loud thud. Kilik had leapt to the side long before hand and extended his arm forward, hoping that the tip of the Kali-Yuga would strike the creature in his very heart. Nightmare twisted his body out of the way, causing him to miss. He reached out his deformed hand and shoved the youth back a few feet before raising the sword again, spinning it horizontally.

He could smell blood. Soul Edge had cut the youth.

Holding the wound, Kilik narrowed his eyes a little. Something was stirring in him, but for once, he couldn't tell if it was his own emotions or the Evil Seed. Quickly putting aside such thoughts, he gripped the Kali-Yuga with both hands again and held it forward, watching as the sword deflected off of the metal. He then leapt back a little and swept at Nightmare's feet, causing him to stumble and fall forward a little.

He then ran towards him, throwing himself into an air spin. His foot hit the back of Nightmare's head. Reacting quickly, he kicked the opponent again, only this time having the strike hit his chin, forcing his head up. Following that, he guided the Kali-Yuga in an upward direction, hitting Nightmare in the chin once again and making him go into the air. Three shorter attacks then came, sending him back to the ground.

Nightmare swiped at Kilik's legs before he got too close. The act caused him to jump back, avoiding the sharp claws – but it also gave the knight enough time to stand and resume battle. With a chuckle, he brought down Soul Edge vertically once more as a distraction. As he hoped, Kilik jumped to the right of the attack – and so, Nightmare seized him and began to constrict his throat with his deformed hand.

"There is no hope for the damned," Nightmare growled lowly.

Kilik wondered if he knew. He'd have to have known, right? Maybe he sensed it… Maybe he could see the future and knew that he would be here eventually. Maybe he knew what the Evil Seed had done to so many people, including himself. He hated that he wondered so much and that everything was seemingly becoming warped – distorted – just like that night and just like her. Remember.

I am in your mind again, stronger than ever. The root of the problem is right before you – you will not survive this day, even if you escape Nightmare's hold. You will die, and I will infest another. Who will be next?

In a flash of bright light, he saw her. Just for a moment.

A moment was enough.

Using all of the strength that was left in his body, Kilik raised the Kali-Yuga and struck Nightmare with it in the face. It hit its mark, but still sort of swerved off due to the curve in the metal. The impact made Nightmare release him, and just as he dropped him, he saw Xianghua perform a leaping kick and slash the beast down – she had run from across the room.

With a shout, Nightmare span around, Soul Edge sticking out. It hit Xianghua in the shoulder, causing her to stumble away. Soon, the red eyes were refocused on the last monk, who was again calmly in his stance. He was shaking a little – more from the pain than anything, for he was not nervous.

If he was damnation, then the boy was valour. He'll give him that.

Nightmare lumbered forward in an almost entirely untamed rage, his deformed hand sticking out to grab the opponent. Kilik dodged, but Nightmare anticipated the act and diagonally brought down Soul Edge – but he did not anticipate the second sidestep in the other direction. The fighter was a little cleverer than he thought –

And then, there – a sharp pain, pang, burning in his chest.

Kilik remained perfectly still, but smiled slightly. He had landed a purifying blow on the Azure Knight and had done what Edge Master asked of him. He had struck the source of his pain, hate, anger and the reason that Xianglian was not here. He may have felt very weak and tired right now, but he'd done it, and he was glad.

He stepped away shakily, allowing Nightmare to fall forward. As he fell, the large hand cut his foe across the chest and ripped off his Dvapara-Yuga, crushing it. Kilik felt severe weakness overcome him – the nausea was there again – and he felt light-headed as he heard Xianghua run to him and Nightmare hiss, his voice morphing near the end, "There is no hope for the damned. Remember that!"

Xianghua caught him before he dropped all the way to the ground. She helped lower him to a kneeling position as Nightmare vanished before their eyes – but so did the scenery. The castle walls melted away, revealing a fiery replacement. Two pairs of eyes watched as everything continued to shift until they were in an ethereal realm.

Once everything stabilised, Kilik held his head and looked forward. At the opposite end of the arena was a being encased in flames. He wore a wicked smile and pointed directly at him. The entity felt extremely familiar, and it felt as though his throat was closing up, and he could feel his stomach churning. That thing there… that is the true form of Soul Edge – a physical form of the torment that ails you since that awful night, Inferno. Well, Kilik… Do I fit your imagination? Did you really think that Nightmare was the one?

He clenched his teeth and lowered his head, "Dammit…"

You truly are a fool, monk. But don't worry, Inferno approached with Soul Edge in hand, When your heart stops beating, you can be with her again.

Before he had the chance to behead the monk, though, Xianghua stood before him, ready and waiting. Her sword began to glow, much to her confusion, but she spoke to Inferno anyway, "I will not allow you to slay any more innocent people! Prepare yourself!"

