A/N: Hey there world! It's Cherry and I'll just like to say thank you for deciding to give this fan fiction a try. Sorry for my grammar, it's always been my weakness. If anyone wants to my BETA please send me a private message. Why is a fem! Russia x America? Well...I was originally typing a Russia x America one shot but my laptop decided not to save it. So before I tried to kill my baby (laptop) I decided to get type a fem! Russia x America. A few characters are going to swap genders and others are not. There is yaoi couple so everyone knows. I only really swapped genders at this point so Russia wasn't the only girl.



I do not own any characters in this story. I'm just a poor college student T.T

As soon as Anya stepped out of the airplane, she knew she was no longer in her beloved Russia. 'Зачем я думаю, что это была хорошая идея'(1) she thought almost bitterly to herself. At the time she told herself she was not going to stay another winter in St. Petersburg. Vera had begged her to stay the winter. Since both knew if Nikon knew about this Anya would be locked in her room for life. However, the cold snow was simply too much for her. So she decided to transfer to a college in America to get away for a while. However, she was regretting going on this adventure. Soon as she passed through all the securities and applied for her student visa she was walked slowly looking for a man who she was took was named Alfred F. Jones.

'Говорили, что он собирается быть легко -'(2) the thought vanished when she noticed a man rather energetic man waving. He was wearing a graphic tee of the American flag, a brown leather jacket, and a dark pair of jeans with red converse. Anya's face paled as she noticed the manic waving a light up sign that said 'Anya Braginski- NYU'.

"Anya! Is that you?" Alfred shouted as he noticed her reaction

Due to the fact that Alfred was her helper into adjusting to this country, Anya had no choice but to talk to him.

"Добро пожаловать в Америку Аня"(3) Alfred said

"…Thank you" she replied. Of course Anya was sure she was good at speaking English. She had been practice the language since she was a little girl. Her teachers and tutors would praise her that her accent was believable. So when Alfred was looking at her as if she said five heads she was not too sure her teachers knew what they were talking about anymore.

"Wow! You're English is really good! Damn maybe I should have bothered to learn Russian"

"не(4), I am glad you did. So are you going to take me to the dorm?" Anya asked

This was the first time she had to honestly speak English this long. It felt strange when she heard herself speak to Alfred who was smiling like an idiot for some odd reason.

"Damn, I didn't think it was true. But Russian girls are hot!" he exclaimed

"Excuse me?"

"I heard that Russian girls all look like models. But I was like na, that can't be true. But after seeing you it has to be!" he shouted

Anya was not sure if she should slap him, kill him, or take an airplane back to St. Petersburg. So she decided to do none. She smiled at Alfred who smiled clearly known to him that everyone who looked at Anya was now close to wetting their pants. Vera had told her countless times that her smile was going to get her into a lot of trouble. However, Anya had always brushed it off. Clearly Mr. Jones was not affected about it.

"Anyways I'm pretty sure you're tired and hungry. So I'll take your stuff and take you out to eat"

It did not sound like a bad idea. The airline food was disgusting and uneatable. How anyone could dare call plastic looking meals 'food'. Maybe Alfred would take her somewhere that had real food.

"I would like that"

"I thought you would since I heard airplane food sucks" the American said as he laughed at his own joke.

After packing up the few bags Anya brought with her Alfred lifted them as if they were full of feathers rather than clothes, and other personal items. Anya was pretty sure herself stronger than Nikon at times but only when it came to fighting or lifting certain things. However Vera had told her countless times to act more ladylike. As soon as Alfred stopped in front of a bright red car that Anya was pretty sure had to cost some amount of money.

"What do you think about my 2012 Challenger? It's my baby. It's new and ever have leather seating with voice commend I set up myself with the problem of my friends Kiku and Ludwig. Of course you know it run good because it was built in America" Alfred explained at Anya only nodded her head. She honestly did not care much about cars. She liked Italian cars more than any other. However, she could tell saying anything to Mr. Jones was going to be like talking to a wall.

