My Twin Brother and My Favorite Warrior

"Percy?!" I yelled happily at the sight of my little brother. I couldn't help the large smile that spread across my face as he finished climbing through my window.

"Hey Squirtle, long time no see." Percy said grinning back at me.

"I just saw you on Iris yesterday, Seaweed Brain." I laughed before walking over to him to and giving him a bear hug that would have made Emmett very proud.

"Whoa!" he yelped before wrapping his arms around me, returning the hug.

"Awe Sis, you know it's not the same." I nuzzled into his shoulder as I forced a few tears back. I hadn't really knew how much I missed my Seaweed Brain until I saw him again.

"I know Percy, trust me, I know." My voice cracked a little as I spoke.

"Oh Gods Bella don't you start that. You know if you start tear bending, I will too." I chuckled as I tightened the hug.

"Oh shut up you fool." I pulled back "Let me look at you."

When I got a good look at him, Percy had grown so much. He was finally the same height as me, he looked stronger; more athletic, his hair was darker aside from that little silver patch, and the green in his eyes shown brighter than I had ever seen before.

"Gods Percy, look at you. What happened to my baby brother?"

Percy let out a shy snicker and rubbed the back of his neck "Well Bella, he grew up…" he paused finally realizing what I had implied "What the hell do you mean "Baby"?! We're 10 minutes apart!" he mock shouted with his face turning a bit red.

All I could do was snicker before saying "Yeah, I was the one born first." Percy glared at me but I just placed a hand loving on his cheek and smiled. "Though I can truly see that Percy. I'm so proud of you Bro, I really am."

"Thanks Sis. I missed you so much, camp's just not the same without you."

I rolled my eyes at that. "Yeah right. All I ever hear when we Iris is how great everything is going, how happy you are, and who started a new fist fight each week."

He laughed at that "Yea but it's still not the same with out you there. You know, someone to keep us all in check."

I shook my head at him "Do I look like you and our whack-a-doo friends' keeper?"

"Well you are the oldest right?" Asked sarcastically, I shot him a playful glare right as I heard some clear their throat behind me and I remembered that I had more than just my brother as a guest.

"Oh shit, hey Percy, there are some friends of mine that I'd like to introduce you too. You remember the people I told you about?"

"The Cullens?"

"Yep, that's who's behind me."

"Oooh alright, cool. Introduce away." I smiled at him before wrapping an arm around his shoulders to turn us to the direction of the vampires that were camped out in my bedroom.

"Alright guys, I would like you all to meet my twin brother, Perseus Jackson."

Alice giggled a little as she made her way over to us "Wow, you look so much like Bella, well of course you do, you're both twins." She said before giving him a hug, which Percy gladly returned.

"You must be Alice, Squirtle talks about you a lot. Told to me how you've been messing with her clothes."

Alice let out a loud twinkling laugh "Yes I have. I can't believe you let her get away with the things she tries to leave the house in."

Percy chuckled happily "You should have that conversation with our mom, she's always trying to get Bella to spice up her wardrobe….come to think of it; she tries to do the same to me. I'm a dude though. I just wear dude stuff."

Alice scoffed "Just because you're a guy doesn't mean you shouldn't look good."

"Hmm, that's also what mom said."

"That just means she's a very wise woman."

"Yep, yep, she is."

Percy and Alice grinned at each before Alice turned and walked over to Rose and pulled her over to where we were in my room. "Perseus, this is my sister Rosalie."

Seaweed Brain smiled "Please just call me Percy and it's nice to meet you Rosalie. I've also heard a lot about you as well."

Rose gave a small smirk "Not all good things right?"

"Well at first, not so much but as time went on, it got better. Bella told me that you were just being protective of your family." Rose's eyes brightened up a bit at that "Trust me Rosalie, she told me that she could understand that, I can too. Bella, well she's always been kind of leader of our group of friends. More like the head of our little family, always looking out for us, keeping us safe, you know." Rose turned to look in my direction and gave me a smile.

"I'm glad you both understand, sometimes it's hard looking these guys and trying to make sure that no one cause any of them pain. It can be so hard at times."

"Of course Rosalie."

