They managed to get twenty minutes into the car ride home before Wade had to pull over onto the side of the road. Zoe barely waited for him to get his truck into park before she had the door open and was leaning outside of it gagging. Luckily Wade had become prepared and already had a bottle of water and some of that anti-nausea medicine waiting.

Zoe gave him a sheepish smile as she took the bottle of water as well as the tiny white capsule. The rest of the ride was smooth sailing seeing as Zoe had fallen asleep. Wade pulled up to the plantation and parked the truck in front of Lavon's.

Zoe's doctor had explained that she needed to be in a fairly clean environment. Both Wade and Lavon thought her staying at the carriage house was not the best idea. It was a fairly old house and who knew what kind of dirt and dust had been hanging around in it for the last hundred years or so.

Wade didn't want to wake up Zoe so he scooped her up in his arm and carried her inside.

"The guest bedroom is all ready for her." Lavon told Wade when he saw him caring a sleeping Zoe.

Heading up the steps Wade laid Zoe down in the queen sized bed covering her up. He then grabbed that oh so famous pink bucket and put it on her bedside table. Lastly he grabbed some Zofran and a water bottle and put it next to the bucket.

Wade figured she would be out for at least a couple hours so he went downstairs to see what his best bud was up too.

"Everything alright?" Lavon asked Wade as he came down the steps.

"Yeah she is probably going to be out of it for the rest of the night. The nausea from the chemo still hasn't completely worn off." Walking over to the fridge Wade grabbed a beer; he definitely needed one after the last few days. "And she's been exhausted."

"Glad to know Miss Zoe is doing alright but I meant with you." Lavon said grabbing a beer of his own and sitting down next to Wade.

"I'm not the one who is sick."

"Wade. I have known you since we were playing little league. You're in love with her."

Wade scoffed. "I am not in love with her. She is sick and has no family here; somebody has to take care of her."

"Whatever you say."

Zoe woke up to find the sun shining in her room and for the first time in days it didn't give her the worst headache in the century of headaches. She didn't feel the urge to throw up and she took that as a good sign. Sitting up in bed she took in her surroundings and realized she wasn't in her own room. This bed was way too comfy and the room was way too nice. Walking over to the window she saw her house and Wade's trailer in the distance. So she was at Lavon's

Walking into the conjoined bathroom Zoe looked at her reflection. She looked horrible. Her hair was a mess and her skin was pale. The gauze was still on her neck from where they did the biopsy.

She spotted fresh towels and a t-shirt and pair of her yoga pants sitting on the sink. A shower sounded perfect.

After her shower Zoe felt much better. After getting dressed and combing through her hair she decided to go downstairs. Walking through the house she found Wade sitting on the couch playing a video game on the Xbox. Wade put the controller down and smiled when he saw her coming to sit down next to him.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken."

Zoe sat down next to him and tucked her knees up to her chest. "Where is Lavon at?" she asked noticing the absents of the Mayor.

"He had some luncheon to go too."


Wade chuckled. "Yeah people usually it lunch when it's two in the afternoon."

Zoe could not believe she had slept that late! She was never one to sleep in. She liked to live by the saying, 'The early bird catches the worm.' "I cannot believe I slept that late."

Wade shrugs. "It happens. How are ya feeling anyways? Hungry?"

Just the thought of food made Zoe's stomach turn. So maybe she wasn't feeling as great as she thought she was. She knew she needed to eat though. The less she ate the weaker her body was going to get. "Maybe I will just eat some soup."

Wade went into the kitchen to make the two of them some soup while Zoe laid out on the couch watching some movie.

Turns out the movie Zoe was watching was the notebook. Wade was pretty sure if this was any other girl he would not be watching this movie with her. Things with Zoe were different. He was pretty sure that girl could make him do just about anything, even if it entitled sappy love movies.

Once the credits began to roll he looked over to find Zoe sound asleep grabbing the cover that was draped over the couch he covered her up and turned off the TV. It was nearing five o'clock and he was supposed to be at the Rammer Jammer in twenty minutes. He scribbled Zoe a quick note and then headed out the door, hoping that the night would go by fast so he could come back home.

"Can I get a beer Wade?" Steve, one of the regulars asked Wade.

"Sure thing Steve." Walking over to where they kept the beers Wade grabbed one and popped the top off before handing it to him.

"I heard about Dr. Hart." Steve told him as he took a drink of his beer. "How's she doing anyway?"

Wade sighed. This was like the millionth time someone had asked about Zoe, news sure did travel fast around Bluebell, even bad news. "She's hanging in there." Wade said.

"Well she is in all of our prayers. If you guys need anything at all just ask." Wade thanked Steve before turning back to look at the clock. It was just now hitting midnight. He took a look at the bar only to find a handful of people there. He was closing early tonight.

Walking through the front door he automatically went to see how Zoe was doing. He would have called to check up on her but he was afraid he might wake her. Sure enough there she was still sound asleep on the couch. Lavon sat in the nearby recliner.

"She was sleeping when I got home." Lavon told him.

Wade picked her up carefully in his arms and began to take her upstairs. She didn't need to be sleeping on the couch when she had a perfectly fine bet to sleep in upstairs. Just like he did the last time Wade tucked Zoe in and placed a bottle of water, as well as the pink bucket and some medicine by her bedside table.

He was almost out the door when he heard her softly speak. "Stay."