Darkest Hours

A crash sounded. Dust surrounded the field as crows and other animals left in fear, running away to live another day with their short lives. In the middle of the wide, grass like clearing, were two creatures.

Demons they were.

One was female and the other, male. The female had knee-length, raven black hair, the brightest of blue eyes, glowing with anger like well polished sapphire pearls. She had elongated ears like those of an elf; Fangs and claws like a wild beast. She was 5'10 in height and a very slim waist to match. Her clothing looked that of royalty; dark blue hakama, a pale blue boa and a white haori, her sleeves pulled back so as not to get caught in them.

Her male partner looked similar. He had the whitest of hair, like clouds that reached to the heavens, down to his back. His golden eyes burned with rage that compared to that of the sun. He had markings, those of born royalty- and those of a strong blood line. His white hakama, white haori with red flowers, purple and yellow boa, and armor covered him, masking him in the sense of being a natural born killer.

In front of these two perfectly shaped warriors, was the slimmest, most gruesome and vile creature you could ever see. His hair was black, like that of a black hole that could suck you in at any given time. His eyes, so piercing and so red, they could see into your soul. His pale complexion gave you the guise of him being sickly, but he was far from it.

The half demon smiled and licked his lips. "Let the games…Begin."

They charged; and the war started.


A girl at the age of eight rose from her bed, yawning from her earlier rest. Rubbing her eyes, she looked out the window and gasped.

Covering all about her home, the Higurashi Shrine, Kagome looked around and saw nothing but a white glittery substance, known as snow.

"It's Christmas!" She shot out of bed, laughing as she ran around in her frilly pink night gown her mother bought her. It was her favorite. She threw the door open and ran to her mother's room where she could hear talking.

As she was about to knock, she heard light sobs. She frowned; was her mother crying? What was it about? Knocking, Kagome opened the door. "Mama; Are you alright?" Her mother gasped and tried in vain to wipe her tears away.

"O-oh, sweet heart- Did I wake you? I'm so sorry." The young girl shook her head no. "No mama, I wanted to come over to tell you it's finally Christmas. When's Daddy coming home?"

Her mother gained a pained look but she hid it away with a shaky smile. "Y-your father's going to be late, honey. His flight got…canceled. Now, just, go and have fun in the snow, alright? And don't leave the house." Nodding, and reluctantly leaving, Kagome went to her baby brother, Souta, whom was lying in his crib and smiled, rubbing his cheek lightly. "Love you Souta. I hope we have a good Christmas."

She then went to her own room to change into her long sleeved, white and blue striped shirt and a hoodie with blue jeans. She grabbed some fuzzy socks before running down stairs to get her shoes on.

"-In other news, a plane crashed in America. Reports say that only 59 out of the 200 people were able to survive the crash, and were thankful to be alive. As for the others, the names of the deceased or not yet found will be reported on the screen. And, as a side note, I apologize for any of you unfortunate families that—"Kagome's Grandpa turned off the TV as soon as he saw Kagome running through the living room.

"Oh hello Kagome, going out to play?" She pretended to smile and not have heard the news report on the television. "Yup! I'll only be out for a while, so tell mama that I would like some hot coco when I come in, okay?" He chuckled and nodded, never noticing the young girl's saddened look.

"Alright kiddo, have fun." Nodding, she put on her shoes and ran outside, into the frost-bitten cold, closing the door behind her.

As Kenchi turned the TV back on, the last name to be shown was Tono Higurashi.


Kagome, frowned as she walked around in the snow. Sighing, she fell backwards into it and laid there, watching her breath as she breathed harshly. Her eyes began to water up but she rubbed them furiously. She would not cry- who's to say it was his flight? And it was 1 out 200 people- that is a huge chance.

She hiccupped and silently sobbed. But…then why was she crying? Her father would never leave her. He wouldn't- couldn't! He said he'd come back; He made a promise! He had pinky sweared to her that he would come back home safely. She was five, and now she's eight. She missed her father.

Getting up, she glared at nothing and ran to the well. In her anger, she kicked the door with all her might. Even though it was an aged old door, crooked and cranky as it was, it never budged and her foot stung.

"Ow, ow, ow!" She hissed as she bounced on one foot. After all that dancing around, she looked back to the door and growled at it, like it was its fault for taking her father away. She breathed in and opened the door. At first it wouldn't move but then it got easier and flung open.

She gulped; she wasn't supposed to go near the well. Even so, she slowly walked in and stepped into the darkness. She shakily walked up to the well and touched it. Yelping, she pulled her hand back. It had shocked her!

Warily, she wanted to touch it again. She reach out her hand and tapped it.

No shock.

She placed her hands on it and pulled herself up, peering into the dark of the pit. Seeing something shiny at the bottom, she pushed her feet on the side to get her a better view. Accidently, she fell through, yelling at the top of her lungs before blacking out.
