Hey guys :) here's my first chapter :D hope you like it!

I do not own Naruto or the characters.

It was early in the morning, Sakura woke, ready to start looking for a new job. She had to leave her last job, she couldn't stand it anymore, seeing his face again, his smirk, it made her sick to her stomach.

"right. Where shall I start looking?" She casually said to herself 'hmm... news paper?' She walked to her front door to fetch the morning news paper. She opened the door to find it not there 'What the fuck? where is it? it's always here in the morning, without fail' she thought to herself. She stepped out of the house and looked around, yet found nothing "well that's a pain in the ass" she mumbled.

"SAKURA!" She jumped to the scream of her name and turned around to end up being rugby tackled to the ground. Groaning, she looked up to see and very excitable blond grinning down on her. Completely unamused, she pushed him off and punched him in the stomach as hard as she could "Stuped dick" she sharply said to him.

"Owww... oh come on Sakura, as if that hurt, there was no need for that" Naruto moaned as he held his stomach in pain.

"No need for it my ass, do not tackle me to the ground every time you see me Naruto" she scolded him.

"Fine.." he said in a sad tone. "Anyway, how come you're up so early? I never see you while I'm on my morning jogs and why did you look annoyed and confused?" he said in a questioning tone.

"Well, I was planning on starting to look for a new job, but my news paper is missing... of all days to go missing..." she said still looking around, as if it will magically appear in front of her.

"Maybe it's fates way of telling you to not bother and start working at my gym, and maybe move to mine?" he said with a wink.

"Naruto. STOP IT WITH THE GYM AND MOVING IN THING! I only go there to work out, I have no intentions of working there, it's not what I plan to do for work"

He sighed "I know you'll change your mind some day" he casually winked again "anyway, I need to finish my jogging and get to work and just "borrow" your neighbor's paper, I'm sure they wont mind" he said while jogging away.

*Sigh* 'I suppose they wont mind' she thought to herself as she walked to her next door neighbors and picked up their paper and walked back into her house.

She made herself some toast and a cup of tea and sat to her table and began scanning through the paper to see whats being advertised.
'urgh... they're all rubbish. Cleaner, Janitor, gardener... for gods sake, I have a medical degree and many other qualifications, surely there's something better on here worth my time.

She scanned two pages and turned to the last page of job advertisements 'please oh please be something on here'.
She started scanning from the top to the bottom until something caught her eye. "In search for someone with a medical qualification" she read the first sentence, "YES! THAT'S ME!" She shouted stupidly *cough* "ok then, lets carry on reading" she said getting herself back together "In search for someone with a medical qualification to be a nurse in Konoha's Health Caring Mental Institution... Oh god... Hmm... I suppose there's no harm in giving it a go, it's a good pay and I suppose the hours are tolerable... It's not that far as well, heck, I'll just call them" she said to herself as she got up and walked towards the phone.

It started ringing, it was ringing for a little while so she was thinking about to putting the phone down until someone answered.

"Good morning, this is the Health Caring Mental Institution, this is Hinata speaking, how can I help you?" Said a sweet quiet little voice.

"Ah, good morning Hinata, my name is Haruno Sakura, I'm responding to the job advertisement on the local newspaper?" she said in a professional tone.

"Oh yes. ok. Please hold for a moment as I get transfer you to our head nurse" she quickly said as she put her on hold.
'Hmm... she sounds like a very nervous girl to be working in a mental institution... I wonder what she looks like in person' she thought to herself while she was on hold.

"Good morning, this is Tsunade speaking, this is Haruno Sakura am I correct?" said loudly by strict woman on the phone, in shock from the sudden loud voice, it took her a few seconds to get together.

"Ah, umm, yes, my name is Sakura, I'm responding to the jo'.."

"yes I know about that, My sectary already said you were interested in the job role which is being advertised" she firmly stated.

'God... let me finish at least, how rude' she thought to herself.

"Yes, I'm very interested, I have all the qualifications and am eager to do this role" she said confidently, not showing any fear to the strict woman on the other side of the phone.

"Very good. From the confidence in your voice you sound very reliable and I already like you, please come in for an interview and tour around the institution tomorrow at 8am".

"That's fine, I'll see you then Tsunade, bye" she said before hanging up.

'Right, I better get my tidy clothes ready for tomorrow, at first I was a little nervous about this job, but now, It's beginning to sound pretty interesting, I'm looking forward to it now' she thought to herself as she happily skipped to her bedroom to choose what clothes she'll be wearing tomorrow.

The door bell rang and Sakura ran to the door knowing who it's going to be, "hey Ino!" She enthusiastically said while flinging the door open then giving her a hug. "bloody hell Sakura, scare the crap out of me, you nearly made me fall over!" Ino said in shock.

"Oh sorry" she said scratching the back of her head, "anyway, guess what! I've got a job interview tomorrow at 8am!"

"What? Already? That was fast Sakura and from the looks of it, it looks like a good job then, what is it?" Ino said happily with a smile

"It's a nursing job for the Konoha's Health Caring Mental Institution!" ... Ino looked at her with confusion and concern.

"Sakura... are you ok? Are you ill or something? A mental institution? Seriously? That sounds horrible!" She said in a worried tone.

"I know, I know, It sounds horrible. But seriously, to me it sounds interesting and different and I'm actually looking forward to giving this job a go!" She said getting even more excited and worked up.

"Ok, ok Sakura, calm down, whatever floats your boat. But I don't think Naruto or Lee will be happy about this, you know how much they worship you, I'm actually jealous. You should seriously just go out with one of them, they blatantly love you" she said casually changing the subject.

"... Ino... seriously? Weird looking enthusiastic youth manic? Crazy scary adhd mad in the head boy? Let alone two major work out maniacs, I love them to bits and everything, but I only see them as brothers... No more than that" she said unamused.

"Hahaha aww, harsh much? Lee is strange but cute 'not in looks though' and Naruto is just... Amazing really, they're not my type but I dunno, I can just see you and one of them together"

"Ino... just don't go there" she said in a flat tone. "Anyway, enough of that. Is it shopping today? Or are we going to go to the gym/ jogging today? I'm actually feeling both, shopping first then work out?" Sakura said happily.

"Yeah I don't see why not, get ready and we'll head off to town then, and on the way there you can give me all the details of that job" Ino said with a smile.

"Sure! I'm already ready, lets go".

Sakura and Ino got into the car, started the car and began making their way to town.

Ok guys :) My first chapter, How is it? I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes and shit.
As many reviews as possible please :D I need to know if it's good or not :D xx