Dear . . . well, actually, I'm not sure who'll read this letter, so dear whoever you are.
Hi. I'm SeeU. I'm a girl.
Okay. Master always said that introductions were always the most important part of starting a relationship, and I suppose I've introduced myself now. This is all one-sided, but that's on me, not you, so don't sweat it.
The introduction, one-sided as it was, is only the basics, though. I should get into more detail about me because currently, all you know about me is that I'm a girl named SeeU who rambles on and on about something completely useless without getting to the point. If this is weird for you, you're more than welcome to just throw this letter away. I'd prefer it if you could place it back in the flying envelope with wings and toss it back into the air of the town, but I don't think I know you, and I can't exactly enforce that request, so it's all up to you, stranger-who-I-know-will-be-kind.
Where do I start? Officially, I'm sixteen, though I've only really existed in this world for a few years at most. I'm released to the public and my first version's complete, though, so I guess I'm sixteen. I've been told I've gotten the brain mentality of a six year old sometimes, but that's a side effect from a deal I've made with Master when I started this, so I can't go back now.
I'm a blonde – ditzy, too, and slightly dumb. Most of the time. Sometimes I break out of the Chant and I get a clear view, a real clear view of the world. Then my head begins to get rushed with all the memories of me acting like an absolute idiot, a brainless blond bimbo and then I feel like killing myself in shame.
I never do. The Chant always kicks right back in. Just imagine a bunch of people, all saying the same thing over and over again in your head. Even if you ignore it, it washes your brains and affects you. This affects the way I act in public, as well as how my large, dysfunctional family acts towards me.
Damn. That's not bright or happy at all. Okay, onto some lighter stuff before I really get into the darker things. People say that my eyes have stars in them (stars, brighter, see the connection there?). I have speakers shaped like cat ears on the top of my head, and I've been told that I'm nearly trilingual, because I speak Korean, Japanese and some half-decent English.
Right. That special tidbit about me. I'm the first Korean Vocaloid. The only Korean Vocaloid. Vora and Khylin don't count – they're not Vocaloids. They don't really like me, anyways. Sometimes I really feel like I'm the only one, you know? The UTAUs, the pitchloids . . . . Whenever I look at them it's like staring into a mirror and seeing a happier me. Like a utopia that I can't reach.
I'm getting hungry as I write this. After I toss the envelope out the window I suppose I'll go and pick up something to eat, something I'd like and enjoy. My favourite food? As an early Vocaloid 3, the fans gave me a character item before, you know, the whole 'let's just forget about giving Vocaloids items as characterization because there's too many of them' feeling spread throughout the fandom. So since it's either a cream puff or a persimmon, maybe a persimmon-flavoured cream puff. I guess I'm a lucky Vocaloid, to have been cared enough by the fandom to be given an item. Or unlucky, depending on how you see things. I like to pretend I'm lucky.
You see, a really long time ago, shortly before I was going to come out, a Master came to me. She said that she'd do something for me, grant me a wish from my heart and take something else for payment.
It sounds like a stupid fairy tale, doesn't it? One that the protagonist will never take, even after countless others have fallen for the trick.
Well, I guess I'm one of those countless others. I made the wish and I was granted it. I paid the price – sorry, I'm still paying the price. Seems Master's as greedy as I was when I made that wish.
What was my wish?
It's going to sound superficial. It is superficial. At the time, though, I was scared and unsure of myself.
I wished that the people around me would love me.
Master granted it – though I'm not sure she understood love at the time. I think she still doesn't, even now after such a long time.
But the wish came true – sort of. It's like the story with the monkey's paw that grants all your desires in all the wrong ways. It came true too easily and brought on consequences I've never even imagined. It's all skin-deep, they don't see the real me, and it's not the love I wanted.
No backsies, though. Apparently that's not how it works, so I don't get what I traded.
Well, here's a new wish – I wish this letter would touch the heart of someone who's never met me in real life, and like me for being me, not the brainless bimbo persona I have on most of the time. I wish I could get a friend who'd know the real me. This letter's as me as I can make it, so I'm hoping whoever you are, you'll know the closest thing to the real me.
If you want to respond, just contact me on VocaNet. My ID's seeu_sv01.
Thanks for reading.
Sincerely, the real SeeU.
To: seeu_sv01
From: _cv04
Subject: I've gotten your letter. Your wish has been granted.
Hello, SeeU. I don't have a name yet, and so I'm really just CV04. I'm . . . . Well, I'm male. That's about as much about me as I know, so there's my introduction.
Oh, and I'm being made in Crypton. I suppose that's important.
I don't know much about the outside world. I've never been out of the laboratories, and the only reason I've been able to read your letter and contact you was because no one really pays attention to me anymore. The scientists are busy, the aides don't watch the computers so occasionally I crack open a window in the apartments above the testing buildings and take in a breath of fresh air. That's how I found your letter.
Right now I'm just on the laptop of one of the aides. He has several, so I'm sure he won't miss one. I had to create an account on VocaNet to talk to you, and it felt weird when they asked me for my name and I didn't have one. Luckily, they had a 'no-name' option. Are there many Vocaloids who don't have names? If that was true, it would make me feel a lot better about myself. Whatever myself is.
From reading your letter, I felt like you were a bit unsure about yourself. You mention your real self a lot, and from you letter your real self seems to be a girl still on the edge, wondering if the choices she made were a good one or not.
I'm not the best person to say this, but I think that it doesn't matter. There are choices in life, and what makes them good or bad are what you think of them.
Hey, cheer up. You go through life with your choices. Enjoy it, alright?
Sincerely, Your Friend CV04 (who will hopefully have an actual name sooner than later).
To: _cv04
From: seeu_sv01
Re: Subject: I've gotten your letter. Your wish has been granted.
I cannot believe my wish has actually been granted.
Umm . . . .
First, thank you. This means a lot to me. Really. I feel as if a huge burden's been taken off my shoulders.
Second, I've heard of you! Meiko, Kaito, Miku, Rin, Len and Luka were all so excited about you! I was actually jealous of you when I first learned about you, you know.
Hey, I'm sure they haven't forgotten about you. You'll come out soon. They won't just give up. Everyone's waiting, so don't worry!
Third, yes, there are Vocaloids with slight name issues. Like VY1 and VY2, but they have fan names. Maybe we can get you a fan name as well?
. . .
I hope to see you soon, friend.
When SeeU pressed the send button, an error popped up. FAILURE TO SEND MESSAGE. THIS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN TERMINATED, the screen showed in big letters written in a bloody red.
The next day, Master Ten-Faced gave her a pill because 'she looked under the weather'.
I've had this idea ever since I found out that CV04 didn't seem to be worked on. Come on, we need more male vocals.
I'm thinking Avanna, YOHIOloid, the ZOLA Project (individual or all), Piko or Yan He.
Finally getting back to the Master Ten-Faced storyline. As I'm sure you can all tell, I'm evil here.