Title: "True Love's Gifts"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: Soft R
Summary: The reality of what Gabrielle's true love is not at all what she imagined it to be . . . It's infinitely better.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Established Pairing, Drabble
Word Count: 300
Date Written: 16 November, 2011
Challenge: For the Fanfic-Bakeoff's monthly competition
Disclaimer: Xena, Warrior Princess; Gabrielle; and all other characters mentioned within are ᄅ & TM their rightful owners, none of which are the author. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Gabrielle had always been a romantic. As a little girl, she had dreamed of sweet poetry, roses, and other gifts her soul mate would lavish upon her once she'd found him, and yet now that she'd found her soul mate, their union was nothing like her childhood dreams. Her love said very little and barely gave any flowers so much as a glance.
Despite all their time together, she had only received roses once from her beloved. Xena usually translated the words of love Gabby had once longed for through her actions. Her love showed in her steadfast protection and radiated in every glance and touch she gave her. On rare occasion, Gabby would receive an actual gift. Still it was never anything traditionally romantic. She'd had a guy once who'd done all the traditional things and yet left her wanting.
Gabby smiled secretly to herself. The things her true love gave her were far better than the gifts with which he'd showered her. She might never receive romantic gifts. Her soul mate rarely spoke about the way she felt for her, but when she did show her emotions, the actions she used were far grander than any amount of words. Now was such a time as her beloved heroine treasured her body with heated kisses and paused in suckling her neck just long enough to whisper, "I love you."
Gabrielle's heart soared pass the trees, and her soul sang as she made sweet love with her soul mate. Their love was nothing as mundane, ordinary, or traditional as her childhood fantasies. It was a thousand times better and uniquely theirs, and Gabby wouldn't have changed it for anything in the world. "I LOVE YOU TOO, XENA!" she cried as she came once again in her destined lover's loving arms.
The End