Shinigami-cat: Just an idea I had. The song used is A place where you belong by Bullet for my Valentine... I OWN NOTHING!
Three years ago Matthew disappeared. Two years ago Gilbert attempted suicide. One year ago a man called Canada started to run a pawn shop near the ocean. This year Gilbert met Canada and hates his guts for looking and acting like Matthew. Canada doesn't care. Gilbert can hate him all he wants but it doesn't change the fact that Gilbert owes him seventeen million dollars.
Bad language, suicide themes and supernatural stuff...
Maple and Birds
You're gone, you're gone
Gilbert sat on his bed with a red marker in his hand. He had locked himself in his room and refused to come out. Nothing could make him leave. Not even his brother who was knocking at his door. "Go away West!" Snapped Gilbert. "I don't want to talk to anyone!"
"Gilbert open the door!" Called his brother in frustration. "Just open the door!"
"It's been a year!" Called Ludwig. "You can't blame yourself for it!"
Gilbert threw the marker at the door and pulled his knees up to his chest. "I'll come out later... I just need to be alone right now..." Your body's cold, hope is lost, I can't let go
Can I die with you so we can never grow old?
Cut the ties, cut the ties with this note you left behind
As I read the words I hear you telling me why
"... Fine. Just as long as you do come out sometime today."
Gilbert heard Ludwig walk away from the door and he sighed. He reached over to his bedside table and opened one of the draws. After he rummaged around in it for a bit he managed to grab a small piece of paper. He didn't even look at what was written on it. He had it memorised. He just held it over his chest and tried to hold back his sobs. It wasn't working too well.
Too late, too late, I never said goodbye
Too late, too late, can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you're finally gone to a place where you belong
He hated himself for what happened. He knew he had no control over what happened but he could have been with him. He might have been able to save him... he could have... he should have... he would have... But he wasn't even there.
My sadness shows as your name is carved in stone
Can't erase the words so the reality grows
I wish I'd died on that night right by your side
So just kill me now and let the good times roll
He could remember the day they lowered his coffin into the grave. He remembered he didn't cry that day. He didn't see any point in crying over an empty coffin. He remembered how some people looked at him. Like he shouldn't even be there. He wasn't family. He wasn't grieving. But what did they know? They were stupid. He wanted to die that day.
Too late, too late, I never said goodbye
Too late, too late, can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you're finally gone to a place where you belong
Gilbert wiped away his tears and sat up. He didn't want to cry. Not anymore. He didn't want to be here. Not anymore. He didn't want to be in pain. Not anymore. He put the piece of paper back in his draw and slowly walked to the door. He opened it up had a look around. His brother wasn't anywhere in sight and neither was his grandfather. But they wouldn't be far.
He quickly and silently walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was going to do it. He opened up one of the draws under the sink and found the spar razors and grabbed one. He rolled up his sleeve and pressed the razor against his skin.
Will you wait for me? Will you wait for me?
Will I see you on the other side?
You don't have to wait too long, yeah, yeah
Will you come to me? Will you come to me?
Will you take me to the other side
'Cause here I don't belong
His arm was soon riddled with cuts but they were shallow. It hurt too much to make any deep cuts just yet. "Come on." He muttered to himself. "He's waiting for me. I can't chicken out now. It's just a bit of pain... I can handle it. I'm awesome." He aimed right for the veins in his wrist. He raised the blade high into the air and brought it down. Blood splattered the walls and Gilbert cried out in pain.
Soon Ludwig and his grandfather were beating their fists against the door. "OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW GILBERT!" Cried his grandfather.
"BRUDER! DON'T DO IT!" Screamed Ludwig.
Gilbert began to panic. If they broke through they would stop him. He couldn't let them. "GO AWAY!" He shrieked. "GO AWAY! I'M FINE! LEAVE ME ALONE! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!" He quickly grabbed the razor in his now blood soaked hand and slashed his other wrist. He watched the blood flow from his wrists and onto the floor. He could still hear his family trying to break down the door but they weren't getting through.
Too late, too late, I never said goodbye
Too late, too late, can't even ask you why
And now I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you're finally gone to a place where you belong
Soon Gilbert began to feel light headed and dizzy. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the bathtub. He had heard from people that have had near death experiences that when you die you feel cold. But he felt warm. It was a wonderful feeling. It was almost like he was floating.
His eye lids became heavy and he listened to the sound of his heart beating in his chest. Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub... lub... dub... lub... dub... lub...
I never said goodbye, oh, can't even ask you why
I'm wasting away in my own misery
I hope you're finally gone to a place where you belong
Shinigami-cat: I hope you like it! Please review!