"Oh please call me Rose, Percy."

"Alright, Rose." Percy gave her the famous Jackson smile that always seem to make our eyes sparkle and Rose grinned back.

And last but not least, as Rose stepped back Edward came forward with his hand out stretched, Percy took it with a smile. "I'm Edward Cullen, Bella's boyfriend."

Percy took a step back and looked Edward up and down. He shook his and gave a small snort "So this is you." Percy gave a laugh and looked at me "This is him?"

I gave him a confused look "Yes, why?"

"He doesn't look like much. The way you talked about him, I expected him to look like Chris Evans, not the foot."

I narrowed my eyes at him and punched him in the shoulder. "Really Percy?!"

Percy grabbed hold of his shoulder and let out a loud laugh. Edward looked very confused, he said "I'm sorry, "The Foot"?"

I grumbled at Percy to shut up him up before I answered Eddy "Sorry for my twin's behavior, Eddy…." I was about to continue until Percy broke out into another fit of laughter, to which I grabbed hold his ear and held on tightly

"Ow, ow, ow, leggo!" Percy squeaked as he tried to get out of my grip "Shut it fish breath." I said through gritted teeth.

"Ouch, ouch! Okay, I'll be good, just let go!" He said still struggling. I let go of him and moved away from me, rubbing the side of his head. He grumbled under his breath at me before saying "The Foot is Robert Pattinson. I think he looks like a foot, so that's what I call him."

Edward let a low growl escape his lips "That was uncalled for. I don't even know you." He said stiffly, that just caused Percy to let out another laugh.

"I was kidding, I was kidding, I swear. Sorry man, I couldn't help myself. I just had to try out the role of critical brother. You know what I mean right?"

Edward looked at him for a long moment before smiling and even giving a light chuckle "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's quite all right."

"While you look great, Pattinson still looks like a foot."

Percy laughed, I just shook my head before whacking upside his head, and I said "Well, I see some things haven't changed with you."

He snickered "Whaa? I said I was kidding. I even apologized. What do you want from me?"

"You still can't ever be serious, can you?"

"Oh yes, I can be serious. I just prefer to be sassy as hell, besides it looks like some things are still the same with you."

"What?" I said taking a step towards him.

"Yea, it looks like you're still a great big ole' stick in the mud."

I made a fake gasp and went to swing at him but he ducked and backed up causing him to fall backwards onto my bed. Seeing this caused all the vampires in my room to burst out laughing. "Geez Bella, see, so uptight. Attacking your twin for a joke." Percy said grinning from ear to ear. "This is why some people find it hard to believe we're twins. I'm so awesome and you're a book lady." He folding his legs in front of his body and rocking happily.

"Look here you derp, I will hurt you if you don't shut your little whore mouth." I said barely containing my laughter.

"Like you could, no boobs. Come at me, I want you to try it."

"Don't test me Fish Breath, I'll kick your ass in front of all of whose present here."

"Wanna bet Squirt? Because you'd lose and….Ouch!" Percy was interrupted due to a punch to the gut by my right hook. He fell back onto my bed, he curled up, and clutched his stomach.

"You were saying…Baby brother?"

"Screw you." He squeaked out, rolling a bit.

I laughed, sitting down on the next to him and rubbed his back, snickering "Sorry bro, didn't mean to hit you that hard."

He let out a snort before playfully saying "Don't touch me you brute!"

We both laughed "Oh come on bro, I said I was sorry, what more do you want from me?"

"Kiss my ass, that's what I want." He snickered. I slapped the side of his head, he just laughed happily and rolled onto his back and looked up at me.

I smiled at him "So tell me Percy, I wanna know everything; how's everyone back home, how's home, how's camp, how's MOM."

He chuckles, raises up onto his elbows, and pats me on the shoulder "Hold up sis, we'll get to that real soon. A lot has happened since you left camp."

"Like what?"

"We'll tell you soon enough, let's just wait for Clarisse to get up here. There are a few…no, there are a lot of things that we need to explain."

I gave him a questioning look but then I realized what he said "You brought Clarisse? I would've thought that you'd bring Annabeth with you?"

