I will start out by assuring all of you that Gerry and I are fine. I have had a horrible time trying to figure out this chapter. Nothing was working for me. Then I realized, I think I've taken it as far as I can. That's why no songs seem to fit here.

So here's the final installation. Gerry has sufficiently scolded me for making you guys wait so long. And he is ready with lemon bars and cheesecake to welcome you all back.


"Mama! Mama! Save me!" a little voice cried out, laughing as she hurtled her way into the kitchen where Christine was frosting a cake. She laughed as Angelica, their five year old daughter, rushed in and tried to hide behind her. "Save you from what, darling?" Christine asked, still laughing. "From the monster!" the little girl responded, shaking back her long curls. "Oh, the monster is chasing you? What does the monster look like?" "Like Grandpa!" she shrieked, dashing under the table right before Nadir came in.

"Where's the princess?" he growled, trying to restrain a big grin. Christine also was restraining laughter as she declared "I'll never reveal where the princess is, you monster!" They both smiled as "the princess" gave away her hiding place with a giggle that they pretended not to hear. Christine heard Erik come in from the backyard where he had been grilling for their cookout and she called "Oh, heroic knight! Save this poor handmaid and the princess from the monster!" Another giggle escaped from under the table.

Eric walked into the kitchen, and immediately noticed Christine's finger pointing to under the table. "Ah, never fear, little ones! I, Brave Sir Erik, will defeat the monster!" He then poked his adopted father in the ribs, growling "Scaring your granddaughter again?" All the grownups laughed as Angelica rushed out from her hiding place, squealing with happiness at seeing her father.

After the car accident, things went so peacefully. Christine was amazed that her pregnancy had given her no trouble. Erik told her that since their child was obviously going to be so smart, he or she just knew to behave and not be difficult. It seemed like he knew exactly what he was talking about, for Angelica was a jewel. Which was making them both excited about the upcoming birth of their son.

Erik hugged Christine as Nadir gave princess Angelica a piggyback ride out of the kitchen. "How are you feeling sweetheart? How's our son?" Erik murmured. He tried his best not to be too overbearing or ridiculously protective, and she appreciated how he had changed to please her. "We're both fine. I think he's excited about the cake. He's been kicking up a storm!" She laughed as she spoke. Erik pulled her in for a kiss, rubbing the spot where he could feel the baby kicking. Then he leaned down, whispering to her belly "Try to calm down so Mama can eat in peace, ok?"

As Christine walked out with the cake, Erik paused, thinking about all that he and Christine had been through together. He sometimes still couldn't believe that he was so lucky. He smiled as he thought back to that first night in the hotel bar, how he had taken the chance that changed their lives. He realized that his dream, his wish had come true. Christine had shown him what love is. Erik smiled as he heard the laughter from his father, his little girl, and his wife blending together to make a perfect melody that wrapped around his heart. As he walked out to join them, he started softly singing the song that he and Christine had adopted as 'their song' what felt like so long ago.

"In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me"

Ah, happy ending and bits of phluph! Gotta love that!

Again, I want to thank my readers, and the ones who have added this to alerts and favorites, those who have been faithful reviewers. You all made this story a blast to write. I hope you all enjoy. Hit that little button that says review. You know that's the only way you get the Gerry-Snacks!