Hey, guys. This is just a short Nizzy oneshot I wrote before school today (I had this idea, so I decided to write it). It was originally going to be an Ozzy oneshot, but I didn't think that Owen would write something like this (Sure, sure, Owen's like one of my favourite characters, but its Owen, guys). I was actually hoping that Nizzy would happen because in Revenge of the Island, I saw Izzy, Owen, and Noah hanging out together on the ship. I'm totally going to write a fanfiction about the trio going on an adventure together XD. Noah might seem a bit OOC, but it was difficult to write his feelings in this way. So, without further ado! Here's the oneshot!

Is It Really Forever?


"Until the world ends," you said, just like everyone. But when will

this world end?And if this world ends, could we just move onto another

world and start forever?

My world has already ended.

Standing over your grave, keeping myself from grieving. My heart is beating

like it has never beaten before. My heart is running a marathon of its own.

Ironically, I'm much to lazy to run a marathon. I am looking at the flowers

everyone so kindly lay down, crippled by the raindrops falling

from the sky. They really loved you, huh? They loved you

enough to call you insane,then leave once it started raining.

If that's not love, I don't know what love is is.

I'm still here, by the way.

They always said you were going to die before our end. They were right.

Personally, I thought we'd die together, Iz, I really did. If not together, you

would surely be the death of me. You were nuts, insane, utterly

annoying. Yet, you were the most loveable thing I've ever met. You

even chose ME. Cynical ME over my best friend. What are the odds of

that? I can't help but laugh at this unorthodox combination.

Owen's depressed, but not like me.

Remember that one time in Playa de Losers? And that other time? And

that time after the third season? (this is supposed to be the memory

filled part, but I'm much too stressed to think). We've shared so

many memories together that I can't even think of my favourite one.

Oh yeah.

Thanks for not kicking my kiwis, by the way.

I like to keep my masculinity.

Now, closing this letter, I want to end it with words that I should

have said sooner; words that would make you puke.

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you, Izzy.

That's one 'I love you' for every time I told you to leave and wanted

you to go away. I'm sorry. It's just nature for me to be this way.

Somehow, you kept jumping back; like some deranged boomerang.

I'm ending this now. I'm not sure what to do. I suppose I'll go back

to my studies and hope to meet someone as great as you.


PS. I wasn't thinking of Cody.

So, how was it? Please R&R~