"So Anya, what are you majoring in anyways?"

"I'm double majoring in International Relations and Russian and Slavic Studies" Anya said

"Really? That's interesting! I'm majoring in American Studies and International Relations. All my friends are to be honest" he laughed

"So where are we going to eat?" Anya asked as she felt her stomach demand some type of food.

"To the best place ever, to McDonalds!" he said

Anya looked at the man in shock. She was sure he was joking. There was no way he was honestly going to take her to eat that crap. There was McDonalds in Russia. However, Anya had made it a rule to her siblings not to eat there since the meat and fries were not real. She looked at the man who was decided to put on 'American Pie'.

"Honestly Mr. Jones….McDonalds…?" she asked hoping it was really a joke.

"Yea, I really want a Big Mac. I'm sure you'll like it" he said

"You don't understand" Anya tried to explain. However, she was guest and maybe this was a culture difference thing. She decided to stop talking and just accept she was going to eat fast food for the first time in her life. Soon they stopped in front of the cursed golden arc. She followed Alfred into the place and noticed there was a line.

"So what do you like to eat?"

"I don't know…I've never eaten here back at home"

"Alright I know what to get you"

Soon as it was there turn to order Alfred looked the cashier and quickly ordered.

"So I'll like two number ones both large and Dr. Peppers for one. Hey, Anya what do you like to drink?" he asked

"Water" she said

"…And a bottle of water" Alfred without missing a beat

He quickly made and just has he finished paying the meals were already complete. Anya looked at the boxes that had there sandwiches and the abnormal amount of French fries. Soon Alfred walked to their seats. Anya was not sure where to stay first the heart attack on the bun or the countless fries.

"She looked up to notice that Alfred had finished his meal already". 'Американцы двигаться слишком быстро ...'(5) she thought as she decided to read the Big Mac.

"Professor Smith was telling me a little about you and stuff. So it's only you and your siblings?"

As Anya finished one big of the burger she nodded her head. It was not good if she did not think about it.

"Wow, I don't have any siblings…but I have a cousin. His name's Matthew. But I call him Matt, and his Canadian. Can you believe that" the American laughed

"Interesting…I am the middle child. My older sister name is Vera and my younger brother name is Nikon"

"So, I'm guessing Vera is taking care of everyone than?"

"No, she is too…I don't know the word in English"

"Say it in Russian than. I was practicing before you came"

".Есть люди, которые могут учиться, чтобы работать. Моя сестра, бог с ней душа редкий вид, который просто никогда не узнаем, как работать. Она была сделана, чтобы быть женой не рабочая девочка. Она лучше вязание на дому, приготовление пищи и уборка. И каждую ночь она любящий муж, который держит ее компании.Счастливы простой жизнью. (6) So as a child I took care of the three of us" Anya explained as she took a sip of her bottle water.

"…That's interesting" Alfred as he looked at her.

Odd, this is the first time the man was calm. His eyes were locked into hers. Of course Anya was not scared of eye contact it meant nothing to her really. Just a look at most, but the American was then smiling odd which caused her to worry for a bit.

"Oh No! You totally misunderstood! I love underdog stories! And to think you went through one is so cool. And look where you are now? This place is made because of underdogs! So I can see you are done with the Big Mac so I'll just take ya to your dorm" he said.

Anya nodded her head exited McDonald's. As soon as they sat down into their seats Alfred tuned on the radio and played an Elvis Presley classic. Anya looked outside the window and was wowed by the scenery she saw. There were just so many lights in this city. She noticed crowd of people who always seemed to be going to different important places. Women would wear coats of different colors, with animal shaped hats, colorful scarves, and gloves that match their outfit, and the men with their dark colored coats and dark colored scarves and matching gloves.

"I thought there were a lot of lights in St. Petersburg"

"There is…but Manhattan is different" she said as the lights seemed to fuse together.

