(A/N): Hello again everyone! I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I've gotten another new job and it has me traveling a lot..so not so much laptop time lol. I gotta send a shout-out to Van Wrinkledick and RedXHazard for their in depth reviews and helpful information. I wanted to answer some questions that I see readers have real quick before I give the next chapter...
I made a mistake in using Zatanna's name, I meant to use Zatara, as that is the last name of the family. So from now on, that will be fixed.
Also, for those that don't quite get the flow of the story so far..Wrath (Not Raven's anger, but her half sibling) invaded Nar's world with his father Trigon, took over Naruto's body, and almost got him to strip the seal off. The action was stopped by Minato, and it turned out that Wrath's goal was to take over the chakra portion of the seal and steal the Kyuubi's chakra as his own. By killing Naruto, it was supposed to transfer the fox's chakra to him, but before the blonde died Circe enacted a ritual that summoned a demon of Trigon's.
Because Wrath was in a flux of energy, he was pulled by the ritual, and unwittingly had Naruto revived by Circe's spell trapping himself inside the youth and altering the seal to push nothing but demonic chakra. Also, Minato was fused with Wrath as a result. Now, the new Naruto is partially demonic, and as such gains a few..perks. One is the strength to match the justice league...at 5 tails. However, as you know, with strength comes weaknesses. One of which is magic being able to affect him.
Now, onto the story.
A cold chill ran through the body of a slender blonde girl as she raced along the rooftops. The heavy downpour rendering all but a few feet visible, as the rainwater seeped down into her very bones. Her green leather attire was a mass of gashes and torn fabric as her breathe came ragged from the amount of running she had been engaging in.
'Can't...let them...catch me.'
Sliding over the grill of an old generator, she kicked off and in a flurry of movement, turned around and loosed four dangerously sharp arrows from the bow held tightly in her grip. She twirled around and restarted her race without even a glance to where her projectiles flew; gaining conformation from the sound of metal on metal, and snapping timber. Her mad dash soon brought the edge of the rooftop to her vision, and with not an inch of hesitation she leaped from its cement ledge.
'Their close..I gotta find a place to hide!'
Leaving Club Alchemy in high spirits, the former blonde couldn't help it as his mind reminisced on the evening.
'I can't believe I had such a great time! In spite of the prank you two pulled on me.'
"We told you you'd be alright. Besides, that was just too good a chance to pass up."
The blue-eyed youth gazed out into the rain, allowing his eyes to close and his mind to wander as he replied.
"I'm so going to get the two of you back somehow, remember that...What is that?!"
Thought became statement as he faced the other side of the street. He had felt an influx of emotion; negative in nature, and it startled him as it seemed to come from above him on the other side of the street. What he saw added to his confusion as he saw three figures darting across the shadows.
'Kit, listen. What you just felt is the gift of sensing negative emotion and intent from those around you. Think of it like your sage mode sensory skill, except in that it extends beyond just feeling for chakra, since there are very few people here who have access to it in this world. You probably just picked up what those three up there were emitting.'
Nodding his head at the answer he received, he rushed over to an alleyway and began running up the wall. His intent to follow was blatantly obvious as he responded mentally,'If that's so, then someone's in trouble. I picked up fear from the first one, and two strong killing intents from the others.'
"It's possible that we're dealing with assassins here Naruto, be careful in your dealings with them. People like that don't normally like their targets being rescued."
'Of course not.'
"...Done already? Tsk, I was hoping for more of a challenge, Artemis. Seems like he was right, this was too easy for me."
"We can't really blame her though, can we? She's not much good without a bow, and I'd like to think that we're just too damn good!"
Standing slow, pain racked Artemis's body as she leered at her pursuers. Her bowstring was split in half, as she had used it to catch herself as she fell. The jolt from her actions dislocated her arm, making her unable to use the limb at all.
'Tch. I'm in for it if I can get out of here! But, what the hell do I do?!'
"Oh well, seems like this chase has come to a close...Chesire, would you like to do the honors?"
A teenage female with pitch black hair stepped forward, her petite frame was adorned with some very gracious curves near her hips. She wore a solid green kimono cut short around the waist, allowing for generous amounts of leg to be seen, and on her face was a porcelain mask of a smiling cat. This was one of the world's most lethal assassins, Cheshire.
"I would, but I fear it'd be too boring. Why don't we both end this one, Ravager."
