I almost forgot to write tonight... oops... I got to stop making all those Legit pictures XD

Also, I'm going to write a full on bonus chapter for LTD. It's going to be over 10k words long.

Check my blog on FimFiction . net for full details.

Chapter 16

"What the..." Peter muttered as he looked out the window and down into the city below.

Down below, he saw police cars flying down the streets. And up above, he could see a few helicopters hovering around, pointing spot lights into the city below.

"What's going on down there?" David asked as he stepped up beside Peter, sipping a cup of coffee.

Peter sighed and shrugged, "I don't know... but I don't like it."

Peter brought his phone up and checked his messages. Nothing.

Lance was suppose to call him, or at least send a message, when he was coming back. But it's been four hours.

"I hope Lance is okay..." Twilight said as she sat on the couch, a pillow held close to her chest.

"He's fine. You know Lance, always late." Rainbow Dash said as she shuffled through Peter's movie collection.

"Fuck!" Greg yelled as he strolled out of the bathroom, "Hey Pete, I hope you don't need your toilet... Kinda broke it."

Mark facepalmed, "And how do you break a toilet?"

Greg shrugged, "You try to use it as a bong."

"Fucking idiot..." David muttered as he turned back to the window.

Peter shook his head and walked over to the bathroom, "Do I even want to see this?"

Greg put his arm in front of him, "I would suggest you not go in there. For your and my safety."

Peter rubbed his face and turned about face and strolled over to the couch.

But, as he started to sit down, there was a thud against the door.

"Da fuck?" Seth muttered as he and the others looked towards the door.

David spun around and gulped, "I knew it! I just knew the police would come for us!"

"Shhh!" Peter shushed, holding up his hand, "If it was the police, they would have already been in here."

There was another thud, this one lighter.

Peter slowly walked over to the door and turned the lock...

... And the door burst open to reveal Lance, blood pouring down his left arm.

"Lance!" Twilight and Rarity screamed as he stumbled into the room and fell against the wall.

Peter went to a knee next to Lance, followed by David and Zorrow, "Lance, what happened to you?"

Lance groaned and waved his hand lazily in front of himself, "Nothing, just... shot. FBI... out of town..."

As Lance began to pass out, Zorrow shook him violently, "Lance, you have to stay awake! What happened?"

Lance groaned and coughed once before slumping all the way to the floor.

Early the next morning
6:28 AM

I let out a loud groan as I slowly opened my eyes.

What happened? Last thing I remember is talking to Peter, then nothing.

Wait! FBI!

I began to push myself off the bed, but stopped when I felt something over my chest. I looked to my right and a faint smile formed on my lips.

Twilight was pressed up against me, both of her arms around me in a tight embrace.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. I then gently crawled out of her embrace and stood up.

A sudden flash of nausea washed over me as blackness filled my vision.

I stopped moving and let the feeling go away. Once it was gone, I walked out of the room and into the living room.

When I turned the corner, I saw Mark sitting on the couch, looking at the TV.

He looked over and sighed in relief, "Thank God you're okay! We were worried you had lost to much blood."

I smiled weakly and walked over to him, "Listen, we have a problem. The..."

"I know, the police gave up on you and made you the FBI's problem." He said, pointing towards the TV.

I turned around and looked at the TV. On the screen was a FBI agent. The news reporter was currently asking him questions.

"... Waiting for him. But, he must have had an outside source, because he seemed like he knew we were there waiting for him." The agent said as he looked off to the side, "We have been watching his uncle, who was the closest to the fugitive. It seems he's been keeping constant contact with him, but he won't tell us anything during interrogations."

"Is it just the one fugitive, or does he have accomplishes?" The reporter asked.

The agent gave a nod, "Yes, we are lead to believe his brother, Mark Greenfield, is also in on this. That's what the mother, Dana Greenfield, has told us. But, according to her, he also has his wife with him. Dana gave us a name, but, it sounds like a cover up name. According to her, the fugitives wife is a Twilight Sparkle. This has raised some questions, but we're keeping it under wraps for now."

"Anything else?"

The agent pulled up his helmet and looked at the camera... oh shit, it's dad...

"Yes, one more thing. If the fugitive is watching this, I want him to know one thing: No matter where you go, no matter where you hide, we'll find you." He said, a serious look on his face.

The news reporter began to relay details of the case, but I didn't listen, I just turned back to Mark.

"We're screwed..." I muttered.

He nodded, "Yeah, if dad's on the case, we can consider ourselves caught." He let out a sigh, "He was always determined."

"But, he let me go..." I said, trying to figure out why he just let me run off.

Mark shrugged, "I don't know why he let you go, but I do know he will be after both... of course!" He said, snapping his fingers.


"He knew if he let you go, you'll go back to me. That way, he can catch both of us at once."

I facepalmed, "I should have known!"

"Now what?" Mark asked, standing up.

I sighed and looked out the window, "I don't know."

We can't leave the country easily, and we can't hide. So what is there to...

"I got it!" I yelled loudly.

"What is it?" Mark asked, a smile on his face.

I smirked, "Pack your bags, we're going for a little trip."