Prologue – The World Meeting
A/N: My name is Terachanglianzylan. You can call me Taz, Terach, or whatever you see fit, 'kay? This is my first Hetalia Fan fiction, but you don't have to treat me nice. I can take critque. (Or however you spell it. I really can't spell to save a chicken.)
Well, hello all you hopefully faithful readers. I would greatly appreciate it if you would review and not just read. Just a heads up, I know next to nothing about college. I've only spent two weeks at one and that was for a youth retreat. So, I really know nothing about college life so I'm just winging it. If anyone could help if or point out any errors, I would greatly appreciate it. Oh, and I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors I may make as well.
Here's the full summary:
Summary: A collage AU with a slight twist. None of the nations remember that they are nations. College life might be a little bit more difficult than the average student for these unfortunate countries. It's a good thing that they're smarter than the average student. Or... on second thought, maybe not. It looks like the only class they may pass is Social Studies... the only class they all have together, besides band. Human Names used. No set pairings yet.
I will post warnings for the individual chapters instead of setting one warning for the whole story, because I think it will be more fun this way. Oh, and for Romano, I'm going to star out his frequent use of profanity, because I'm not the type of person to use that type of language. So, warnings for this chapter include:
Romano's mouth
Apocalyptic circumstances
And other miscellaneous things I may have missed.
And now I'm going to post the cast of characters. Some may be added later or drop off the list, but you'll have to just wait and see.
Feliciano Vargas/Italy Veniziano
Lovino Vargas/Italy Romano
Ludwig Beilschmidt/Germany
Gilbert Beilschmidt/Prussia
Honda Kiku/Japan
Alfred F. Jones/United States of America
Matthew Williams/Canada
Arthur Kirkland/England
Francis Bonnefoy/France
Wang Yao/China
Ivan Braginski/Russia
Toris Laruinaitis/Lithuania
Raivis Galante/Latvia
Eduard von Bock/Estonia
Antonio Fernandez Carrido/Spain
Natalia Arlovskaya/Belarus
Tekaterina "Katuyasha" Braginski/Ukraine
Heracles Karpusi/Greece
Roderich Eldenstein/Austria
Feliks Lukasiewicz/Poland
Tino Vainamoinen/Finland
Berwald Oxenstiema/Sweden
Vash Zwingli/Switzerland
Lilli Zwingli/Liechtenstein
Elizabeta Hedervary/Hungary
Im Yong Soo/Korea
Prologue Start
"Dude," a frankly obnoxious voice shouted above the noise "I think the world conference can begin!" The young man slammed his hands down on the table in front of him as he spoke.
"America, you bloody git, just shut your mouth for one moment please." A man with extremely bushy eyebrows complained. "It's better than you eating all the time, but seriously. Read the atmosphere."
"But I can't find it!" America whined sitting down again, a childish pout plastered on his face. "You expect me to read The Atmosphere but you don't tell me where I can find it…" He muttered.
"Well, it's not 'is fault zat your shouting is giving poor Italy a 'eadache." a certain Frenchman sighed.
"Frog… You're really not making it any better." England growled.
"Just shut up, ******!" a certain annoyed Italian cried, pressing his hands to his head.
"Oh, mi tomato! Are you sure you're alright?" a certain Spaniard asked.
This is the world. America: demanding attention. England: Trying to get him to stop being annoying. France: Let's not even go there…. Italy Romano: Stubborn and foul-mouthed. Spain: Fussing over him. Italy Veniziano: Worried about Romano. Canada: No one notices him. China: Trying to escape Korea. Japan: *see China.* Russia: Terrorizing Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: Cowering from Russia. Poland: Defending Lithuania. Finland: Trying to convince Sweden that he is not his 'wife.' Sweden: Not really saying anything. Ukraine: Crying. Belarus: Trying to get Russia to marry her. Hungary: Trying to get some of the others to love each other in not always the most straight way. Austria: Thinking about all the music he could be composing. Prussia: Going on about how awesome he is. Greece: Sleeping. Switzerland: Trying to teach Liechtenstein not to take candy from strangers. Liechtenstein: Looking at 'Swtizy's' cute drawings. Korea: Trying to molest (more or less) China and Japan. Germany:….
"VILL EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP?" a certain German shouted over everyone, shocking most into silence.
This was how the world meetings usually went. Nothing was accomplished. America would try to take charge, everyone would end up arguing, and Germany would have to try to rein everyone back in to the subjects that they were discussing. It usually didn't start with Romano and a headache though.
"We're sorry, Germany…" most of the nations sighed.
Suddenly, the room began to shake violently. The nations looked around frantically to figure out what the source of this was.
"Dude, Germany, your loud voice made the Earth move." America said light-heartedly.
"I don't think this is his fault!" England shouted.
Pieces of the ceiling started to rain down on them all. Some dove under the large table in an attempted to hide, but some of the nations were able to escape through the doors before they became blocked by debris.
"Like, what do we do? I'm totally scared, Leit!" Poland cried.
The nations cried out for help, but no one could hear them over the sound of crumbling building. They were trapped. They knew it. They also knew they couldn't die. They were nations, for crying out loud. If their skull got crushed, it would just reform itself after a bit and they would come back. It was quite convenient if they accidently got shot. Now, it was even more useful as they all eventually became buried under the rubble. The massive tremor subsided, and the dust stilled. No one was to be seen.
"Were there people in that building?" a police officer shouted, pointing at the building the world conference was being held in.
"Uh, I believe so, sir. Records say there was a meeting in session." One of the other officers replied.
"Then I want a full search! Get them out of there! Make sure they're alive!"
The fire department worked quickly to try and clear off all the debris. They uncovered the nations with almost record speed. One of the officers turned back to the others. "Hey, ahh… there's a whole lot! I'd say around twenty-five at the most!"
Sirens wailed as more trucks of all sorts arrived at the scenes. Some red, some black and white, some of varying colors, all with flashing lights.
The ambulances were very full that day and oxygen even ran low as they transported all the nations to the hospital. Little did anyone know that those twenty-five men and women would never be the same.
A/N: Oh no! What will happen to our precious nations? Well, I hoped you enjoyed the Prologue of Representation. It's a little heavy on the dialogue, but I really didn't know how else to write it. And not all of the characters got a word in, obviously, but don't worry! And remember, reviews are love!
P.S. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would give me some pairings you'd like to see. There won't be any legit hard-core-or-anything-relatively-close-to-that yaoi though. Thanks!