A/N :'( Anyone want to review? It's okay if you hate it, just let me know that someone's alive out there...I know it's not particularly original, but whatever. It's original 'cause I've never written it. :D

The acrid smell of smoke enveloped every inch of the landscape, and the flames kept rising. The old house was burning, everyone inside with it- save the two people who walked away.

Millions Knives looked down at the small boy. The child, his long and matted black hair falling past his protruding ribs, was thin beyond belief. His arms were covered in rope burns, both old and new. Despite his pitiable condition, misery was not to be seen on his face, only loving adoration for the man who had just ended his suffering.

Though he knew the boy would never leave his side, Knives held him firmly. He momentarily considered doing away with the child, but a greater purpose reminded him that the boy must be preserved alive.