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Chapter Twenty: Marmoreal Mourning
Rowena had no idea that the White Queen herself would be escorting the Kingsleighs Above. Charles always joked that the Kingsleighs had a drop of king's blood deep within them, and it most certainly must be true for a royal send off.
The eight of them stood in a bare castle room with cool marble floors. Aside from the door they entered through, there was only an old, wooden door in the room, which was located at the opposite end. The White Queen stood next to that wooden door while the Kingsleighs and the Glassicas said their good-byes.
Rowena and Imogene embraced. Rowena couldn't believe that she was losing her dearest friend – no, her sister. "Take care of yourself," Rowena said seriously, "and don't you dare forget about me!"
"Oh, child," Imogene laughed, "not to worry. Besides," she said with a wink, "we have much more to explore in the gardens."
Rowena stiffened in Imogene's arms. She had hoped that she would be able to say good-bye to her friend truly, and not the mad version of her who spoke of times long gone.
"Yes," Rowena replied with a sad smile," we have much more to see together."
"I'm glad for it."
"Are you all ready to go?" the White Queen asked the group.
"Yes, I believe we are," Mister Kingsleigh responded.
"Well then," the White Queen continued, "let's get on with it. Time's brother is very different Above. Remember, your Underlandian guide will be a Mistress Chattaway. She does have a pair of very rambunctious boys, but you will all get along just fine until you're settled." She went over a few more details with the family before turning to Imogene.
"Before you go…" the white Queen said hesitantly, "I believe this belongs to you." She pulled out a bundle wrapped in delicate tissue and offered it to Imogene.
Imogene took the bundle and gently unfolded it. "It's beautiful," Imogene said with a gasp.
In her hands was a glittering Volto mask dipped in silver. The top of the mask was configured into a shape of a crown and was encrusted with white and black diamonds. White, shimmering swirls ran along the rest of the mask's face.
Silent tears fell down Imogene's cheeks and the glazed over look was gone from her eyes. For the first time that day, and probably in months, Imogene was Present. "It's perfect."
The group stood in respectful awe, some praying for Prince Jareb and his secretly betrothed widow, while others remembered all the past and hoped for the future.
"You know, sometimes, I believe in six impossible things before breakfast," the White Queen said gently. "Thank you," she continued, wiping away Imogene's tears, "for giving my son his voice and turning him into a champion." She then glided over to the wooden door and opened it wide. "Everyone ready?"
The Kingsleigh men and Mister Glassica moved all of the suitcases into the small, dim room beyond the threshold that contained even more doors and a glass table. Everyone said their final good-byes before the Kingsleighs began filing into the smaller room.
Charles stopped in front of Rowena. Close. Too close, she suddenly became aware.
"You…" he started, "You could come with us."
Rowena was taken aback and didn't know what to say. Go? Above?
"I– We – Imogene! Imogene would do well to have a close friend with her." Charles gave Rowena a bright, nervous smile.
Rowena turned and looked at her parents. They stood together holding one another and gave her a gentle smile. Charles was only playing a game the morning of Spafalown Day when he told her parents that they were courting, but was there some Truth in his game? Really, Rowena shouldn't have been surprised. Charles was only a couple of years her senior – closer in age than her and Imogene – and they truly did come of age together.
"What a lovely Idea," Rowena smiled genuinely. "But," she continued sadly, "an Idea for a different day."
Charles' face fell. "Are you sure?"
"Very. My place is here – for now." She took his hands in hers. "Take good care of Imogene. And go on as many adventures as you can possibly take. I can't wait to hear about them one day."
There was one thing Rowena had learned through all of her mourning, and it was herself. She was a strong young lady and would become stronger and smarter. She didn't want to become a Marmoreal courtier or choose a trade – she wanted to choose herself. And just like Imogene was the older sister she never had, Charles was the older brother she never had. Going Above with the Kingsleighs may have been easy and convenient, maybe even expected, but for how long would Rowena do something simply because it was expected? It was time to stop living for her friends and her parents, and to make her own choices.
Charles stood up straighter and smiled back confidently before joining his family in the small room. The Kingsleighs and the Glassicas waved to each other across the threshold as the White Queen gently clicked the door shut.
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Definition: Volto mask – a simple mask style that covers the face and depicts basic facial features. It was historically used for guaranteed anonymity. The Volto may not be time period-accurate, but it's Underland, so anything goes. Additionally, that type of mask would have been perfect for Aunt Imogene to wear before being revealed in Prince Jareb's court.
A/N: All Alice in Wonderland names tend to describe the individuals in some way, so it was fitting that the Kingsleighs have a royal linage. It may also explain why Alice was so sought out by the White Queen and why she appeared in the Oraculum.
On another note, Lady Ascot and Charles never had a romantic relationship; just a friendship that would have been deemed worthy enough for a match in Victorian times. However, they aren't truly a match and work much better simply appreciating their friendship instead of beginning a courtship out of convenience and proximity (a lesson that is timeless, to be honest!). Additionally, I wanted to show that Lady Ascot and Alice aren't much different, even though neither of them realizes that at all.