Disclaimer - Set in the timeline originally created by Rachel500, of ten years after Dom's death in the events of the original Blackjack episode, this story utilizes characters created and owned by Belisarius and Universal from the original Airwolf series as well as USA's Airwolf II season. They are not mine and I make no claim to them or profit from them. No copyright infringement is intended. The characters of Nicky was created by Rachel500 and belongs to her. However, in later Belisarius fashion I felt that it was appropriate to include a Christmas episode amongst my stories, since there were none in the original series. I've always thought there should have been. As such, please consider this the Christmas present that got a little delayed along the way. I hope you enjoy.

"We are each of us angels with one wing, and we can only fly by embracing each other…"

Christmas Past, Present -

"Saint John, look out!" eleven year old, Stringfellow Hawke yelled at his brother.

Turning, the sixteen year old spun just in time to see the half-decorated Fraser fir they'd spent an hour decorating, start to topple.

He dropped the offending box of lights he'd been holding, and made a desperate lunge for it knowing even as he did so, he was too late.

Halfway down, a beefy hand caught it. Dominic Santini chuckled, "What'd I tell you boys about being careful?" he rumbled, even as glass ornaments clinked across the concrete floor at his feet. A small, ceramic angel wasn't so lucky and ended its last flight with a thud, its wing breaking.

Anger flushed the younger boy's cheeks, and he knew what was coming even before he got the words out. "Saint John!"

Dom sighed, even as Saint John threw his hands up in angry apology. The angel had been Jane's, one of the few that'd survived an ornament box dropping the year before. He'd hoped to pass it on.

Glass crunched underfoot as String lunged for his brother, obviously deeming his apology as insufficient. "It was mom's!" he snarled.

Dominic grabbed for him as he hurtled past, nearly upsetting the tree again while Saint John ducked. The past year and a half had been incredibly hard on all of them. It didn't look like Christmas was going to be any easier – at least not anytime soon.

He caught the boy, and pinned him to his considerable bulk. "It was an accident, String," he whispered, "You know that."

Red-faced, the boy continued to struggle against him. "But Uncle Dom," he protested, "It was mom's and now it's gone!" he wailed.

Dominic Santini held his surrogate son tighter in his arms. "And you think you hitting your brother over it would make her proud?" he murmured. His shoulder ached with the force the boy had hit it with and it was decidedly damper than it'd been only moments ago.

"No," String muttered miserably, still not lifting his head.

Saint John came up to stand beside them. "I am sorry, String," he whispered. "It was an accident. I'm not any happier about breaking mom's stuff than you are."

It'd been String who'd dropped the box of ornaments last year, taking out every single one of them...except one.

Sniffling, the younger boy slid free still not meeting his brother's eyes.

And there was the crux of the matter, Dom thought sadly. Christmas just wasn't the same without Alan and Jane.

He reached down, snagging the angel from the ground before it could be crushed underfoot.

Tennis shoes and hiking boots had a way of squashing anything fragile within their step.

He turned it and the broken wing over and over in his hand examining them. The rough break brushed his thumb, catching against the callouses there. The pieces fit together like a puzzle. Even if it was a bit of a jagged one.

Maybe not perfect, but few things in life were.

He grinned, hugging String one last time and ruffling Saint John's hair as he rose to his feet. "Besides, it's fixable."

"Really?" Saint John queried, looking far younger than his years.

"Yeah, really," he chuckled. "Which is more than I can say of the two of you, if you don't get this mess cleaned up before my next customer arrives." Palming the angel, he went off in search of the glue.