"I felt the same way when I after came here"

"What state are you from Mr. Jones?" she asked

"The Alone Star State, Great old Texas!" he said with pride in his voice.

"You do not sound that you are from Texas"

"I sure lost the accent when I moved up here. I only really speak with the accent when I'm angry nowadays" the blonde explained.

With that they soon stopped in front of one of the tallest buildings that Anya had ever seen in her life. However, she did not want to look like a tourist and when to help Alfred with her bags. It was clearly on the American's face that he did not think that the girl would have been able to care anything.

"Of this is the international girl's dorm of NYU. I looked up your dorm. You're lucked out! You're dorming with a good friend of mines. Her name is Feliciana Vargas, she's Italian. She's also kinda…weird. But I think she's funny" Alfred laughed.

"итальянский? (7) So what is she studying?"

"The same thing we are. Everyone who is in my circle of friends are studying International Relations"

"Ты такой чудак" (8)

"I get told that a lot. While, mainly from Iggy" he chuckled

"Iggy?" Before Alfred could answer the question. There was an average height girl. She had long brown hair that was tied in two braids. She was wearing a black shirt that hanged on her shoulder, a silver mini skirt that stopped mid-thigh, with knee high black boots that had a heel on them.

"Ciao Alfred!" the girl shouted as she ran to hug the American who laughed at the embrace.

"Anya, this Feliciana your roommate"

"This is Anya? Lei è così carina! Lei potrebbe essere una top model se voleva" (9)

Years of learning English. She never in her life thought as was going to talk to an Italian. There she was listening to an Italian that would not stop speaking Italian. She looked at Alfred who was laughing as if this was a funny joke. As Feliciana was moving her hands and sounds would not stop leaving her mouth. And Anya told only feel her blood pressure raise as the girl kept talking. 'Не убивайте ее ... не убить ее'(10) she muttered to herself as the girl soon stopped and started laughing.

"Sorry, I forgot you don't speak Italian. Anyways I was saying that it's great to have another girl in the group. Alfred, come help us ~ve!" she said in a singing tone of voice.

With that Alfred took the bags and begun walking to the elevator. With the three of them and the three bags were on board Feliciana clicked on the tenth floor and the elevator began to climb up. Anya was silent as she listened to the soft piano that was playing as elevator music. She always did like the piano. Even where she only had gleams of her it. She always found herself smiling with the sounds of it. Soon the elevator stopped and Feliciana stepped of the elevator skipping towards the door closest to the elevator.

"Anya this is our room~" she sing as she opened the door.

As soon as Feliciana opened the door Anya's eyes widen in shock. She never in her life thought she was ever going to talk into an apartment like this. The walls were painted purple and white minus the brick wall that was in the kitchen. The dining table was white with matching white chairs. The floor was a hardwood. There were wine cups that were hanging over the bar that Anya was sure Feliciana had set up. There was a simple TV a white couch with purple and white pillows on it. The lights were bright. There were paintings of Italian artist on the wall, and a vase of red roses on one of the coffee tables.

"Feliciana, you sure did out do yourself. And I thought last year's dorm was kickass!" Alfred said

"Well know that I had some help from Ludwig. It was easier to do get the dorm to look like what I wanted. Oh, Anya your room is in the right side in the hall way. Mine room is the left door and the middle door that's just the bathroom" the brunette explained cheerfully.

"Thank you…but who is Ludwig?"

"Ludwig, he's Feliciana's boyfriend. He's German but he's mad cool" he explained.

"I see" the Russian muttered to herself

"Oh, if you hear doors opening randomly throughout the day, that's Ludwig. I can't wake up by myself. Would have been kicked back to Rome if it wasn't for Ludwig" the girl praised.

Anya could tell that Feliciana was in love with Ludwig just by the way she spoke about him. Honestly, Anya had never been in love. She had dated two men in whole life and she never felt the 'spark' that movies or books spoke about. She only felt comfortable. She was told by an old married couple that feeling comfortable was more important than the 'spark'. However, the relationship would never last very long because her boyfriends were always the one falling in love. Well, she just liked being in his company.

