Chapter 15-Hi, Grandmother/Epilogue

My fingers drummed on the table nervously as we awaited my grandmother's arrival. My aunt, Sophie, clasped my hands to stop me.

"It'll be fine. I'm right here, and David and Griffin are right around the corner. Nothing will happen," Aunt Sophie assured me.

"Too bad Mom couldn't believe that," I said to her.

"Well, Anna has her reasons. I don't blame her, but hopefully, one day, she'll change her mind."

I wasn't so sure about that. Growing up, I had only heard stories about my grandmother, who was quite infamous among the Jumper community. Even though the Paladin-Jumper war had ended before I was born, my grandmother had been responsible for ending it as well as causing it in some form. With that said, my own family was split about her.

My aunt still loved her because she was raised by my grandmother, my uncle David was neutral about it because she had saved his life several times over, but my mother wanted nothing to do with her.

I learned over time that she didn't hate her mother; just what she was and the choices she had made that alienated her from my mother and uncle. My father was indifferent about her.

"There she is," Aunt Sophie announced as she stood up from the booth. She had decided on a rundown diner in lower Vancouver, hoping that a fight wouldn't erupt due to all of us being in public.

Aunt Sophie walked up to the woman, who despite her wrinkles and gray hair, carried an elegant appearance. I could immediately see my mother, uncle, and a little of Aunt Sophie in her face. By the way she warmly greeted Sophie; I would never guess that she was a dangerous woman.

I remained a few steps behind the pair, and fiddled with a loose thread on my dark jeans. Then, Sophie said, "Mom, I would like you to meet someone."

Mary replied, "Well, I hope it's your husband. After 5 years, I think it would nice to meet him formally.

Sophie shook her head. "No, not this time."

"Then who-" Mary froze when her eyes fell upon me.

I understood her shock as I was the splitting image of my mother, except for my longer stature, nose, and chin. I pulled my long, blond hair back behind my ears and stuck out my hand.

"It's nice to meet you…Mary," I said aloud, trying to hide my anxiety.

Mary said nothing, and only examined me up and down. After a brief moment, she said, "Sorry, it's just…wow. You look…"

"I know," I nodded.

Sophie held her mother's arm and motioned between us. "Mom, this is your granddaughter, Rue. Rue, this is your grandmother, Mary."

Mary finally shook my hand, and I noticed two figures move outside the windows. My father, Uncle David, and my 9-year-old cousin, Bryan, were peeking from behind the corner. Bryan was a miniature of Uncle David almost to a tee, except for the eyes and dark hair he inherited from his mother.

The trio moved back around as Mary glanced behind her. I shook my head. Mary smirked, "Even when your mother was a baby, he was always overprotective. It seems that hasn't changed with you."

I agreed, "I guess not."

Sophie grinned, "I think this could be the start of something amazing."

Mary and I smiled at each other, knowingly.

Maybe, just maybe, I thought.

The End

AN: Here it is the last chapter! I hope you all liked it since I always imagined it would be Mary meeting Rue. I wanted to end it with the family slowly coming back together as well as all of you meeting the older version of Rue. I also thought about this chapter being Griffin preparing his daughter to meet Mary and all of you seeing them interact (as well as getting a glimpse at Griffin being a father to a fiery teenage daughter) but I had to narrow it down to one idea.

But thanks to all of you lovely readers for following this story for 3-4 years and loving every bit of it. Thank you lots.

