Disclaimer: I don't own Community, yo

Moment 1: Cold Feet

Chapter Rating: G

Annie sunk deeper into the bed sheets, wrapping them around her shoulders as best she could, trying to keep her teeth from chattering. Her feet froze near the end of the bed, so she drew her knees up to her chest in an attempt to create a little ball of her own body heat.

The heater had broken the night before in the apartment she and Jeff shared. It was January, it was cold, and despite the three pairs of socks, two sweaters, extra-heavy sweatpants and three blankets that covered her as she sunk as deep into the bed as she could, she still felt the crisp chill of winter. She'd felt it ever since Jeff had gotten up an hour earlier, stealing his body heat away from her, to go to work.

She cursed him for being so hot—literally, not figuratively.

She tried to find that spot on the sheets that might still be warm from where he'd been sleeping, but wasn't surprised to find that it had rapidly cooled after he'd left it. She frowned and sunk back into her own little spot of warmth, tucking the blankets under her chin and fisting them in her hands.

She wanted to sleep. It was Saturday morning, and she had worked all week, and she was finally off, and she wanted to sleep. Jeff, for some reason, had scheduled a very early breakfast meeting with his boss. He wouldn't tell her why, but she figured it had to be a good sign that Ted wanted to talk to him one-on-one outside of hearing range from his colleagues.

Either way, his movements that morning had pulled her from her sleep, and for that, she would make him suffer.

After a few moments, she pulled one shivering hand out from the cocoon of sheets and reached over to her water glass on the bed-side table. The water was, if possible, colder than it had been when she set it there the night before. She frowned, but took a sip of the liquid anyway, feeling a chill run through her body as it settled in her stomach. She set the glass back down and plopped her head back on her pillow—two seconds and it had already become cold.

She decided to close her eyes to try and find sleep once again, but was irritated by a buzzing on the table. She opened one eye and saw her phone vibrating. She considered ignoring it—it was almost definitely Jeff, and she was displeased with him in her irritated state of hypothermia, but it kept buzzing, and usually when he deigned to call rather than text, it was important. She frowned and reached out her shivering hand once again, bringing it to her ear.

"I'm freezing," she moaned into the receiver.

"I know—I told the landlord about it, he says he'll be up to repair the heater around noon."

"But what am I supposed to do in the meantime?" she whined.

"I don't know... but whatever you do, don't take a shower—the water heater's broken too." Annie sighed deeply.

"This never would have happened at Dildopolis."

"Sorry for dragging you down to the slums with me." She couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"So did you call me at 8 a.m. just to tell me that?"

"No, actually. I have some news. I was going to wait until I got home to tell you, but I couldn't." Annie sat up, ignoring the chill in the room that immediately enveloped her as the covers fell away.

"What is it?"

"Well you know Ted asked me to have breakfast with him this morning..."

"Yeah..." Annie could feel the anticipation building in her gut as it was in his voice.

"He offered me partner, babe." She jumped a little where she sat, bouncing a few times in the bed.

"JEFF! That's amazing!" He laughed openly on the other end.

"I know! I was listening to him talk and trying to be all cool about it, but inside I was doing my happy dance."

"Eww, Jeff. You're happy dance is gross." He laughed.

"Sorry for the visual. Anyway, I'm on my way home. I just had to tell you. I love you." She grinned widely.

"I love you too."

"See you in a bit."

"Bye." Annie turned the phone off and sat up in bed, smiling excitedly. This was big for Jeff. Hell, it was big for both of them. This was the culmination of everything he'd spent the last six years working to achieve.

She slung the covers off of her and got ready for Jeff's arrival so they could celebrate properly.

She didn't feel cold anymore.

A/N – So I have this idea that every couple of days I'll post a new 'moment' in the relationship of Jeff and Annie, and I'll carry them on until we get the show back from this evil, undefined hiatus. They will be a little mix of everything—not necessarily connected, just a set of conjoined one-shots that feature adorable, sexy, angry, whatever moments they share as a couple.

This is what I call a 'non-committal' multi-chapter fic. You can read one, you can not read another and you won't be left with evil cliffhangers, so you can pretty much just do with it as you please. For timing purposes, we'll say they've been together for two years since graduating.

And I wrote this as the first one because I'm freezing!

Hope you liked it! And if you have any ideas for future 'moments' let me know and I'll see if I can include them :)