"Also, my brother is known to visit me random too~"

"You have a brother?" Anya asked in confusion

"Yes~ His name is Lovino. He is my older brother" the Italian said cheerfully.

"Well, I better get going. You know since you have to unpack and stuff. I'll call the apartment tomorrow to show you around the campus and junk. So good night girls" Alfred said


"Спокойной ночи и спасибо показывает мне вокруг"(11) Anya called out

"Нет проблем Аня" (12) was his reply as he left the dorm.

Soon Anya was left alone with the bubbly brunette and she was not sure what she was going to do.

"Want to watch some TV?" Feliciana asked

"I don't really watch match TV back home" Anya explained

Not that there was a TV. She never bothered to buy one. She found no point in wasting money on an un-needed machine, which was only going to cause the electric bill to increase. Besides, neither Vera nor Nikon ever asked for one.

"Really? Mhm…how about I cook as some pasta?"

"…You don't have to"

"But I want to eat pasta today" the Italian explained

"Okay then cook I guess…I'll be in my room" and with that Anya left into her new room.

She looked around and noticed it was nice sized room. There was a twin bed, a desk, and a closet. It had everything she need. She began to unpack her backpack. She pulled out her laptop and charge and set it on the desk. She knew she had to webcam with her sibling soon. That is if they were even online at this time. It was about nine at night here in New York. She knew there had to be at least in class. She opened her bag and looked at the clothes. At the time she thought she had packed a fairly good looking wardrobe. Back home in Russia she never had the top clothes yet she knew she still looked nice in her hand-me-downs. However, after seeing Feliciana she knew in the back of her mind that in Feliciana's mind her clothes were regular. And based on what she saw while in the car with Alfred. The Italian had every right to think that. She sighed to herself she did not know why she thought about it now. It was too late and frankly she did not honestly care what others thought of her. Both Alfred and Feliciana seemed not to mind that she was not into the current fashion trends. In fact, they both thought was pretty.

In reality Anya did not think much about her appearance. She had long platinum blonde hair that touched her lower back. Her face was long with high cheek bones that almost everyone in St. Petersburg had. Her eyes however, were strange. It seemed her national eye color is purple. Some would mistake for blue she did when she was younger until Nikon had pointed it out to her, when she turned fifteen. It was strange and interesting at the same time. As she finished unpacking her clothes and shoes. She decided to finish up by placing her bathroom items in her back that has her name on it. As Anya stepped out of the room she heard the front door opening.

'Это, вероятно, Людвига. Она предупредить меня, что собирается приехать в случайном порядке.' (13) She thought as she brushed it off and walked to the bathroom. As she was placing her body wash and hair care items she heard a large crushing sound. She opened the door walked to the living room to see a sight she did not want to ever see.

There was Feliciana in only her lacey green bra and matching lace panties. On top of her was Ludwig, Anya was sure of. He was a rather tall looking, blond German with blue eyes. At first only Ludwig and Anya was in shock. Feliciana laid there as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Then Ludwig's face turned a deep red as he looked away from the Italian who was quick to pout about the lost.

"Why did you tell me your roommate was here?"

"She was in her room I didn't think much of it. Can we finish what you started please?~" she begged as Anya just watched the scene in front of her.

"There is no way in hell I can finish what we were doing tonight"

"Ehhh! But Ludwig~" the girl pouted

"Warum sollte ich so etwas tun? Nachdem jemand ging einfach in uns?" (14)

"Ludwig non è giusto! Ora sei di lingua tedesca. Tu sai che io non capisco il tedesco ~"(15)

"So, jetzt wirst du Italienisch zu sprechen? Sehr reife von Ihnen Feliciana." (16)

"…I'll be in my room…" Anya said as she walked back

"Vedi, sta bene con esso. Così possiamo finire per favore? ~" (17)

"Nein ist kein!" The German screamed (18)

With that Anya escaped to her room. So it was true Italian were great lovers. However, she did not think that she would have walked into one of their sex sessions. She sighed as she looked around the room. It was solid white…just like snow back home. She did miss hearing Vera and Nikon's voice through the hallway. She closed her eyes and drafted to sleep.

