A/N : Yes! I finally managed to get a solid plot together, and I actually think it sounds pretty interesting. Below is the summary for the story!


Rose, a FBI agent, loses her beloved tutor, Abe, from her early years in the organisation. Determined to find out his whereabouts and what happened to him, she stumbles upon some suspicious clues that led her to believe someone high in the hierarchy is laundering money and had silenced Abe when he had gotten too close to discovering the truth. But she needs hard evidence, and where else to get it but the person-in-question's house? But for that job, she needs an expert in breaking and entering, and she is told to look for Dimitri, the best man for the job. She just never expected him to be so ruggedly handsome... and difficult.

Dimitri, betrayed by the very people he worked for, swore never to trust anybody in the FBI again. Then came along Rose, who uses forged documents to rescue him from a life imprisonment in jail to help her accomplish a mission. Dimitri, however reluctant he might be to accept everything that Rose is telling him, finds himself more than just a little attracted to the beautiful and sexy agent. Finally letting her convince him, he teams up with Rose, and they start their journey. On the run, Dimitri and Rose have to fend off federal agents, local police and the public after them due to a large bounty, along with their undeniable lust for each other. . .

Okay! This is just merely the prologue**** (Thanks Lacey!), so expect following chapters to be longer.

Night fell over New York City like a blanket, snuffing out the remaining daylight and obscuring the sun. Lights flickered on slowly all over the city as darkness descended with languorous slowness, the bustling night life already in full bloom. Clubs with attractive neon signs lured patrons into their noisy dens, while couples strolled along the pavement under the velvet sky, lost in their own little world that only love had the ability to conjure up.

Dimitri Belikov wasn't in any of those crowds.

He leaned against a lamppost, his arms folded with his hoodie pulled low over his face, earphones plugged into his ears. To most passers-by, it was a common enough sight that a majority paid him no attention, and only the person who knew exactly what to look for would notice and recognize him for who he really was.

A minute trickled by, and the song he was listening to, 'Home' by Michael Buble, drew to an end. Peering from below the cover of his hoodie, he once again catalogued the people walking by. He was supposedly waiting for a man in his mid-thirties – his contact for the job from the FBI.

Dimitri didn't have to wait much longer before a man jogged by, dressed in casual sportswear. He was powerfully built, and there was a tiny bulge near the waistband of his shorts that Dimitri instantly determined as a Glock, and from the size, a 9mm one that had a quick reload time but an equally high recoil.

Not much of a threat.

The man's eyes landed on him for a fleeting second, and their gazes collided in unspoken communication. He gave Dimitri a barely perceptible nod before slowing down to a brisk walk, and strode over to the bench closest to him. He then began to do a series of warming down exercises.

Keeping his head down, Dimitri pretended to examine the phone in his hand. Then he remembered that he had to turn off the music, and did so with a quick jab at the pause button of the music player. "Place and time? Objectives?"

There was a short pause before the man replied. "Rendezvous Hotel, 10p.m. Replace the bank book in room 312, 15th floor."


"Negative," The man cocked his head to the side to stretch his neck, and he glanced at Dimitri. "Nobody will be in there."

"Time frame?"

"Ten minutes."

Simple enough. Dimitri had worked under far harsher conditions in almost impossible time frames. This would be a walk in the park as compared to them. "Payment?"

"Right after," The man, having finished his exercise, prepared to leave, purposely leaving behind the small pouch he was carrying. Dimitri had no doubts that it contained the fake bank book he was to replace the genuine one with. "Fifty thousand will be wired to your account once you successfully complete the mission."

"Generous," Dimitri said to the man's retreating back, then walked forward to snag the pouch lying on the bench, stuffing it into his jacket. With that done, he stabbed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sauntered off. In about an hour's time, he would have fifty thousand dollars putty in his bank account.

Dimitri grinned, thinking how easy was it for him to earn a living – especially when he was the best in his line of work.

If Dimitri had stayed, he would have seen the man turning around, watching him as he was swallowed by the shadows in the distance.

If Dimitri had glanced back, he would have seen the side of the man's lips tipping upwards into a smirk.

But he didn't.

And it was the biggest mistake of his life.

So, what do you think? Leave a review/comment and tell me whether I should continue this story or not :)