Chapter 5: "The Home Away From Home."

Kaname's curiosity of the mysterious crimson eyed stranger is put aside when the stings of her new wounds became more intense, causing her to hiss at the pain and bringing Shippo and Rin's worry to grow. It didn't feel like the bone was broken but the thought of even trying to stand up was the very last thing Kaname wanted to attempt at the moment. Worse wounds have left her out of commission for a few days here before, from battling Naraku or any of the stronger demons they faced in the past. It worries her more if her ability to endure it in the past is linked to her shikigami and therefore the lack of it makes this all the more dreadful. She could barely look at her own wound, only able to clutch at her leg above it while the rest gathered closer around her to try an inspect it further. "Please Hitomi! Try to use your power to heal the wound before it gets worse.." Pleads the small fox, finding more urgency in tugging on the female's other sleeve as Rin continued to tightly clutched to one.

"I can try... Please, be still." She nods, closing in on Kaname once her fabrics are released by the children and kneeling down beside her outstretched leg. The modern world heroine remains still, assuring herself that if Rin and Shippo are trusting of the stranger than she should have some faith in what is about to happen. It's only been a couple of hours here and she's already in fear of losing a limb if this doesn't work. A slender hand hovers above the wounded leg as Hitomi's crimson gaze disappears behind her eyelids to focus, a pale orb beginning to take form in the space between them and coming in contact with the bloody limb. Rin returns to Kaname's side to embrace her arm and watches intensely as Shippo gets closer as well to watch the process with an equally focused stare, tiny hands clenched anxiously. Kaname does not feel anything change initially. More of the searing throb of the deep tears exposed her to the elements and blood bubbling over the open skin wetting the dried mud that had gathered on her leg from earlier. The pressure of it slowly began to dim but the wound did not seem to change. Her dark eyes lift to see the face of the woman she now knows as Hitomi and notices how her brow furrows in her focus, the woman's second joining the first in her efforts and pushes more energy in this attempt to heal. A new warmth fills her entire leg now, washing over it in a similar sensation of heated water flowing across and beneath the wounds in a perfect circle until her torn skin began to slowly knit back together. The red eyed girl withdrew her hands once she reopened her eyes and inspected the work, an audible sigh passing her painted lips as she relaxed again. The sensation falls away from the surface of the smooth skin leaving only smears of blood behind and a faint itch of a old pain that no longer exists. Kaname is stunned by the technique as she inspects her leg and even gives it a slight wiggle from to side to test the muscles for any hidden soreness. Good as new! Well, almost once its properly cleaned up. Shippo's eyes lift with joy and once again takes to jumping to express his excitement. "You did it! Do you feel okay now, Kaname? I can carry you if you don't feel completely okay!" Shippo waddles up to join Rin at the human's side, one of his enchanted leaves held up as he waited for the okay to transform once again.

"A-Amazing! Thank you.." The Modern Girl utters gratefully with relief from her aches and worries, tentatively shifting to stand back up with the help of Rin who was not satisfied letting go until she found her balance on both legs. Hitomi gives a pleased smile and nods approvingly and she stands, as well. "No need for thanks. I am sorry we could not find you sooner to avoid this. If not for Shippo sensing you, we may not have gotten here at all." On cue, the fox leaps up to settle on the shoulder of Htomi to add, "But it was your attack that took down the demon and freed her!"

"Still, I thank you both for helping me." Kaname gives a formal bow of respect to her saviors. "I wish I could say the same for my horse and all the things given to me by the villagers. I lost them once it threw me off its back and ran away." She gives a half-hearted look around as if the frightened animal would appear between some far off trees or out of thin air with everything she was given. Of course it was long gone by now. There was only hope it is found by someone nice enough to tend to it rather than another demon who would pick it out of its teeth. "But Big Sister! How is it you have come to be here again? Lady Kagome said you went back home to where you came from." Rin chimes in curiously, though happy to even be in the presence of her old friend once again.

"We can find that out later, Rin. We should return to the village before more wandering demons are drawn by the smell of blood. 'Kaname', is it? Do you feel okay to walk?" Hitomi tilts her head with a studious eye over her and Kaname does a few steps in place to test her leg again before nodding her head. " Yes, I should be fine now but better once I'm all cleaned up." Rin does not hesitate to shift her hand to the other's wrist and pull her along to make their way back towards the village. Kaname tails after her without resistance and Shippo makes a brave leap from Hitomi's shoulder to Kaname's before she is too far to reach. Hitomi strolling behind the trio, smiles once again with amusement at their fondness. The two women were very curious of one another, who they were, what did they mean to the rest of those they called friends, and more importantly what happened in their respective times of getting to know everyone. There was certainty these questions would stir up once everyone was settled back safely into the village.

Upon approaching the village, the sky had begun to settle for the evening, stars had slowly begun to make themselves known as the sun's light was just a peak over the horizon and the remaining clouds still hid the waning moon. Lights of lanterns could be seen illuminating houses and the outskirts of the village, as well as the path towards the entrance way, but there was something else easily visible from where they were viewing bringing Kaname to a halt. Becoming swept up in the nostalgia for the beauty of the serene town was not the factor stunning the girl,no. There was so much liveliness and sounds of a crowd heard even from this distance. Cheering, colors flashing, so much activity happening all at once. A sound she is not unfamiliar with: A festival. "Oh? What exactly is going on in the village?" She awed, taking in every sight she could.

"That's right! I almost forgot about the festival! We're celebrating the peace of the village. It's why we're all dressed up! A lot has happened since you were gone, we're gonna have to settle in and catch you up. C'mon!" Shippo lifts himself from Kaname's shoulder to leap to the ground and take off yelling a "hurry" behind him, Rin following with a cheery "wait up!" and Hitomi hesitating in tow, turning back to Kaname to urge her follow and then moving to catch up to the two children. Kaname swallows deeply, a combination of eagerness and nerves suddenly forming inside her. It was like her dreams had finally come true and she was hesitant to touch it for fear it would disappear into blurry haze in her grasps. Apprehensive that she would wake up in her bed again at home and dread for what she had, what she most desired in this time would interrupt her sleep once again. Her friends, all down there waiting to once again be reunited. She was really back here in the village where her fears were eased the first time she appeared in the feudal era by the kindness of strangers who could have easily left her to find her way back on her own or worse. 'What... do I say?' She wondered, hands clenched at her chest as she continue to be frozen in place. She fights back her nerves and wills her legs to finally move her forward only to be suddenly barreled down with a terrified shriek and finds herself face first into the ground. Lumps of movement across her back are suddenly cry out, as well.

"Chiasa! Chiharu! Where did you get to now?! Don't move, I'm coming!" Yells out a male voice not so far behind, lured over by the sound of the crying. Kaname lifts her head and looks over her shoulder to find her backside occupied by two crying children dressed in similar pink pastel & green kimonos and rubbing their sad eyes into their sleeves. The approaching steps of what Kaname assumes is the man calling for them causes her heart to skip at beat. "Uhh- a thousand apologies! T-They got away from me. They were only playing- s-surely you understand." He explains in a tone that could only be taken as a plead for forgiveness as he gathered the two girl up into his arm and freed Kaname.

'Wait... I do know that voice.' Kaname turns around to get a better look at the source and her dark eyes are wide as she looks upon the familiar face of the monk attempting to calm the toddlers in each of his hands. "Mi-...Miroku?"