The light suddenly became blinding. Kilik shielded his eyes, and he could feel Inferno – the Evil Seed within – whatever it actually is, screech and hiss in distaste. He had never seen the weapon before nor knew of it. Edge Master never mentioned that there was a counterbalance to the evil sword at all. He slumped to the ground, the light almost being painful as the creature hissed inside of his mind, Soul Calibur? How did this wretch acquire the Holy Sword? Keep it away! Get away from me –

He shut his eyes tightly and just lay there with a hand over his mouth, half curled up on the ground, bleeding and sick. He listened to every collision, to every grunt, to every shout. He felt the ground vibrate below him the closer that they got, and then fade away to nothing. To and fro, Xianghua danced and fought, and all he could hear was me, screaming, bleeding, hating, raging like the untamed storm that you will one day become!

Go away…

He didn't know how long he blinded himself for. Reality was shut off visually, and all he could see was his memories again. He focused on his lost sworn sister – yes, that would be an appropriate title from now on, until he saw her once more – and he tried to hold onto the steady joy that she had always instilled in him while the battle raged. Xianglian stayed by his side, in his mind.

And then, a roar, and pain. I will make you feel this pain, I will scar you with my influence!

Kilik shouted out as his fingers clawed at the sides of his face. He could feel the Evil Seed's influence slowly withdraw to the back of his mind, and the room did not feel as warm as it had previously. The ground began to shake again, only more violently, and he could not hear Inferno's flames. Xianghua had won. She had defeated the monster.

There was a clang somewhere in the distance, and then soft footsteps coming closer to him, "Kilik! Come on, we have to get out!" But he was too weak to do anything other then hold his head, seize the Kali-Yuga beside him, and try and will away the pain. Xianghua bit her lip and lifted him to his feet, slinging his free arm around her shoulder, "Come on, walk!"

The steps were small, and the journey was great. He focused on his feet for a while, just the miniscule moves. He ignored her cries for Maxi, he ignored how worried she was about the events and how she left Soul Calibur behind to save him – he just wanted to survive. Whatever lay on the other side was not going to greet him today, and whatever life he had left, he'd try to live it.

He gripped her shoulder and kept going.

"You've learnt control," Xianglian smiled, placing a hand on his cheek, "I'm so proud of you."

Kilik woke and immediately noted the surroundings. They were in a town near the castle – specifically an inn – and he was on a bed. A hand shot up to his chest, where he noted the absence of the Dvapara-Yuga, but that his sanity remained. He hadn't killed anybody, there was no blood on his hands, and he felt… good.

Exhaling, he stretched about and stood to his feet. Straightening his clothes, he looked around the room for a moment, spotting Xianghua sitting on a stool by the window. It was early morning, judging by the sun. She turned her head, smiling when she realised that he was there, looking at her, "It's so pretty, isn't it?"

A nod, "Yeah. And fitting for a new day, a new… era."

"And you are well?"

"Best I've felt in a long time."

There was silence for many moments before she looked down, placing her hands in her lap, "I had to leave Soul Calibur behind to save you – a life is more important than a weapon. But on the way out… I could not find Maxi. There was not a trace of him, nor Astaroth. I think he might be dead…" she frowned and looked up, "I hope that is not the case."

Not sure of what else to say, Kilik chose to stay quiet. He broke his gazing and looked to his left, finding his pack and the Kali-Yuga. He grabbed the former, swinging it over his shoulder, and then the latter, holding it tightly.

Xianghua noted the seemingly vacant expression on his face. Even in his darkest moments, he never let his true feelings show, and it made things harder for her. She had grown fond of him throughout the journey and did not want to part from him – but the way that he was standing now… She frowned a little, speaking, "You're leaving."

"It is time for me to go back to my master," he replied, looking at her eyes.

They were not… the same.

He felt lighter.

He spoke again, only softer, "I need to train some more."

Xianghua smiled a little, "I understand. Until next time, then."

Kilik bowed a little in a silent farewell. He turned and began his journey home. Edge Master would be eager to hear of his success and to train him more so. For once, his life did not look or feel as bleak. Here he was without the Dvapara-Yuga, and he was okay. He could feel the Evil Seed niggling in the back of his mind, but not once did it choose to dart forward and torment him. He liked this.

He met two great people along the way after years of singular social interaction. He hoped Maxi would be okay, because he was such a good, free spirit. He lived for himself, for adventure, for the experience itself. He wanted to take away the lessons that Maxi had given him and live for his future, not his past. He wanted to remember that sometimes it was okay to break that stony persona and laugh.

The brash wave that crashed against the rocky shoreline.

Xianghua, though, puzzled him. He struggled to draw a line. He struggled to understand. He thought that she sometimes looked at him the same way he used to look at her, and it felt unsettling because he swore there were moments where he saw somebody else. Her love – he understood now, maybe not entirely but enough – really shone through in her personality, and like Maxi, she was a free spirit.

The gentle wind that would course through the crevasse in the cliff's side.

He who would never bend to the will or influence of another again – only his own.

He could never love her, because she was not Xianglian.