Chapter 1

School. The one word all four boys of Big Time Rush always dreaded to hear, especially when their names were linked into the sentence. It was a miracle that the four actually found a school that they didn't completely despise. The Palm Woods School.

The teacher was nice, the kids there were all familiar, and there wasn't much homework given. The guys loved it. But as always, Gustavo had to ruin it for them all. The chubby man had called the boys into the studio and told them that they were going to attend a regular public high school. They were only to take the classes they needed to take, so they could come back to Rocque Records during lunch. Math, Language Arts, History, Science. Ugh.

"What? But I love this school!" James whined, putting his head in his tan hands. Kendall, Logan, and Carlos nodded along with him. "Why do we have to switch?"

Gustavo's face seemed to grow a shade redder. "Because I said so!" He yelled, making all four boys flinch. Kelly whispered something into Gustavo's ear, and Gustavo grumbled and left the room. Kelly sighed and glanced at the apologetically.

"Griffin thinks you guys aren't getting enough education. He thinks Mrs. Collins's teaching methods are stupid and misleading. He wants you guys to get a different type of education." Kelly explained, hurriedly shuffling through her papers. The four guys sighed, their eyes turning a shade grayer. They were leaving the best school in the world; why wouldn't they be sad?

"Well, since he's our stupid boss," Kendall reluctantly said, "Then I guess we gotta do it." Kelly smiled at him gratefully. She didn't know what she'd do if the boys went on strike again and didn't listen to her or Gustavo. One time was enough, and Big Time Rush could break up again if the boys went on strike once again.

"Yeah, I guess so too," James grumbled. Logan and Carlos nodded, too.

That's when everything started to fall apart.

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"Coolidge High School? What kind of name is that?" Kendall asked incredulously, staring at the huge letters carved in stone. The wind blew in his face, messing up his blonde hair.

Logan grinned. "It's named after Calvin Coolidge. Thirtieth president of the United States of America. Born in-" James interrupted him.

"Okay, genius, we don't need to hear about his fifteen warts, alright?" The pretty boy muttered sarcastically.

"Well, actually, it was reported that Coolidge had about four warts and- James put his hand over the smart boy's mouth, shutting him up completely. Logan rolled his eyes and stopped speaking. If they didn't want to learn about Coolidge, or Coolidge's warts, then it was their loss.

The four boys returned to staring opened mouthed at the huge brown and white brick school. Gustavo and Kelly had dropped them off in a van, not a limo, because Gustavo didn't want to draw attention or something. You'd think he didn't like the fame Big Time Rush had, or the massive exposure he was always working his butt off for. Gustavo also made sure none of the people in the school even knew about Big Time Rush, because he didn't want them to be getting "special treatment that they didn't deserve".

Kendall stared at the school with curiosity and a little bit of excitement. He was actually pretty pumped up about going to a real school after one year of the small Palm Woods School, though he'd never admit it to anyone. He could join a hockey team or something, even though they still had to rehearse and stuff. The school was close enough for him to bike there after rehearsal, anyways. And they only had to attend school for half a day. He could start being a hockey star again, just like in Minnesota. Of course, he wouldn't give up his musical career for it. But he'd enjoy just playing it for the fun of it.

James was excited. Period. He loved exposure to teens, especially the teenage girls of the world. The pretty teenage girls. He knew they'd all fall for him. After all, what girl in her right mind wouldn't? He was handsome, pretty, nice, a good singer, a good dancer. Who wouldn't like him? And now, not one of the girls would be snobby idiots who only cared only about fame. They were going to be genuine girls. At least he hoped so. Not only that, but James was also excited for a change from being at the Palm Woods eighteen hours a day, too.

Logan was planning to get a head start on school already. He like this school better, because now, he could be in AP and honor classes, and not have to worry about people thinking he was too smart. Well, he still had to worry about that, but at least there'd be other boys and girls his age who were just as smart, if not smarter, than he. Finally, no one would stare at him blankly after he recited the first three parts of the US Constitution, or when he explained things in detail. There wasn't really anyone smarter than him in the Palm Woods School, so his homework was always pretty easy. He actually thought he was smarter than the teacher herself...

Carlos honestly didn't care what school they were attending. School was always boring during class, and exciting during the breaks and recess and all that other fun stuff. He was excited to meet new people because after all, he was a people person, right? This was a new school, a new place to explore, and a new home of people. This was their senior year, and he wanted to make the best out of it. The optimistic boy was sure this was going to be a fantastic year, maybe even the best school year ever.

Little did he know just how wrong he was.

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The boys received their schedules after they finally mustered enough courage to step into the crowded, huge school. Everyone stared at them. The boys glanced around curiously, trying to ignore the gazes burning into their heads. They were used to see their hundreds, even thousands of fans screaming and jumping up and down whenever they stepped onto the stage, but they were a little freaked out by the tens of people glancing their way silently in the hallways of a public high school. It was ironic, really.

The principal gave them their schedules, welcomed them, and led them to their lockers. He left them there after telling them to get their things ready for their first class. Mrs. Knight and Kelly and Gustavo had bought them all their needed supplies, so they unloaded them into their lockers. Folders, pencils, pens, notebooks, calculators, anything that they could imagine that was needed for school. They were still in awe about the huge school. It was about 2 times bigger than their old school in Minnesota, and had about twice as much people.

"How cool is this?" Carlos said excitedly. His locker was right in between Kendall's and Logan's. James's locker was next to Logan's, at the very side. James took the longest to get ready, because somehow, he thought it necessary to put hair supplies and his lucky comb into his locker.

"James? You really shouldn't bring this stuff to school, man. Someone's gonna steal it," Logan pointed out, eyes widening as he peeked into the pretty boy's locker. It was practically full, and it was only the first day of school for them.

James rolled his eyes. "No one's gonna steal from me once they realize how awesome I truly am," he said, the tone in his voice stating that the fact was obvious. The other three rolled their eyes and decided to leave James alone about his locker issues. He'd learn by himself.

"What do you have first, buddy?" Kendall asked Carlos. Carlos showed him his schedule. His first class was Science, and so was Kendall's. James had English, and Logan had AP Math. "How could they put me in a different class from you and Carlos?" James whined to Kendall, looking disappointed. After investigating more of their schedule, all of them were glad when they all had History together. It turned out that the school only had two levels of History. Let's just say that none of the boys were dumb enough to be in the other level of History

"Well, we're gonna be yelled at if we don't hurry up soon," Kendall pointed out. The others nodded, and started to get their supplies and head off to their first class. It was either going to be a nightmare or a beautiful dream that they'd never want to wake up in.

"Good luck," James muttered, walking off. Logan followed soon after. Kendall and Carlos glanced at each other, and then headed off in the opposite direction. They all really needed some good luck.

A/N- NEW STORY! Who's excited? Well, I hope lots of ya out there who are suckers for Carlos angst are… cuz this is gonna be angsty. I've been planning this for… a long time. ;) First chapter is boring…. But I promise the next ones will be pretty good!

So PLEASE review this chapter? I wanna know if you guys like this story so far, or if ya hate it. It's gonna basically be about Carlos having problems at school, and family, and other stuff... can't give away too much detail! Review?

Peace Love, and New Story,

Anonymous Skrtle