oml, guise! Thank you so much for your positive reviews! I cherish each and every one of them. Here, take this tiny chapter. I'll will try to post the next one sooner, but I hope you like this one c:

Chapter 13: Another Chance

Finn looked up at the scenery changing all around him. The Death Eaters had vanished, and the Griffindors had gone back to what they were doing. It was as if nothing had happened, or at least not yet.

"Going back in time, eh, kiddies?" Bellatrix snarled. Finn felt her nails dig deeper into his shoulder. "Thought you could hide from me?" She cackled and whispered into Finn's ear, "There is nowhere or when you can hide from us."

Finn suddenly spun around and punched Bellatrix square in the jaw. She staggered back, releasing Finn in the process and getting lost in time. Finn could barely see the flicker of anguish in her eyes before the scene changed again and stood still. They had arrived at their destination.

"That was for Amanda." Finn said softly, fully aware that Bellatrix couldn't hear him.

Hermione grabbed Finn's arm gently. "C'mon. She'll be here any minute."

Finn nodded and followed her out of the common room, glancing over his shoulder at the spot where he'd last seen Amanda. His heart dropped a bit, but was lightened when he reminded himself that it hadn't happened yet. He could still change this. He had another chance. Finn pointed his chin up and quickened his pace. The look of determination filled his face. Hermione noticed this and grinned.

There's our Keeper

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