Dun Dun Dun! Here comes the end and I have no Wicked Song to go with it, but now I have a Phantom one to do it with. This is all thanks to SarcasticLeaves and her lovely drawings of Wordgirl and her 'Phantom' Tobey.

Wordgirl took off to ruin the reputation of Becky Botsford, but someone had decided to interrupt the girl in her bold move.

"Wordgirl!" cried a strong accented voice.

The girl felt like her heart had just raised into her throat, she looked at Huggy who gave a curt nod and Wordgirl flew down and landed in front of the speaker: Tobey.

"I'm surprise you looked for me without using your robots," Wordgirl said trying to keep her cool.

The blond boy shuffled his feet nervously, "I'm sorry Wordgirl, but...I need to talk to you...before you do something stupid."

"Stupid?" asked the girl indignantly, Huggy jumped off her shoulders in fright, "I would never do anything stupid!"

Tobey chuckled, "Wordgirl, though you've never believed me, we are perfect for each other and I know your mind better than anyone else in this town except for your chimpanzee over there."

The girl tensed at his words, heart beating faster by the minute, "S...so?"

"I know who you really are, my dear Wordgirl," he told her, "And I know that you are afraid, but I couldn't stand for you to destroy half of yourself because you don't feel appreciated. I appreciate you."

Heat rose in the heroine's face, 'How dare he know so much about her? And how is it that he could figure it all out?'

"H...I don't know what you're talking about," she denied, arms crossed over her chest.

"I won't tell, my dear Becky," he said with a wink, "After all, I love you."

Her breath hitched in her throat as he stepped forward, blue eyes twinkling at her brown.

"And I don't mean Wordgirl, my sweet. I mean both of you, all of you."

The honey eyes opened wide as the heroine jumped back in alarm, "No. It can't be! You...you love me Wordgirl! B...Becky's...I...I don't know who this Becky is!"

Tobey frowned as he grasped her hand lovingly, "No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here, nothing can harm you my words will warm and calm you."

And for some reason, Wordgirl did feel calmer.

"Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears. I'm here with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you..."

The girl was tired of lying, of faking, of denial. And his words drew out her own words too, "Say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime..."

Her other red gloved hand reached over and grabbed his pale hand with it, "Say you need me with you now and always... Promise me that all you say is true
that's all I ask of you."

Her pleading eyes met his blue, almost tearing up. He smiled down at the desperate girl.

"Let me be your shelter let me be your light. You're safe, No one will find you, your fears are far behind you..."

She beamed at him, "All I want is freedom, a world with no more night and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me..."

"Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude, say you need me with you here, beside you... anywhere you go, let me go too. Becky, that's all I ask of you..."

A bright red blush filled her dark cheeks and she shyly sang her next line:

"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime...say the word and I will follow you..."

"Share each day with me, each night, each morning..." they finally sang together, voice melding in perfect harmony...like their audition.

"Say you love me..." she begged.

"You know I do..." he chuckled.

"Love me - that's all I ask of you, anywhere you go let me go too. Love me - that's all I ask of you..."

The two teenagers were smiling at each other, faces so wide that it seemed like they would crack.

"T...tobey?" she asked timidly, a strange thing considering the fact that this was Wordgirl after all.

"Wordgirl...no...I want to speak to Becky. Please, my dear," he pleaded.

She smiled and quickly transformed into her alter ego, "I love you."

The boy's face broke into a goofy smile, "You know I love you. I always have...but I guess I should say so too: I love you Becky Botsford and I'm glad you exist. "

Huggy chirped up, reminding the two that he was still there. Becky's blush grew as she looked down at her best friend.

"I'm sorry Huggy, I know it goes against my beliefs...but I love Tobey. I guess...I guess I always have."

The chimpanzee smiled and squeaked happily. He jumped into the girl's arms and stuck his hand out at the boy who grabbed it quickly and shook.

"I guess this is it then...but wait! Did we get the part?" asked Becky looking up at her now boyfriend.

Tobey smiled, "Let's just say Elphie...I'm a brainless fool, but I still love you."

And as the couple and the chimp walked off together the sun seemed to shine just a bit brighter.

What'd ya think? Too abrupt? Please review!