Anya had no idea what time it was. But all she knew was someone was knocking on her door. She rose from her bed and walked to her door and noticed it was Feliciana and Ludwig. He had his hand on the girl's head and was forcing her to bow down back and forth.

"We're sorry you had to see that. I normally wouldn't have let someone like that happen. But Feliciana never told me you had moved in"

"Scusa" the Italian wailed

"No really…it is okay. I have seen worse thing" Anya said

"It's still no excuse. We will be doing our….activities in her bedroom" Ludwig with the straightest face Anya had ever seen.

"Is the pasta Feliciana you made ready?"

"Ah! ~ Yes! It's really good too" she said as she skipped to the kitchen.

Soon both Anya and Ludwig followed the Italian into the dining room. She quickly served them as she took a bite of her food. She eyes swelled with pride as she ate.

"This is good cooking!" she praised

"…I would still like sausages…" the German muttered

"I never had Italian food…" Anya muttered as she took a bite and was surprised of how good it tasted.

"Ehhh! So what do you normally eat?"

"окрошка" she explained

"Okrshka?" Ludwig repeated

"It's cold soup"

As soon as the Italian heard that her face hanged. She jumped to hug the blonde how was confused to what was going on.

"I feel so sorry for you. Only eating cold things, it must be hard to get anything hot in such a cold place" the Italian cried

Ludwig's eyes widen as soon as he read what his girlfriend wrote. He stood up to begun saying that 'She doesn't know what she is staying. She is only joking. Ect.'. Anya just looked at the girl and smiled coly.

"I'm sure she is…" the Russian said

As soon as the Italian heard that she looked up and felt her heart drop. That smile! It was too creepy. She back away from Anya and rushed to hug Ludwig who was always in shock to see that expression on Anya's face. These reactions where the ones Vera had warn her about. With that the Russian finished her meal and washed her dish and left to her room. Only to hear the Italian whimper she was scared.

The whole day people were testing her patience and she had to say she felt like she did a good job. She only frightened two people which was a recorded. Alfred said he was going to pick her up tomorrow. Anya quickly took her shower and went to back. Maybe her siblings would be awake when she was. She wanted to make sure they were okay.

Side notes: I know for a fact most people think in their native language. So I made it the same for Anya. Someday she'll think in English but…that won't be for a while. I always made Alfred curious enough to learn and try to practice Russian. Reason being, he is America and America as a country tries to different cultures. So I thought why can't Alfred do the same? Normally whenever anyone is full of strong emotions they use their first language.

(1) Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

(2) They said he was going to be easy-

(3) Welcome to America Anya

(4) No

(5) Americans move too fast

(6) There are people who can learn to work. My sister, God bless her soul is the rare kind who simply will never know how to work. She was made to be a wife not a working girl. She is better off knitting at home, cooking, and cleaning. And every night she has a loving husband who keeps her company, a happy simple life.

(7) Italian?

(8) You're such a weirdo

(9) She is so cute! She could be a supermodel if she wanted

(10) Don't kill her…don't kill her

(11) Good night and thank you for showing me around

(12) No problem Anya

(13) This is probably Ludwig. She warned me that he was going to arrive in random times

(14) Why would I do such a thing? After someone just walked in on us?

(15) Ludwig it's not fair! Now you're speaking German. You know I do not understand German

(16) So now you're going to speak Italian? Very mature of you Feliciana

(17) See, she's fine with it. So can we finish please?

(18) No is no!

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. If anything seems a little off just private message me please. Thanks for reading please review ^^