A man wearing a bodysuit of silver and black with an ammo clip strewn across his chest stood on the other end of the injured girl. A sword rested on his back, peeking from over his left shoulder, and a couple gun holsters were also present...yet empty. Leather gloves, boots, belt were a matching tan color; red lenses gleamed even in the rainy evening. Ravager braced, and crouched; ready to strike, with a vicious smile on his lips.
Together, both lunged for the girl in between them, intent on taking the girl out of consciousness. However, neither was prepared to be gazing up at the sky suddenly.
'What the hell?'
"Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't let a cute girl get beaten on by two people...that's just too unfair."
'W-who is this guy?'
Artemis watched on in amazement as out of nowhere this strawberry blonde appeared, and flipped her two assailants onto their backs. To her, it was if she was some distance away; watching from afar.
Gazing at her surroundings, she realized that she was on street at the end of the alley.
'How?! What did he just do?'
"Oi, blondie..."
Turning her attention to her savior, she watched him place two small blades on her pursuers throats. With a stoic expression, he asked,"Want me to do anything with these two?"
"Just who the hell are you?!"
Naruto glanced downward with one eye, taking in the form of Ravager warily,"Someone who can't stand for a man hitting a woman. Matter of fact, this conversation is over!"
With that, both hunters saw black in seconds.
"Now, you doing alright ms...Oi!"
Facing the girl he saved, he saw her just as she too lost consciousness and was falling. Luckily, he caught her just as her knees contacted with the concrete.
"Guess, I gotta wait for that name huh?"
"Take her to the house Naruto, it may be best if you take the rooftops as well she looks like she needs medical attention."
With a nod, the young Uzumaki was off, bounding quickly back to his home in Gotham.
(Artemis POV)
I once had a dream.
In it, I saw the world from the view of a bird. It was as if I saw everything, and to me, it was beautiful.
i could feel the wind and rain fall around me as I flew, impeded by nothing as the steady pounding of my wings let me soar over the Gothic architecture of the city below.
Absolutely marvelous, stunningly breathtaking.
Yet totally real in its surreality.
(POV End)
The blonde archer awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling, and she all but jumped up in panic. Then, she promptly groaned at the protest of sore muscles and stiff joints. Placing a hand to her head to stem the minor headache pulsing about, she weakly muttered aloud, "Ugh, this can't be happening."
She froze for a moment as she noticed something with a start, her hands were bare, and she wasn't wearing green anywhere on her person. Standing up as quickly as her injuries would allow, she made her way off the bed and towards the door. Yet she jumped again as she stepped on something pointy. A quick glance down told her it was a piece of paper, and picking it up she read its contents:
Hey, if you're reading this know that there's no need to be afraid. If you want, you have several options right now.
1) you can climb out the window behind you and run away from this place. However, you'd have to leave your uniform behind.
2) You can come into the kitchen for a nice conversation about last night and retrieve your costume.
3) You can try to pick up your outfit and then leave through the window.
Either choice is fine, but please consider that I have some tea waiting for you, and it's getting cold.
'The hell?'
Sighing, she came out of the room expecting a number of things. What received her however, was nothing that she was thinking. Standing in front of a large windowpane, a male figure with long strawberry blond hair was idly staring out at the city below him. In his hands was a steaming cup that left a mist on the window, all in all, the image was very...hot?
'I am not thinking of the guy who stripped me like that!'
"The kitchen is to the right, the tea is on the counter. I'm glad you chose to come out, It'd have been kinda troublesome to deliver your costume to you."
Caught off guard, the girl jumped slightly,'He didn't even turn around! What the hell is going on here?'
"Where is my bow? And my costume?"
"Both are right there on the dining room table, I washed your attire, as it was covered in blood and tears. I fixed the string on your bow as well..You seem displeased?"
Turning, the one-time blond caught sight of his female guest aiming an arrow directly at him. Cocking his head to the side, he blinked,"May I ask why your aiming that at me?"
"Answer two questions if you want to live."
A nod.
"One: Did you see?"
"See what?"
"My face."
A shake of the head.
"No. Also, while I did change your outfit, I didn't see anything...extra, if that is your next question. I did it with a blindfold on."
"Pardon me if I don't exactly believe you."
A shrug from Naruto came before his answer,"Doesn't matter if you do or not. I helped you, and now my only request is that you explain why those two were hunting you."
"That..is none of your business."
"I disagree. Whoever was after you, now knows my appearance, meaning they'll be looking for me too. Depending on why they were after you, it may be best if you stay here. At least until my father gets back, he should be able to deal with your situation easily."
