Okay, so I have indeed abandoned this story. I'm a bad person, I know, but I have no interest in it, and re-reading chapters of this makes me cringe. It was my baby at one point, and it will always have a soft spot in my heart, but I will not be continuing it. So, in order to satisfy whatever fans I have left, I have here an outline of what was going to happen in the last chapter. I lost my original outline of the story, so if there are plot holes still, then I apologize, I did this by memory.
Make sure to read note at the bottom.
Brief Summary of the ending of Rumour:
This is what I remember: I have since lost my outline because of getting a new computer.
The Joker has been arrested, and is being detained in Arkham asylum. Officials claim he will remain there until the doctors can determine for sure if he is legally insane. Rumour is ready to leave Gotham, but is compelled to stay a few extra days in order to attend Salvatore Maroni's funeral. There she meets his son Anthony (Tony Maroni) who clearly has plans to take over the Falcone family business.
Everything is ready now, and now all she has to do is meet a woman for lunch (who is implied to be Vianca's old nanny, and one of the few people she really trusts). She gives a good chunk of the money to the woman, who tries to refuse it, but Rumour insists that is what Vianca wanted. The woman gives Rumour an envelope with plane tickets (the location was never going to be revealed to the dear readers, but wherever Rumour is going, Vianca will be there waiting).
Rumour is packing up her stuff when she is assaulted from behind, and knocked unconscious. She wakes to find her self tied to a metal chair in what looks like a freezer of some sort. There is man a sitting across the room, and he has a gun. Rumour recognizes him as the Romany patriarch/boss of the gypsy/traveler mafia she has been trying to avoid). He sees she is awake, and without a word, cracks her with the gun on the jaw, and her chair tips over. The man then describes in detail what he is going do to her (starvation, torture, give her to his men to play with, the gist). Rumour, not exactly knowing why the Romany is after Vianca, essentially asks if all that is really necessary. The Romany says that it is will not bring back the lives of his son, or his unborn grandchild. Rumour is surprised at this. The Romany goes off in rant, talking about how his son had always had a weakness for women, and that he had hoped his wife being pregnant would have finally made him settle down, but then she (Vianca) came along. Then, he implies that Vianca had a hand in the murder of his son's wife (and therefore his grandchild), which led his son to kill himself. Rumour finally understands why Vianca needed to disappear, and also comes to understand how little she knows about her "soul mate".
Done with his rant, the Romany gets out a knife, and is about to cut off one of her fingers when gunshots and screams are heard. Tony Maroni bursts into the room, and instantly guns down the Romany. He makes a quip about blood/family, and then frees Rumour. He tells her that he had her followed, in order to make sure she was really leaving the city (he doesn't want another rival for the throne, so to speak). Rumour convinces him that she just wants to leave, so he has one of his guys drive her back to her apartment.
The very last bit is Rumour sitting in the airport, staring blankly at a picture of the Joker's mugshot in the newspaper. She recalls their conversation about her relationship with Vee, and she comes to terms with the fact that she is strangely interested in the Joker, and that maybe she has a thing for "superior beings", and apparently, with ruthless beings, based on what the Romany said about Vee.
Rumour is unsure whom to believe, because she is sure if she asked Vee, she would tell her a much different story. So she resolves not to ask Vee about it, not even to mention that she had a run-in with them. Because in the end, she would rather have her friend, and have her as a monster, than not have her in her life at all.
It ends with Rumour boarding her plane, leaving the picture of the Joker's mugshot behind.
End with third person POV of a man in a straightjacket, blond hair messy and obscuring their face. The man is clutching a picture of a woman with blond hair and navy blue eyes. When he lifts his face, the light shows his ruined, half burnt face.
Imply sequel.
Okay, there you have it. If you liked Rumour, please check out my other Joker stories, especially Convenient Distractions, I am quite happy with that one so far.
Also, something I would like to propose.
I MAY be persuaded to do a revised, remade and remodeled version of Rumour, that would most likely be darker, more action and less silly stuff (although with humour added in once and awhile). It would not happen immediately, hell it might not happen at all, but I am open to being persuaded.
Lemme know how you feel, and please check out my other stories! Also, if you want to PM me about anything that just went down, please, I would love that!
I love you guys, and I'm sorry if I disappointed you.
- linnie