Hey, everyone! This is my first real slash fic, certainly it's my first Doctor Who slash, and I'd appreciate any feedback! That is, REVIEW, my lovelies!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All credit to David Tennant (Mmm), John Barrowman (Mmm), Stephan Moffat, Russell T Davies, and all others who make this show possible. Also thanks to Echo317, my greatest love, who read this before I published it and encouraged me to write it. You go.
"Jack?" the Doctor asked hesitantly. The captain was nowhere to be found, though the Time Lord could hear Jack calling his name, albeit quietly. If he was asking to be found, he wasn't doing it very well. The Doctor knocked on Jack's bedroom door and whispered, "Jack? Are you in here?"
The door swung open, and sure enough the room was empty. Still, the Doctor could hear Jack, closer than before but not there. The next room, perhaps? As far as the Doctor remembered, there was a small sitting room there, but the TARDIS shifted floor plans so often he didn't know anymore.
He tried that door. "Jack? Is that you?" There was some answering noise but no definitive yes, so the Doctor strolled in. Despite having known Jack for quite a while, the sight that greeted him was shocking, to say the least.
As it turned out, it still was a sitting room, and the lights were off. With a combination of light from the hall and a Time Lord's ability to see in near perfect dark, much like a cat, no detail was spared. It was Jack, sprawled on a couch, his pale skin nearly glowing and his eyes closed. Bliss flew over his face and his hand moved faster, faster, stroking his hard cock.
"Jack!" the Doctor cried, more out of surprise than anything else. Jack's eyes popped open and he slowed down, though he didn't stop and made no motion to cover himself up in any way. "What– what are you doing?"
Jack grinned. "Look, Doc, you may not have a line of women waiting for you to pleasure them, but I'm pretty sure you're experienced. Not innocent, at any rate. You have to know what this is," he said, gesturing at his lap.
A flush spread from the Doctor's neck up to his hairline, though he didn't quite know why. The shock had almost worn off, it wasn't really embarrassment, but he couldn't quite give it a name.
"Well, you're right, I suppose," he conceded. "But why does it have to be in my TARDIS?"
"Want me to go outside?"
"No," the Doctor said vehemently. "But why?"
"Why am I doing this? Worst question ever, because every boy who's hit puberty knows the answer. You, for example, are sort of doing the same thing. Look down."
The Doctor glanced down to where the fabric of his pinstriped trousers was suddenly tight. His traitorous fingers, against his will, had begun rubbing the bulge and even as the logical part of his mind protested, a sudden rush of hormones told his hand to keep going. "Well, I–" He cleared his throat. "I–"
"No words, right?" He hopped off the couch, finally releasing himself, and made his way to the Doctor's side, replacing the Doctor's hand with his own. "I think you've been waiting too long for this," he murmured.
"Did you plan this?" the Doctor gasped as Jack slid his zipper down.
"Surprisingly no, but I've been dreaming about it since… Well, since I met you, actually. Come on, Doc, loosen up. Live a little."
"You're just quoting every cliché you can think up, aren't you?" the Doctor snorted, but he let out a sharp hiss when Jack slipped his hand into the Doctor's trousers. "Blimey, Harkness…" He couldn't say anything else, because there was a hot mouth covering his own and a tongue trailing along his lower lip. He parted his lips and gave entrance, but Jack pulled away to kiss his neck, nipping a string of bruises down the hollow of his lover's throat.
Lover. The Doctor savored the word in his mind, the sweet, smooth, butterscotch ring it had. It vanished quickly, however, because he couldn't quite process the full meaning of it. Was he going to allow this to continue? The answer was a resounding yes. Was it going to happen again? He didn't know, but the feel of the immortal's strong hands stroking down his chest was deliciously tempting.
The scent of Jack's pheromones was heady, intoxicating, and the Doctor wasn't about to drag this out more than he had to. Normally he was one for a long, drawn-out, bordering on romantic kind of tryst, but this was still a little weird for him and honestly, he was already painfully aroused. He pulled away from Jack's hands and lips. "I can't take you seriously when I still have my socks on," the Doctor muttered to Jack's amusement.
The captain was strangely content to stand there and watch his Doctor strip, blushing all the while. "So why'd you come barging in on me if not to join in, Doc?"
"Oh," the Doctor stalled, clearly torn between a serious answer and a cheeky one as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Well, er, you know. I heard you calling my name, so I thought you needed me…"
"Needed you, no. Wanted you, yes."
"Hang on." The Doctor froze, trousers puddled around his ankles, that brilliant look on his face: realization. "Bloody hell, Jack. You think about me when you… eh? To the point of calling my name?"
"Sure," Jack shrugged, unabashed. "Besides, it's not like you don't do the same thing. What about three nights ago, hm? What was that?"
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," the Doctor said stiffly.
Jack sighed deeply, more for show than anything else. "If you will recall, three days ago your bedroom was right beside mine, and I've gotten myself off enough times to recognize the sounds. I do believe, in between the moans and groans and squeaking of the bedsprings, that I heard my own name. Funny, huh?"
"Yes, yes, you're delightfully irresistible. Can we get on with this?"
"Oh, now you're all over me, aren't you?" Jack laughed.
"Right I am," the Doctor murmured, completely naked now, as he leapt forward to take Jack's face in his hands and kiss him fiercely. They were tightly wrapped up in one another when Jack started rocking his hips forward, thrusting against the Doctor. The Time Lord moaned at the friction.