"Well that's also apart of the things that need to be explained but yea Claire is here."

"Who else did you bring?" He tapped his chin in mock thinking, he knew that has always bugged me, so I gave him one final smack.

"Ouch! Damn it Bella, I'll talk. Dria came with us."

At that I let out a happy giggle "Sparky's here?!"

"Yea, we all wanted to see you, but only the four of us were aloud to come…for now anyway. Though Nico did say that he would try to shadow and drop by to see you." "I hope he can."

"We all do, but if can't he said he'd send and Iris message."

"That'll do. So Percy where's everyone?" Percy looked at my still opened window.

Outside the came a thumping and up pops the head of none other than my old sparing partner, the one and only Clarisse La Rue "Hey Starfish, long time no see."

"Damn right, it's been too long." I said as Clarisse made her way into my room. I walked over to her and just like Percy I went in for a hug but this time I was the one who ended up getting the bear hug.

"How've you been Bella?" she asked me as she put me down.

"I've been great old friend. What about you?"

"A lot better Starfish."

"I'm glad to hear that." Clarisse gave me a bright smile.

Clarisse La Rue, my old training partner. Oh sure, you think you know her and her story but honestly you don't. Claire has always been a very hard headed and strong person. She's had to be, she as you know is a child of Ares, and also she's one of his few daughters. From the day she was born she's had to prove herself to not only her Godly father but to her half siblings as well. She had to become nothing short of a war machine; always fighting, training, and being a hard ass. Always having the War God breathing down her neck, being criticized, and berated for anything and everything.

Not to mention the physical and mental abuse that bastard God would inflict on her most of the time. All of that plus not being able to show any emotions other than pride, anger, hate, and blood lust. Can you image that not changing someone? The fact that Claire came out as Bisexual, when she admitted this to her boyfriend, Chris Rodriguez he said that he couldn't trust her if that was what she was going to be and he chose to leave her.

Anna and I tracked him down and beat the hell out of him, we told him that who Claire is wasn't a choice and that she truly loved him. It didn't matter to him, he was done with her. That hurt her so damn much that for a moment I thought she wasn't going to make it through.

It didn't stop there, her sexuality didn't sit well with a few of her siblings, so they decided to be a bunch a bigoted assholes. It got so bad that right before I took off, Annabeth, Dria, and I had to help Claire fend off an ambush of those said brothers. Their attack ended up getting one of them killed by the very person that they ambushed. The other children of Ares saw this and ran away to say that their sister had murdered their brother.

Claire was taken and locked in the big house, awaiting punishment for the God of War himself, but when he did arrive, after days off her being alone and scared to death, all he did was laugh and pat on the back. He said. 'Now that's a child of mine.' Thankfully this meant that Clarisse would go free and later the truth came out that it was in self-defense but in the minds of a lot of the campers, the damage was already done. To them she would never be anything but a killer brute. Though in Ares twisted mind she became his favorite.

That's not even the worse, because she was not able to show any other emotions at her pain losing Chris and the fact that she killed a member of her "family", she took to cutting just to feel anything other than what Ares wanted her to feel. She accidentally, almost killed herself when she cut a little too deeply. If it wasn't for Percy finding her and using his water healing in time she wouldn't her here today.

A few weeks after everything had settled Dria got in touch with Hera and asked her for help. The Queen of the Gods confronted her son and slapped the shit out of him, then made him reign in his Tartarus spawn. She also allowed Claire to move into vacant cabin with condition that she seek professional help, which she did.

You see what she's had to deal with? You know, I have always been proud of Claire for surviving all that she has been through but with surviving, she ended up shutting her heart off. Yes, for a time she did become a bully, even to the point of being down right cruel. She did this trying to push those who were close to her away, for a while it worked and Clarisse, once again became the most feared Demi God in camp. The few friends she still had were just a bunch of lower bullies but even they were afraid of her. After a while no one would go out of their way to even talk to her.

Though soon two girls would change that, Dria Jackson and Selina Beauregard. They both took the risk of losing their faces in attempts to get close to Clarisse. While Selina succeed, Dria had a hard time and those two fought like cats and dogs. Though eventually they did become friends and this seemed to get Claire back on the right track. I'm just so glad that she's gotten better, I'm glad our group is once again complete.