Artemis scoffed as she dropped her arms. "Deal with my situation? Hah! What, your dad a superhero?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. You know Jason Blood, correct?"
The girl gaped,"Y-your old man's the Jason Blood?! As in Etrigan?"
It was the hanyou's turn to tense as his eyes narrowed,"There are only a number of people in the entire world knowledgeable enough to have that information...Who are you?"
The blonde was shocked as she took an unconscious step back,"Artemis crock. You saved me from a bust gone wrong, those two were hounding me and I couldn't shake 'em. I managed to get Ravager's gun from him, but Cheshire was a lot harder to deal with, especially since I've...encountered her before."
"Ravager, Cheshire? Who're they?"
A gob-smacked expression hit the girl as she spoke,"Ravager was the guy you knocked out, and the girl was Cheshire. They're both well-known international criminals with Assassinations and other such crimes on their resumes. They were supposed to eliminate anyone who tried to intervene on the heist. That person was unfortunately me, and this was my first night on hero duty too. Tch!"
"Look, you were doing the right thing, and got the short end of the stick. Why don't you try being with more people? I mean, if you're on a team you always have people to watch your back and you don't need to worry about being caught in a situation like last night again. If that doesn't help you, then try going about it the silent way, no one sees you, no one knows you helped or acted in any way. They just know that everything went wrong, out of nowhere."
Glancing at the man before her, she could tell he was reminiscing. A slight nod as she agreed with the thought,"So, what about you? How in the world did you save me?"
A small chuckle came before violet eyes met grey,"I was just leaving the club when I saw you and the others on the roof. I watched, and waited for the right moment to switch with you. Needless to say, it worked flawlessly."
"Wait, you were watching the whole time! You bastard!"
Holding up his hands as the blonde aimed her bow at him again. "No no no. I wasn't there til you were close to the alley anyway. I just intervened at a timely place so as to not become a liability."
The girl dropped her weapon once more noticing that the male's tone hadn't changed once, in spite of his placating actions.
"You...were you serious about me staying here? And, about that team stuff?"
"Totally. It's the best way to protect you right now, and honestly, I'm pretty sure it's better than being on house arrest."
Inside of a medical room Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Zatara were standing together. As they were conversing, they were soon joined by one Jason Blood, and after pleasantries ended they began to speak once more.
"How is everything, Jason?"
A heavy sigh left the ancient immortal's mouth as he replied," I don't like what I'm seeing Giovanni, that's for sure."
"What do you mean?"
"I believe that Naruto is not from this world."
Curiosity laced the amazon's voice as she asked,"Are you suggesting that he is from another world? One of those, aliens, as it were?"
Shaking his head, Jason answered succinctly,"I'm saying he was pulled here; aside from Circe's energy reading, the sanctum showed traces of a demon that I'm quite familiar with...one known for traversing universes."
"That kid's an inter-dimensional demon?"
All present turned to see the Flash, who had just entered into the room carrying a bundle of medical supplies with a gobsmacked expression.
"I think that my son's condition is similar to my own, with some...slight alterations. He had a seal engraved on his body that reacted to my energy. During the fight, I saw it when he assimilated my abilities; the seal must act as a circuit."
Scratching his head, the fastest man alive replied,"Care to put that in English doc?"
It was Jason's turn to rub his own scalp as he answered calmly," When an outside energy contacts Naruto's body, the seal automatically destroys the influence behind it; then either absorbs, reconstructs, or outright repels the power being used."
The sorcerer shocked as the warrior princess gasped," That's...impossible! How could he have such great power at such a young age?"
The green-skinned martian spoke up with a shake of the head," That boy has always held great strength. I, along with several others have noticed this from the moment we laid eyes upon him. I fear that he may have inherited more than what his control could handle, and if not looked after, he could very well bring calamity to this planet."
"Great Hera...then, what do you propose we do?"
Jason interjected,"Teach him. Allow to understand himself and his abilities, we've all fought him. We know that given a different set of circumstances, we'd have won, however we do not know at just what cost it would come by if he were made into an enemy. My issue is that in following Bruce's paranoia, we may be planting those seeds of mistrust in him already. Although it seems that he is quite caring and genuine with those he believes to be comrades and family."
A nod from John Jonnz," I would agree with that. Yet, how would we make the boy...accepting of us?"
"We show him that whether he is human or demon, that he does have a heart...and a conscience."
{A/N}: Chapter complete! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, and I will answer them at my earliest convenience. Review with your thoughts, if you hate this, love this, or like this...It's all welcome! Just don't flame it please, it's my only copy right now! Lol