My first attempt at a fanfiction so let s see how this works out lol :)

Disclaimer: I don t own Junjou Romantica no matter how much I want to...T.T

CHAPTER 1: nightmare

It had been a normal day for Misaki Takahashi. After finishing his homework he decided to go to bed. He yelled down the hall to Usagi-san that he was going to sleep and after confirming that he had heard him, he crawled into bed.

...*... means period of time has passed*...

Misaki shot out of bed with a start, tears running down his face as his nightmare flooded back into his brain.

*flashback to nightmare*

Him and Usagi were walking down the street, heading home after a nice dinner out, a reward for Usagi finishing his manuscript on time. Usagi, to busy teasing Misaki, didn t notice the crosswalk sign turn red. As he walked out into the street, Misaki screamed his name seeing the truck coming full on towards his Usagi. Usagi turned to look at Misaki just as the truck hit him. Misaki ran out into the street, throwing himself down next to Usagi.

"Usagi, Usagi! Please wake up!" Misaki yelled as he shook Usagi s shoulders, willing him to open his eyes.

Someone had called the paramedics, but it was too late, Usagi had died right there in Misaki s arms. The paramedics had to pry Misaki s crying, hysterical body off of Usagi s lifeless one.

"I never showed him how much I loved him, I never got to!" Misaki cried sagging back into the ground where the paramedic had left him.

Weeks passed and nobody gave there condolences to Misaki, they just thought he was the roommate, they couldn t have beenthat close. Misaki cried himself to sleep every night knowing that he could have expressed himself more to Usagi, but it was too late, and it was all his fault.

*end of flashback*

Misaki jumped out of bed and ran to Usagi s room. the only thing running through his mind was I have to make sure he is ok.

"Usagi-san!" Misaki yelled running into Usagi s room.

"What! Are you ok? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" millions of things ran through Usagi s mind as he hopped out of bed to check on Misaki.

" No I-I m ok, I had a nightmare and-and-" Misaki couldn t finish because of the tears that rolled down his face.

"Hey, hey, It s ok, come here, tell me what happened.' Usagi said as he ushered Misaki into his bed, pulling the covers up around them.

"So what happened?" Usagi said.

"Misaki if you don t tell me, I can t help you, It s ok, come on." Usagi begged.

So Misaki re-told the tale of his worst nightmare to Usagi-san, who just layed there with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Finally after Misaki finished telling his tale and cleaning up his tears, Usagi finally talked.

"Oh Misaki it s OK, it s ok, I m not going anywhere ok, I promise." He said.

"I know Usagi-san, but I just need to let you know that I m going to be more open about-about us, ok? I won t fight it anymore...because I-I love you Usagi-sa-" Misaki whispered to Usagi as he drifted off to sleep.

Usagi stared at his precious angel with wide eyes, they slowly closed and Usagi let one of those rare smile s creep onto his face...the only thoughts left in his mind as he drifted to sleep were of Misaki and if he would remember his valiant confession in the morning.

Ok, first chapter done! Yay! Sooo rate and review please! -RingingSilence