"How's the situation with your father and your siblings going?" I asked her, Claire sighed and gave me a sad smile.

"He's still an asshole but Hera's kind of taken me under her wing to keep both dad and my idiot brothers under control."

"You know, I'm still surprised that Hera would do this for you."

"Naw, she's not doing this for me, she's doing it because Dria asked her to help me. I am grateful though and Hera's pretty cool when you get to know her." She said placing her hand inside her jacket pockets.

At that moment I noticed didn't just sound great, she look great as well. She had on a black leather jacket over her camp Half Blood t-shirt with a silver chain hidden under the shirt, tight dark grey cameo jeans, black combat boots, and a red bandana tied around her head with her pony tail loosely hanging. She had gotten even tanner, she had grown in size; complementing height perfectly, her muscles toned and sculpted. The thing I noticed the most was her smile, it had a warmth to it that I had never seen in my time at camp. Clarisse had grown so much and I couldn't help the stupid grin that spread across my face.

"What are you looking at Jackson?" Clarisse asked to me.

"Nothing Claire…well no, not nothing. It's just that you look wonderful." She gave me a surprised look before her face grew a slight blush.

"Thanks Bella. While you've been gone I began to think that if I was going to get better mentally then I would have to get better physically too."

"You've done a great job."

She grinned "Yea but I had some help with that. Our friends are some awesome people."

"Oh yes, yes we are." Percy said placing a hand on Claire's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear.

"Because of all of you I realized that I've got my own life to live and I won't let it be controlled by my siblings or even my father. This is my life, they just have to deal with it or stay the fuck away from me."

At hearing that I smiled at her "I never thought I'd hear you say that."

"I know Bella, I thought the same thing when I finally said that to myself but things have changed, I've changed. I wanted to change, I had too or eventually I was gonna end up alone because the path I was on was only full of darkness and pain. I decided that I wasn't going to let my father continue to push me down that path and get me killed." Claire finished with a sigh and gave us such a happy smile that I couldn't help but hug her.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Starfish, I am too." She said hugging me back.

"So these are the Cullens you've talked about?"

"Yea. This is Alice, Rose and Edward." Clarisse only nods to them. I wasn't really surprised, Claire isn't one of many words most of the time.

"Now that the two of you have been introduced, can both of you tell me where the hell my Sparky is?" I asked the two Demi Gods who were sitting on my bed. Claire and Percy looked at each other before looking nervously back at me. "What?"

Percy got up from the bed to say "Bella there's a lot that's happen since you've been gone. A lot of good have happened but some very things have gone down too."

"Like what?"


"Well what?!"

Clarisse layed back on my bed with her arms behind her head "Just be patient Starfish."

"Don't tell me to be patient in my own house Xena." I grumbled loudly.

Claire chuckled "Don't call me that. My dad had the hots for her remember?"

I blushed remembering the show "Oh Gods." I said face palming. "Guys I just want to see Dria."

"Squirtle please, Dria's not really ready to see you yet."

I pinched the bridge of my nose "Why not? Why. The. Hell. Not."

"Bella, we can't tell you anything right now. She want's to do that." Clarisse said sitting back up.

"What's to tell?!" I shouted becoming increasingly irritated. They just looked at each other again then Percy just looked down at his hands and Claire pulled out her phone and began typing.

"Are you fools just gonna ignore me?!" I yelled at them causing Percy to jump and Clarisse to narrow her hazel eyes at me.

"Would you calm down, I just shot her a text. She still hasn't made up her mind." Clarisse said typing out another message.

I started to feel a little hurt. "Why? Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me?"

"No sis, it's not like that. It's just..."

"Okay, okay guys. It's time to come clean." Came a gruff voice outside my window. I looked over just in time to see a black fur covered clawed hand grab onto my windowsill and pulled its whole body into my room.

I had to take a step back before saying "What the hell is that?!"

"I' basic terms, I'm a wolf."

I said nervously "Well that answers one question, here's my next: Who the hell are you?!"