Tina Cohen-Chang and Rachel Berry were the two most talented students at WMHS. They were part of their drama and Glee club. Everyone knew the two girls were going to be huge stars one day and were very popular because of it. So no one was surprised when Tina got a full ride to Julliard and Rachel one for NYADA.

The July after graduation, the girls moved all of their stuff up to the new apartment they were going to share in NYC.

"I can't believe we are actually here!" Tina shrieked as they stepped out of their apartment to go get some pizza.

"You seriously had doubt that we wouldn't make it here?" Rachel asked Tina and looked at her like she was completely crazy.

"No but it's just nice to finally be here. It is so much better than plain Lima."

"True!" Rachel replied causing them both to laugh.

The girls had picked up their schedules in early August. Rachel was a better singer than anything, so she had a full schedule of mostly singing classes. She was taking a songwriting class, music history, and a few vocal enhancement classes. Tina was an amazing dancer, so she was obviously taking more dancing than singing classes. She had one class that she was really looking forward to, her Advance Dancing class. They were going to be studying a new type of dance every semester and the first semester was Modern dance. Tina had heard that the instructor for this class was a young guy who finished Julliard last year and was so good that they offered him a job after only his second year.

"Do you think I should wear a dress or go with casual today?" Rachel asked as they were getting ready for their first day of classes. Rachel had always dressed like she belonged in the 60s or 70s.

"I would go with casual today. Just to see how things are. You would hate to have to do some dance steps in a short tight fitting dress." Tina answered as she herself was wearing a pair of athletic pants and a old high school t-shirt. She normally dressed slightly gothic but decided that was not the look for today at all.

They had to go separate ways to get to their schools. Both said they would be home by 4 and were off.

Rachel got to her first class which was Advance Songwriting. She took a seat in the front of the class and sat there waiting patiently. She took out her pink notebook with a big gold star on the front and matching pen. As more and more of the students started to come in the room, she started to feel a little anxious. She was always the best at WMHS and had no idea what to expect from these new faces. Then a tall boy walked in and sat in the last seat which was right next to her. He looked like someone who would rather be anywhere else but in school and especially a songwriting class. She decided to say hi.

"Hello my name is Rachel Berry." Rachel said and stuck her hand out.

"The name is Puckerman but you can call me Puck. All the other ladies do anyway." He snickered as he shook her hand.

"That's a horrible first name. Your parents couldn't come up with anything better?" She asked honestly.

"Puckerman is my last name midget. My first name is Noah but no one gets to call me that." He said.

"Thanks for the clarification Noah." She said sarcastically back to him for calling her midget. "I'll be sure to remember calling you Noah from now on."

"You do that midget." Noah replied.

The teacher walked in then. "Welcome ladies and gentleman. My name is Will Schuester but you can all me Mr. Shue. We will be working on many projects this semester but the first one will be due by the end of next week. For the first two months of this semester we will be working on duet projects until you all and get the feel and start working on solo projects. So can everyone please look to the person next to you and say hello to your partner." He finished and the class started looking around to find their partners. Rachel looked to her left and saw that person already had a partner. She then looked to her right at the same time that Noah was looking to his left. "Partner?" He asked. Rachel hit her head to her desk.

Tina could hardly contain her excitement as she was doing stretches in the large dance studio where her advance dance class was meeting. There were maybe 17 other kids in the class and she was starting to feel very nervous. She was incredibly talented but completely shy. As she was finishing her last stretch, she heard a voice calling out in the room.

"Alright class, please take a seat." The teacher called.

Tina sat up then and saw him for the first time. She couldn't believe this guy was the teacher. He looked her age. He was tall, incredibly built and Asian. He was by far the hottest guy Tina had ever seen. She had to gulp, how was she ever going to get through this class when her teacher looked like sin dressed in gym shorts?

"My name is Mike Chang. You may call me Mike. It is true that I just graduated from here last May but I have also danced with 5 different Broadway plays and have choreographed two of them. I'm considered the best right now and will try to teach all of you to be the same. I'm a very easy mannered guy but take dancing very seriously, so if you are not 200% committed, there is the door and regular modern dancing is the next door down. What I want is for everyone to show me a little of what they have. I will turn the radio on and each of you will dance to whatever song comes on for 90 seconds. I will watch and take notes and we will start learning techniques tomorrow. Just one person at a time jump up and start dancing. There are only 18 of you so this shouldn't take too long. So let get started!" He finished as he sat at a table against the wall and turned the radio on.

Tina had sat there watching all of her other classmates dance. She had to admit they were good but not great. She couldn't help but think that she was much better than any of them. Tina had kept looking at Mike to see what his expression was during their performances. He just had an unreadable look; she could tell that was a look that wasn't impressed. The last student to go other than Tina was dancing now. She heard Mike call next and stood up and started dancing.

Mike was starting to feel restless. All of these students were ok but not great. He had thought to himself "This is Julliard and these were the best dancers they could find?" as he was writing his last comment down about the previous dancer. He finally looked up and saw this small Asian girl with blue streaks dancing. He couldn't believe how great she was. She actually looked like she belonged in the class. He didn't even write any notes down because he couldn't stop watching. Finally he reached over and turned the radio off.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" He asked.

"Tina Cohen-Chang" She answered.

"Very good Ms. Cohen-Chang." All of the class was either looking at Tina or Mike. That was the first compliment he had given out and it surprised them. "That is all for today class. See you all tomorrow."

Tina walked over to her bag by the side of the room. She tossed it over her shoulder and took her water bottle out. She turned around to see Mike standing in front of her.

"That really was great Ms. Cohen-Chang." He told her.

"Thank you and you can call me Tina."

"Ok Tina. I will see you in class tomorrow." He said and then turned and walked out of the room. Tina couldn't help but smile as she left to go back to her apartment.

I don't own anything Glee just love the show! This will be an ongoing story. I plan on writing on this story when I can but don't plan on ending it anytime soon. Please comment! Thanks