Researcher Zim?3

'Only two more days.' Zim thought to himself, as Gir ran around the storage room/workbench Zim had installed to his ship. Currently Zim found himself fixing a robotic Unit he had managed to find collecting dust in the palace. Zim silently wondered why his brothers liked spending so much time in their overly large ship instead of their ancestry home. 'Surly the palace was not only more secure then 'The Masses' but also wouldn't blow up completely with one good hit.'

Zim stopped his thought when a screen shot of the DeathStar blowing up entered his mind, and in a strange twist he could he both his brothers sitting in 'The Masses' after attempting such a thing and Blue saying "It was to Big to fail!" before being slapped by Red. Zim pushed the distracting thoughts to the back of his mind as he started to examine the possessing core for the unit, Lenz had warned him that if it turned out to be another 'Gir' type it would be up to his brothers to keep the Tallest Bloodline alive.

The Core seemed to be in perfect condition, and so did the connection wires, which meant that there was even less chance of it being a 'Gir'. Zim could only let a silent prayer to any HigherBeing that may have been listening as he lowered the core into the unit's chest cavity. 'Please don't let it be a Gir. Please don't let it be a Gir. Please don't let it be a...'
"GIR!" Zim shouted at Gir, who had stopped running around and was now trying to eat the leg of his desk. Dropping what he was doing Zim slid off the bench and grabbed Gir by his antena with one hand and his left optic with the other. A quick twist of the optic and pulling the antena back Gir's jaws released the desk leg and was soon hanging off a hook on the wall.

It was at this time the robotic Unit Zim had been working on came online. The Unit was an older model then Gir, who's model type was discontinued around one or two hundred years ago, so Zim had almost no idea what would happen once the unit was active. So imagine his surprise when after finishing up with Gir Zim turns around to see a perfect replica of himself imitating his movements as if a mirror.

Zim only rubbed his chin and thought about this new discovery. "I am Zim, third in line for the seat of Tallest, what is your Unit code and model?" The mirror Zim suddenly flickered and busted apart in a show of static(think of how holograms disperse in Halo Reach) to reveal the active unit staring up at him. "Unit 343, body double of Master Tallest Splash."

Zim tapped his chin, Tallest Splash had been in power soon after the fall of the Old Empire. If memory served right Splash had been the Tallest to take ruling from his mother, Tallest Maya, and helped to reclaim the inner planets; thus Splash earned the second tittle of 'Reclaimer' by the people. 'Interesting, most records of that time had been corrupted...' "Did Tallest Splash give you a tittle to go by, surly he did not refer to you as 343."

Unit 343 tilted its head as blue lines traced over parts of its body before converging on the units head. "Dobby..." 343 replied before standing strait. " Master Splash named me Dobby." Zim nodded his head, since most; if not all Irkens named their S.I.R.s something or other Tallest Splash would have done so to. "What was the date of your last thought proses Dobby?" Zim asked so he could figure out how much time had passed between activation and shutdown.

Dobby blinked his optics, and a new set of blue lines traced over his body, following a similar path as the last light show, before responding. "Last memory labeled as '3rd Y.O.R.'(Year of Reclaiming), 13:34:05 (Hour:minute:second)." Zim stared at Dobby in a mix of aww and confusion, awwed by the age of the unit and that it was still functioning, and confused by why Dobby was deactivated so early in Tallest Splashes rule. Tallest Splash lived until the 189th Y.O.R. when he was struck down via a surprise ambush of mixed rebel forces, so why was his personal 343 Unit, whos task was to take the place of its master, no where near Tallest Splash for over 186 years?

Zim was brought out of his thoughts by Dobby, who had been talking to him while he was deep in thought. "I'm sorry Dobby, what did you say?" "Where's Master Splash?" Zim scratched his chin, 'How should I do this, last time a S.I.R. went through something like this it went on a rampage and killed a bit over a hundred Irkens before it was destroyed...'


Yes what will Zim do? If ayonereviews and gives an idea i may or may not try to work it into the sory...

Please review!