Title: Breathing Work Of Art

Pairing: Sirius/Remus. Established relationship.

Era: Pre-Azkaban

Summary: Sirius knows he is attractive and that his is a technical beauty. But to him, he has nothing on Remus. There is something more profound than mere technical beauty when it comes to Remus and Sirius is determined to capture it. Established Sirius/Remus, pre-Azkaban

Warnings: M rated for sex between men. A spot of Remus worship. Also it's Sirius/Remus, meaning that Sirius is pitching and Remus catching. I was sorely tempted to do it the other way around so I could have another opportunity to tell the ridiculous flamers to kiss my arse as opposed to sucking my dick this time. But alas, I shall have to find a way other than getting flamed to boost my review numbers ;).

Notes: All the wonderful reviews and readers have put me on a writing roll. I blame you for my madness! :P Actually, I thank you for it a million times.

Also, this one has a slight kink but not squick. Then again, thinking about all those people that flamed my other fic, 'Of Christmas and Candy Canes', this might be squick if you're a prude. Then again it's more like 'Lightning In Your Eyes'. Then again, I've no idea what I'm talking about. Do carry on. :)

PS: Poem is mine, made for this fic.


Bless unto me your unrestrained beauty,

Harmonious flaws, purity stained,

Living canvas tainted with sinuous perfection,

Breathing work of art, passion unchained.

– I Double Dare You

Breathing Work Of Art

Chapter 1: Studying Beauty

Sirius Black had always been the attractive one.

His looks were the most remarkable thing about him on first sight. His was a technical beauty. High aristocratic cheekbones, smooth dark hair, bright grey eyes, clear, pale skin, charming smile and tall, strong and slim physique. He knew that he was attractive in every sense of the word. But to him, he had nothing on Remus Lupin.

Technically, he knew that Remus was not considered a remarkable beauty by most people. In fact, he knew that most wouldn't take a second look at him because he was a very ordinary looking bloke at first glance. But Sirius had had more than one glance and he found that he'd been inclined to take a million more. There was something more subtle about Remus, a quiet, modest beauty that Sirius was sure that Remus wasn't aware of and wouldn't believe in if he was told about it. It was in everything he did. The way he walked, talked, read, slept, smiled, laughed, kissed and the way he had sex, was beautiful.

Especially the way he had sex.

When their limbs were sweaty and tangled with one another and they were reaching the height of pleasure, Sirius couldn't help but stare, transfixed as the subtle beauty in Remus' face transfigured and melded into something more striking and outstanding, a powerful and commanding work of art. He couldn't quite pinpoint what made it so; perhaps it was all the little things working together. How his cheeks flushed with hot blood, full lips open and tempting, supple, slim body writhing and arching, unrestricted, wanton and all for him. And those eyes. Merlin, those eyes turned from light brown to a burning amber with flecks of honey brown, burning and on fire, staring deep into his own. Sirius didn't know if it was his own overloaded senses seeing things or the wolf that was always present in Remus, waking from dormancy and coming alive in Remus' eyes when his control was at its weakest and pure passion and feeling at its strongest. Either way, it was looking into those eyes just as Remus was on the brink of climax that unerringly pushed Sirius over the edge.

That was why, one evening while their blood was cooling and their breathing slowing down as they came down from their release, Sirius tiredly mused out loud, "I wish I could capture you like that".

Remus was obviously not listening as there was no inquiring remark or witty comment from him, only a noncommittal hum as he curled closer against Sirius, nuzzling his nose deeper into Sirius' temple. But although Sirius turned into Remus' touch, his mind was still turning over the idea that had popped up into his head. He had to be able to have Remus like that again, constantly. The sight was addictive; as soon as Remus' face faded into the dazed, sated post-orgasmic expression, he craved the intense passion of his former expression. He had to somehow capture him like that. Eyes drooping as a quiet snore was heard from Remus, his mind continued to contemplate the idea even while he slept.


Sirius had never tried painting before.

He'd always been good with a quill and his artwork was remarkable when he tried. Indeed, whenever Remus found his sketches lying around the place his face would light up in awe and his compliments would make Sirius feel all warm and uncomfortable inside. But painting was new to him. Regardless, he knew it wouldn't matter. When he put his mind to something he would succeed. His stubbornness was useful sometimes, even if it was usually a point of exasperation for his friends.

So it was with fierce determination that Sirius set out the very next day to buy a fortune's worth of painting supplies and dozens of canvases. He returned to their flat, arms laden with acrylic and oil paints, brushes, and numerous canvases and an easel floating behind him. Remus wasn't home so it was easy to set up all his supplies in the spare bedroom and he immediately got to work.

Over the next few days, Sirius barely emerged from the spare room, much to Remus' bewilderment. And when he did come out, it was only when the ache of hunger and thirst had impeded his concentration and he only stayed out long enough to wolf down some food and quench his thirst before retreating once again to the room, his poor explanation being, "I'm busy".

Remus let him be. He knew it was just Sirius' nature to get a new obsession and pursue it day and night for a short time before becoming bored with it and forgetting about it completely. He was curious as to what the obsession was this time but the door to the spare room remained locked and he was not stupid enough to unlock it with magic, as easy as that would have been. Sirius didn't want him in there for a reason and he wouldn't press it. However, his curiosity was intensified when at the end of the second day, Sirius had come out of the room and, seemingly uninterested in food or water, approached him.

Remus smiled pleasantly and looked up from his book, which he'd been reading on the couch by the fire. Perhaps Sirius was finally getting bored with what he'd been doing. But judging from the crazed, determined look in his eye, that was highly improbable. Remus was still wondering what Sirius wanted when he was stunned to find himself being kissed. Uncertain and surprised, Remus hesitantly responded, his book slipping from his limp hands and falling to the floor and creasing the pages as he cupped Sirius' face. And then there was Sirius' voice, a determined whisper against his lips, "Watch me".

