Chapter 1 a letter from a friend

It was a bright day at the Jade palace. the birds were singing and all members of the five were sleeping

Away the day ,because they had just comeback back from defeating shen and were all tired and didn't have the energy to get out of bed to do anything else, and Master Shifu had given them the day off he thought that they deserved it after all they did save china and kung fu from Shen's fireworks cannons.

But as the day progressed by without anyone waking up an eagle was waiting to deliver a message to the dragon warrior Po. He waited and waited and waited until somebody had come outside the jade palace it was Po but he looked half asleep as he was awake but he wasn't as he progressed out of the palace the eagle flew up to Po and bowed.

"Good morning Dragon Warrior" the eagle said happily as Po responded half asleep.

"what who are you your not getting my noodles you thief" said with a groggy voice as of thinking he was the thief in his dream who was after his noodles

"Pardon Dragon Warrior" said the eagle a little bit surprised at what he was accused off

"You heard me don't touch them or feel my awesomeness" he said still not realizing he was awake

"Dragon Warrior are you well you seem sick" said the eagle a little worried for his well being.

"That's it feel my awesomeness SKADOSH" as he tried to lift up his leg he fell forwards thinking that still asleep and fell forwards waking him up fully aware of what happened he turned to the eagle

"I am so sorry I thought I was asleep" said a little embarrassed

"No worries I fell out of my nest once because I was so tired from delivering messages" he said suddenly realizing again why he was here

"My apologies Dragon Warrior I have traveled far to give you this letter from a woman named song" he said with a stern voice as he handed the scroll to the Po.

"Oh no need for formality's call me Po" he said with a whole hearted voice as he sat up and accepted the scroll from the eagle.

As the eagle bowed and departed Po opened up the scroll to read the letter he read.

Dear Po How have you been I have been good me and the ladies have finally turned everything around we are now completely legit been a long time since we have seen each other and I was wondering if it would be alright if I stopped by and we catch up for old times sake sincerely song

p.s to send a letter back to me give it to a messenger and tell him to deliver to the village of the lady's of shade

Po was speech less he just woke up and he no longer felt tired he felt excited that he got a letter from

Song it had been so long and he was over joyed to have heard from Song he thought it would be a great idea as he went back inside to grab a scroll to send to song he wrote

Dear song its great to have heard from you I have missed you ever since we last saw each other before you flew away on your umbrella at the canyon of screeching winds I always knew that you would had made a great leader for the ladys come whenever you like sincerely Po

Hope yall liked the first chapter please read and review