"Couch. Now," Jack ordered, pulling the Doctor along, pushing him to the couch, and falling on top of him. He kissed his lips, along his neck, down his chest, and was finally eye level with his erection, which he promptly swallowed.
The Doctor panted and writhed under the ministrations of Jack and his marvelous tongue. He spread his legs without thinking, his carnal desires and primal instincts taking over for the intelligent part of his brain (a rather large portion of it to have fallen to such a mundane desire, but then again, even Rome had to fall sometime). "Jack, Jack, oh my Jack," he moaned.
Jack winked and pulled away from the Time Lord's cock, meeting his lips instead. The Doctor tasted himself in Jack's mouth, something that aroused him even further. "I want– you– inside me– now," the Doctor panted between sloppy kisses.
"Something I've been waiting to hear for years," Jack breathed, sucking on his fingers for a moment and slipping one into the Doctor. The man sucked in a breath as Jack added another, and the third was really almost too much… The key word being almost. It had been simply decades since he had been with a man, and while the discomfort wasn't new, the pleasure certainly was. The feeling of being full was too sweet, especially since it was Jack with his tongue in his mouth and his fingers pleasuring him so exquisitely. Jack, the immortal captain. Jack, who had died for him. Jack, his dark hair damp with sweat and his blue eyes sparking. Jack, whose face was stained red. Jack, who was quickly running out of stamina.
The fingers vanished, and the Doctor groaned in displeasure, though that was remedied when they were replaced with something a lot better. There was pain thrumming at the base of his spine, but Jack knew that and stayed still, letting the older man adjust. After a minute, the Doctor bucked his hips forward, unable to stand the lack of friction any longer. "That's more like it," Jack grunted, holding the Doctor's hips and thrusting into him.
The Doctor wrapped his legs around Jack's waist. "Harder," he gasped.
Jack's answering laugh resonated through his entire body, though the Doctor couldn't quite hear it over the sound of his own labored breathing. "You're a whore," he stated in a husky voice, somehow making the derogatory term sound sensual. He looked down at his Doctor (he rather liked thinking of the man as "his", especially now that he had truly claimed him), breathing hard and flushed a pretty pink. He usually described the Doctor's hair as defying gravity, but right now, it fell over his forehead in soft brown sweat-dampened waves. His chocolate brown eyes were filled with so much lust.
"Oh, because you're just a chaste being," the Time Lord muttered, then inhaled sharply when Jack's cocked brushed his prostate. "Oh, Jack."
"Say my name again," Jack growled; hearing his name said in such a breathy voice turned him on, it always had. He slowed his thrusts, making them long and deep instead of quick and shallow. It was a particularly effective if diabolical method; it made even the Doctor whimper.
The long thrusts were consistently battering a sweet spot deep in the Doctor's body, and he cried out in unmitigated pleasure. "Jack!" he shouted. "Jack Harkness, God, I can't take this for too much longer!"
"You like it though, don't you," Jack said in the same low growl. It wasn't a question. "Were you always such a whore? Did you always spread your legs so readily? Did you always beg for it, for a long cock to fill you up so nice? Hm?"
"Never like this," was the answering moan. The muscles in the Doctor's chest, lean though they were, tensed and relaxed in a pattern. His slender hands were gripping Jack's shoulders, nails digging into soft skin. His lips were parted, breath coming shallow, hearts beating staccato, eyes closed. Jack reached between their bodies and gripped the Doctor's cock, his sweaty palm sliding over the shaft in a way sure to make the Doctor come.
"J-Jack," the Doctor stuttered, pleasure tripping up his tongue. "I can't– I'm going to–"
"Wait for me," Jack warned, his own release rapidly approaching. "I'm almost–"
"No, I can't, I can't hold on!" the Doctor yelled, arching his back as he came, fire running through his veins and flowing out of him in a great flood, the white liquid splashing over his stomach and Jack's hand.
"Now is brilliant!" Jack cried, his orgasm hitting him suddenly. He pulled the Doctor as close as he could as he emptied himself in the tight heat. When it was all over, they were left shaky and weak. Jack could barely find the energy to pull out and collapse on the couch right beside the Doctor. They were crammed together in a small space, sweaty and sticky and lethargic, but still grinning.
"We're actually a pretty good match," the Doctor said finally, after having caught his breath. "The Lover and the Fighter."
"Which am I?"
"The Lover, obviously," he said as though it was stupid to assume otherwise. "Though you're not a bad fighter, honestly."
"Well, you're not such a bad lover," Jack retorted. "I've just accomplished my life's goal."
"To sleep with me?"
"To reduce the most powerful, feared, talkative man in the galaxy to a trembling, speechless pile of unexpected sex, that's what."
The Doctor laughed. "I hope you haven't been nursing this goal your whole life. Seems an awful long shot."
"Nah, only since I met you. And not so much a long shot, I just did it, didn't I? Only thing that could make it better is do it again. That is, do you again. Or have you do me, that'd work too."
"That'd work," the Doctor echoed, pushing his hair out of his eyes– reminding him precisely why he gelled it up every day– and holding Jack in his arms. "It's been nice knowing you, in the Biblical sense of the word."
"You're absolutely mad, you know that, right?" Jack mumbled, his eyelids slipping closed, being lulled to sleep by the Time Lord's powerful heartbeat, hot skin– Time Lords have a higher body temperature than humans, a side effect of having two hearts– and soft voice, the perfect cadence for comfort.
"So I've heard," the Doctor murmured, sounding sleepy himself. And as it happened, the two fell asleep in each others' arms.
...Was that any good? There'll be a part two eventually.