I beleive in you and me

Hey all this isn't my first fic but it is my first Glee fic and since i have fallen in love with Samcedes here goes. Hope you all like it and please review its my fuel the good bad and the ugly. Thanks and i hope you enjoy i sure am enjoying writing it.

I don't own glee wish i did Mercedes would be front and center.

Chapter 1.

"Come on ReRe you haven't said one word for the past ten mintues." Santana said as she watched the traffic ahead of her as the rain pounded on the car.

Mercades said nothing as she stared out the rain drenched window twisting the ring she wore on her neck as a reminder of him. She exhaled deeply and turned to her best friend.

"He'll never forgive me Tana. I should have told him years ago. Did you see the look on his face? He was so broken it was like he was a peice of glass and someone took a hammer and shattered him and that hammer was me." she rambled.

"Oh Cedes don't worry about Trouty mouth he'll come around." Santana said trying to sound reassuring but she wasn't so positive this time.

"No he won't Tana I've broken his heart way too many times." a fresh batch of tears streamed down Mercedes face.

Santana looked at her friend with sadness in her own eyes not knowing how to fix this for her. Its been five years since they graduated and had mostly gone their seprate ways kind of. Mercades,Santana,Brittney,Kurt,Blaine,Rachel and Mike had all gone to New York. Mr. Schue and coach Beist had managed to pull favors and some how gotten Sam into Tenneesee state on a football scholarship along with Finn. Mercedes, Santana and Brittney went to NYU. Brit and Santana were on cheerleading scholarships and Mercedes for music. And well Puck he came along for the ride. Mercedes, Santana, Brittney and Puck found themselves inseparable. The four of them got an apartment together and formed a band and did gigs at local clubs and bars they were very successful.

Santana smiled to herself who the hell would have ever thought that Mercedes Jones would be her best friend. She reached over and grabbed Mercedes hand.

"I really thought I was doing the best thing for him." Mercedes cried.

"Look girl he just made it clear that he still loves you and we all know you still love him but right after he made that declaration you hit him with 'THE NEWS'."

"I really should have opted out of whole week really." she released her hand from Santana's and stared back out the window. "I'm going back home I can't continue this week."

"So you're gonna fucking run away like you did five years ago!" Santana yelled. Mercedes turned to her with anger and hurt on her face. "No Mercedes no chicka don't look at me like that. I never figured you for a coward but you're proving me very wrong. Mercedes this is your fault for not trusting him enough to love you through anything. I may have picked on him a lot but he gave you his whole heart when we were in high school but you threw it back in his face the moment we graduated. He would have come to New York with us and then my little..."

"Santana stop. I get it ok. I get it." Mercedes said in a whisper.

Santana felt guilty for her outburst but she knew that Mercedes needed to hear it. She went to say something else when the car was hit from behind with such force that they flipped in the air and landed several hundred feet away. They could hear each scream for one another than everything went black for both of them.

Sam looked at his phone Mike had called him 10times but he didn't want to talk to anyone not after what happened 2hours ago. He rolled his eyes again when Kurt then Rachel, Finn, Artie, Tina and then Puck. He took another drink of his Burbon loving the way it burned his throat so the tears wouldn't come. Finally found him.

"Come with me." he whispered.

Sam rolled his eyes at his former teacher and knew he owed him a lot but right now he was not in the mood.

"Mr. Schue with all due respect I'm not in high school anymore and you can't tell me what to do so if you don't mind I rather just stay here." Sam shot.

"Well Sam I do mind. And I really need you to come with me right now."

" I said no."

"It's Mercedes Sam."

"Not really the name I want to hear right now." Sam said taking another drink.

"Sam..." Mr. Shue stopped he had to tell him or Sam would never come with him. "Sam Mercedes and Santana were in a accident. Sam Mercedes may not make it."

Sam's eyes filled with tears that fell onto his cheeks. Everything from the time he leaped out his seat to arriving at the hospital was a blur. He felt all eyes on him as he entered the waiting room. He saw Mr. and Mrs. Jones sitting together hugging each other. He wanted to go to them but he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Mike shaking his head no.

"Grandma and Pop pop." a little curly haired girl ran in running over to the Jones'.

Sam took her all in. She had skin the color of honey dirty blonde hair and hazel green eyes he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him again. He leaned back against the wall and slid down. A fresh batch of tears formed and fell. He couldn't loose her not now not with the words that they last spoke to each other words filled with pain distrust and anger. Everyone straightend when a doctor entered the room.

"Is anyone here for Santana Lopez?" he asked.

"We all are." Mr. Schuester answered. "This is her mother." he said wrapping Lourdes Lopez in his arms.

"She will be fine. She has a crushed pelvis and a concussion. We got lucky thats all that was wrong." he said with a smile.

There was a massive exhale and everyone looked around not realizing that they had all been holding their breaths.

"Is it safe for me to assume that everyone is also here for Mercedes Jones as well?" the doctor questioned.

"Yes. We're her parents." Mr. Jones answered and led the little girl to Ms. Emma who led her outside to a vending machine. The doctor waited for them to leave before continuing.

"She has a broken leg, and there is brusing on the brain and right now she is in a coma." there was a massive room wide gasp. "We will be watching for swelling of the brain."

"Can we see her?" Mrs. Jones questioned.

"Yes." and with that the doctor was gone.

Sam was confused and hurt for the third time in his life the love of his life has sent his world into a tailspin. They all lied to him kept his child a secret for as much as they said they were a family it seems their loyality only laid with her and that hurt him to his core. How could she keep his child from him.