Breathlessly, Remus obeyed as if Sirius' words were a spell and he was bound to gaze at him forever. Sirius pressed one more kiss to Remus' lips, pulling away even as Remus pushed forward, wanting more of the touch. Then he was sliding down Remus' body and Remus could feel his hot breath even through his muggle sweater and shirt, making him shudder and his cock swell with hot blood. He watched, spellbound as Sirius pushed his knees apart and swiftly undid the button and zip of his jeans with nimble fingers. He didn't know what had brought on this sudden act of passion but he couldn't bring himself to ponder on it as Sirius pulled him out of the confining pants and into the relatively cool air. He groaned as Sirius' eyes darkened when they lingered on his cock and he wet his lips with his tongue.

Then Sirius' gaze flicked up to meet Remus' and he held the eye contact as if to make sure that Remus would still watch him. Subsequently assuring his undivided attention, Sirius leaned forward and engulfed Remus in his mouth. Remus' breath hitched and his hands slid down to tangle themselves in Sirius' hair which had become curiously wild and messy ever since he'd retreated to the room days before, as if he hadn't been taking care of it. The thought immediately slipped from Remus' mind as Sirius wriggled his hot tongue up against the underside of Remus' cock and a responding moan was coaxed from deep in his chest. His breathing was becoming loud and obscene and he no longer felt the need for the warmth of the fire as he felt as if his body was burning on the inside. Then Sirius' mouth slid further down his swollen cock and sucked fiercely, making Remus' back arch off the chair and his head tip back, moaning while his hands gripped Sirius' hair uncontrollably. The slick heat of Sirius' mouth was suddenly gone and he was barking harshly, "Watch me, Remus. I need to see your face".

Remus was surprised into obedience as he was used to Sirius telling him that he was the bossy one, especially during sex. It wasn't an unpleasant change, just one he hadn't been expecting.

So he kept his eyes on Sirius' face the whole time, watching as he took the cock between his lips again, cheeks hollowing as he sucked and the saliva glistened on Remus' painfully red member in the firelight. It was a beautiful picture and one that Remus feared would force him over the edge too soon. He bit his bottom lip viciously and tried not to think about what he was watching in an attempt to stave off his orgasm. Then the pleasant friction on his cock was gone again and Sirius was sharply demanding, voice low and hoarse, "Don't hold back, just let go. I want to watch you come".

And the mouth was surrounding him again and unthinkingly heeding Sirius' words, Remus did just that. He bucked and thrust into Sirius' mouth, moaning loudly as the slick warmth convulsed around his sensitive flesh as Sirius sucked and swallowed him. In the back of his mind, he knew that he was gagging him and he was ashamed and apologetic for doing so, but the way those grey eyes gazed so intensely into his own made him forget about manners and being considerate. The sucking sensation was bringing him closer and closer to the edge and he thrust madly up into the mouth, Sirius taking it all without complaint and without removing his gaze from Remus' face. Then Remus' mouth was falling open as he seemed to lose control over all his muscles and a low cry was ripped from his throat. He was arching up violently in Sirius' mouth, eyes locked with Sirius' as he gripped his hair fiercely and his come was released and swallowed.

Heart pounding, breathing erratic and mouth still hanging open, Remus slumped back into the chair, exhausted and sated. Sirius slid back up his body, joints cracking as he hooked a finger under Remus' chin to coax him to look at him again. Remus' eyes slowly fluttered back open and he looked into the grey eyes level with his, his blood slowly pumping back into his brain and his inhibitions and coherent thoughts coming back to him. He was just wondering what had inspired Sirius to do such a thing so suddenly when he registered Sirius' wide smile and that he was gently stroking the back of his fingers down Remus' cheek.

"Perfect. Thank you".

Sirius' lips pressed against his immediately after Sirius' words and then both lips and man was gone. Sirius was grinning back over his shoulder at him as he turned and began to walk away, back to the spare room. As he did, Remus caught a glimpse of the bulge in his pants from his obvious erection and he frowned, making to ask Sirius what was going on. But Sirius was already at the spare room door, saying cheerfully over his shoulder, "See you later, Moony".

The sound of the door snapping shut behind him was incredibly loud in the small flat and Remus sat in stunned shock. He couldn't figure out any of what had just transpired. The incredible blow job, Sirius' insistence that he watch him, the intense look in his eyes, how Sirius didn't even want him to reciprocate and how he'd thanked him. What did Sirius have to thank him for? He'd just given him one of the most amazing blow jobs in his life and he hadn't even been allowed to return the favour. Still confused and muddling through the thoughts in his cloudy, post-orgasm mind, he pushed himself back into his pants and did them up before reaching down to pick up his book, pages bent and creased.

Ten minutes later, the last clear thought in his head before his chin fell to his chest and his eyes drooped shut was, 'What in Merlin's name is Sirius doing in there?'


Again, this didn't turn out exactly how I pictured it. To me, it reads too forced, seems very unlike Sirius and as equally unrealistic. I'd appreciate it if you'd either allay my fears or confirm them. I crave your opinions, dearest reader, whatever they may be! They shall help me improve by encouraging me to continue writing the way I do or tweak the way I portray these characters. There'll be an obsessive fanfic writer's squeal in it for you in exchange for a review. ;D

Next and last chapter should be up by today or tomorrow. I'm writing frantically as you read...well, probably not, but point is it'll be up soon. :)

Toodle Pipski!