Max couldn't believe what she was seeing- what the flock was seeing.

She rubbed her eyes as if it would help clear the situation up and turn everything back to normal- back to realty. Well, as much reality that a cheap motel room with seven birdkids can face.

"You're just jealous," Fang slurred when Iggy caught a whif of the odour that had clung to Fang's shirt. It was a distinct aroma, one that Iggy had smelt quite a bit in the sewer tunnels of New York. Alcohol. Of course.

Because what else would cause Fang to barge into the girl's room and demand that Max was to marry him this very instant. At four thirty two in the morning to be exact.

"Where did you get that from?" Max demanded appalled at the sight of the liquor bottle clutched in Fang's tight grip.

"Same place you got your face from!" He replied instantly. He smiled lazily and sunk down onto Angel's bed for the night, ignoring Angel protests, Nudge's giggle and Max's lecture.

"...and it's so irresponsible to be drinking infront of the kids! Now I know there was never a flock rule about drinking but I thought everyone would be smart to..." Max rambled on as Fang blinked groggily, he kept tuning in and out, the pretty colours dotting his vision was more interesting to be frank, it was quite distracting.

Fang didn't even realise he was lying on his bed with his hands in the air trying to catch the colours that seemed to float away from his fingers.

"Are you even listening to me?" Max yelled furiously, scaring the shi- poop out of everyone. Gazzy flinched back at her tone, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he was awoken by the sound of Max's angry voice.

"I'm good, how are you?" Fang replied curtly- thinking he had common sense to answer her question... even if it wasn't the correct question in mind.

Max sighed angrily, her hands coiled into fists at her sides as her teeth clenched.

She felt so betrayed. So... so disappointed in Fang that he wasn't even coherent enough to understand. He was meant to be a role model, a father like figure to guide the kids. He was just humiliating himself now.

Max couldn't stand the site of him anymore as he cackled sluggishly as he jumped joyously on the bed. Angel joined in on the fun and soon Nudge and Gazzy had all managed to fit onto the single bed, bouncing on the bed whilst laughing happily.

Angel was happy to feel Fang's mind clear of paranoia and skepticism for once. Althought his thoughts were a little jambled and blurry, he seemed to be happy and having fun. She kind of liked drunk-Fang.

Max couldn't stand it any longer, she left the room with a sad excuse of 'getting some fresh air' but Iggy knew it was to blow off some steam.

Iggy relaxed back in the desk chair supplied by the kind staff of the motel and listened to the flock having fun. Well, some of them.

"You know, Max is really angry at you," Angel pointed out as their bouncing slowed down.

"Mmmmm..." Fang hummed, closing his eyes for a second, "I love when Max is mad."

"Um... no you don't. You hate it when she's mad. I've seen it in your mind," Angel said without thinking, she immediately scanned the room to see if Max had come back. If Max had found out Angel was probbing everyone's minds again...

"My thoughts must have been lying. I la-la-LOVE Max when she's riled up. Oh my God- imagine her in bed," He sighed dreamily. Gazzy looked at his older brother and frowned, confused.

"She's a kicked. When Max is in bed she always rolls around- and they say Nudge is bad," Let's just say The Gasman didn't quite understand the concept Fang was using.

"Ohhh... " Fang moaned, running his hands through his silky dark hair.

Nudge grimaced, mentally telling Angel to not read Fang's mind at the moment. Angel hesitantly obeyed when she watched Fang take off his shirt and spin it above his head wildly.

"Get Max!" He commanded, an out of character grin plastered across his face. Gazzy pinched himself subtly to see if he was dreaming.

He wasn't.

"Fang. Put you're shirt on," Iggy said tiredly, he wasn't in the mood to laugh at Fang's antics- though he would so hold this against Fang one day- he was even too tired to even make a crude comment about Fang's moans and innuendos.

Iggy reminded himself to tease the shit out of Fang later. When he wasn't about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Not until Max takes off hers!" Fang laughed ruefully, scaring Gazzy into sitting across the room from him.

"Max isn't here," Nudge said gently- understanding that drunk-Fang was a little... dim, to say the least.

"You're here though. I can deal," Fang smirked, his eyebrows wiggling all crazy-like.

"MAX!" Nudge screamed, totally freaked out.

It took a few moments but as soon as Max walked through the door she was so tempted to walk right out again.

Fang was only in his black boxer shorts and was drawing on Iggy's face with a black sharpie.

Poo sucker!

Was written in what looked like a baby elephant stomping around with inky feet but the font was clear enough to read.

Nudge had left the room and decided to stay in the boy's room tonight while Angel giggled at Fang's drunken havoc. Gazzy was snoozing heavily and snoring lightly on the armchair, curled up with his wings as a heat source. It was too early for this.

"Maxie!" Fang screeched, causing Iggy to stir. For someone with incredible senses, Iggy is like a rock when sleeping and cannot be woken up easily.

"Fang," Max sighed tiredly. This was getting annoying now. She was sure she used up her qouta of patience for the day.

"Shhh! You'll wake it!" He gestured to Iggy before grabbing Max's hand as she rolled her eyes irritated. Fang dragged Max to the bed and pretty much forced her to sit down.

He gently cupped her face in both of his hands and for a second Max saw an unfamiliar emotion pass in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it came.

"I want... " Fang paused, leaning in close to Max. She could feel her pulse race as his warm breath fanned over her face. She unconsiously tilted her head towards his, completely forgetting about a curious Angel in the room, watching intently. "I want your love," He whispered gently.

Max closed her eyes slowly, allowing herself to sink into his palms. His words washed over her and her fingers tingled to touch him. To touch his glorious torso that he had unshamelessly put on display.

"I want your revenge... " Fang whispered as his lips brushed against hers. Her mouth felt warmer than usual and Max wished she had the guts to just lean in and kiss him herself.

"YOU AND ME CAN HAVE A BAD ROMANCE!" Fang sang obnoxiously, roughly pushing Max down onto the bed as he began twirling aimlessly. He bagan singing loudly and Angel realised now why his words sounded so familiar.

Max on the other hand was looking up to the cieling, ashamed at herself for thinking that Fang was going to say something incredibly heart warming.

Maybe if he was sober? Max sighed, even sober Fang wasn't that romantic.

Why does she even bother to hope?