This is just a crack fanfic of Ao No Exorcist. It contains semi-random pairings, drunk OCC'd characters, nonsense, ridiculous party rocking (and shuffling, haha), underage drinking and of course, twincest fluffage!
Disclaimer: All belongs to Kazue Kato except for Rin's soul. Which is mine.
The idea was enticing.
A party: against Yukio's wishes, in celebration of the school break that would be held in the Okumura's dormitory after the Cram school ended class.
Frankly the earlier hours flew by like a blur, but it ultimately lead to all of the exorcist students (minus Takara, because no one bothered to inform him) sneaking off to the Okumura's dorm and setting up a mini party of their own.
Thus the insanity began.
"Hey pass me one too." Izumo said, receiving a cold beer can. It hissed as she cracked the tab on it and opened it. Across from her, Shima closed the cooler which had been stuffed with ice and beer that he and Ryuji had bought while they were gone. The store owner had thought Ryuji was of legal age, and hadn't bothered to ask for identification. Oh, the wonderful world we live in...
Shima, Izumo, Ryuji, Shiemi, Rin, Yukio and even the forcefully encouraged Konekomaru sat on the floor of one of the empty dorm rooms. It had been Yukio's suggestion that they set up on the top floor, in the largest dorm room in the building - instead of the normal two bunk beds, this room had three giving at least six of them a bed to sleep in.
Shima downed his second beer and offered Izumo another one. Ryuji took slow sips of his, while Konekomaru and Shiemi drank lemonade instead. With all of them sitting crosslegged on the floor in a circle, Shiemi brought out a small box and opened it, withdrawing a booklet and two seperate decks of cards.
"Wait, what game is this?" Izumo asked, her speech slurring. The pigtailed girl leaned forward staring at the odd cards placed in front of her.
"Truth or Dare." Shiemi replyed, "I found it when I was cleaning out our attic. I think my mother found it at a sale or something."
Yukio picked up the instruction booklet and reviewed it, "It says we ask random people either 'Truth' or 'Dare', draw the corresponding card and then the person gets to ask someone else. The game ends once everyone else has given up or can't complete the task." A frown found its' way to Yukio's face as something caught his attention on the booklet, "I don't think we should be playing this..." Of course, this remark was overlooked.
"Sounds easy enough." Ryuji said, shuffling the two decks of cards. One deck was marked 'Truth' while the other read 'Dare'. Ryuji glanced up at Shiemi and smirked, "Shiemi, truth or dare?"
Shiemi nodded in excitement, "Dare."
Ryuji picked up a red card labeled 'Dare'. His face turned red and without a word he slipped the card to the bottom drawing another one, which had the same affect.
"What does it say?" Rin asked, voicing everyone's thoughts on Ryuji's behaviour.
"It says, 'Open or take off your shirt'." Ryuji stated bluntly.
"U-Uhm..." Shiemi stuttered, her hand shakily moving to her top as she undid her bow then popped out all the buttons until her uniform hung open.
A red flush made its' way across the group, "W-Why'd you do that?" Rin blurted, "You didn't actually have to do it."
Shiemi glanced away, "I didn't want to be the first one out."
Ryuji sighed, "All right...Shiemi, you can ask someone now." She nodded again, her eyes briefly meeting the other pairs and gestured to Konekomaru,
"Truth or Dare?"
Shima winked, and nudged Konekomaru, "Your turn, huh?"
Remaining unreadable the entire time, Konekomaru called; "Dare." Shiemi picked up the next card and read it aloud, "Drink four beer in under a set time." Immediately four cans of beer appeared in front of him.
Izumo chuckled, "Drink up, I'm timing you." The monk hesitated,
"I-I really don't think..."
"Come on, don't be a party crasher!" Rin booed, earning a swat to the head by Yukio.
"Show some respect."
Rin's smile returned as he turned back to Konekomaru who was all ready taking small sips from the first can. "Lighten up all ready. It's a party!"
Determined not to lose, the first three cans were gone soon enough.
"One more, Neko!" Shima cheered, as the flushed bald monk cracked open the last one. It took less time than the others to finish but the buzz had gone from light to down right drunk. Konekomaru hiccuped,
"I-I'mma...I'mm dooon. Done. hic. Shima. Truth," He paused, momentarily forgetting the next part before responding, "Or Dare?"
"Truth!" Shima crooned.
Konekomaru read the card aloud, "W-What are youuuu...hic...most afraid of?"
He frowned, obviously not expecting what the card read, "Bugs. That's not as fun as I thought it would be. Can I pick Dare instead?" Yukio shook his head. Shima swore and crossed his arms stubbornly. He sighed, turning next to Izumo, "Truth or Dare?"
A wide smile cracked its' way across Izumo's drunken face, "Truth." She spat, then giggled like a child.
"Who was your first kiss?"
At this, Izumo froze. Her face scrunched up as if she was trying to recall something then responded, "No one." Without room for comments she turned to Ryuji beside her, "Bon, Truth or Dare?"
Across the room Rin whined, "Noooo, pick meeee..." Yukio sighed, opening a lemonade in a vain attempt to hide any responsibility he held over any of this.
Ryuji snorted, making his decision, "I choose Dare." As if he wouldn't be able to anything it said -
"It says, French kiss the person on your left."
Ryuji's eyes widened as Izumo threw herself at him, giggling wildly. "Wha-What?"
The muddled mind of Ryuji's was put on hold when Izumo's tongue probed into his mouth. Konekomaru whistled and Shima broke down laughing. As they broke away Izumo laughed, her arms pumping the air, "Bon! Bon was my first kiss!"
The riot settled quickly when Ryuji was reminded it was only a game and Izumo was drunk out of her mind anyway. With a red face he glared at Rin - as if this entire ordeal was his doing. "Pick one."
"Dare. Of course," Rin beamed. He leaned forward, hands on his knees waiting for Ryuji to read aloud from the red card.
"Well? What does i-it...uhm...does it say?" Izumo stuttered, leaning over Ryuji's shoulder. He leaned away as she grew closer. She squinted at the card and scrunched up her face, "W-Wait...What?"
In a clear voice, Ryuji announced, "Seduce a person of your choice in front of everyone."
Rin stared blankly for a moment before turning to Yukio with a demonic smile.
"Yuuuuukkkkiiiiii," Rin whispered, leaning over towards Yukio, his eyes drooping. From behind them, Shiemi squeaked as Rin got up from his spot and maneuvered his way between Yukio's legs. Everyone had came to the 'party' dressed casually with jeans and a t-shirt (Shiemi was in her kimono), while Yukio merely had put away his coat. This gave Rin an uniform to work with as his hands ghosts over Yukio's chest. The demon child nudged closer, spreading Yukio's legs further apart and ducked his face down near his brothers'. Rin's tail waved slowly as if it were in a trance.
Yukio was out of his comfort zone - that much was certain. "Rin, it's just a game. You don't have to -"
"Maybe I want to," Rin intrupted, his fingers diligently working at Yukio's tie, "Come on. Play with me, brother."
Yukio swallowed, Damn him. Damn his irresistible, goddamn demonic powers of seduction.
Rin popped the last button from the shirt and lowered himself to Yukio's exposed torso, his pink tongue daring to pass over his fanged teeth. The room had gone silent with anticipation as to what would become of this Dare. But all too quickly Rin pulled away. Yukio's emotions betrayed him as he sucked in a breath only to have Rin appear closing the space between their lips. His heart skipped. Why the hell was he acting like this? It was just a stupid game, not to mention this was his brother, his twin brother.
Someone started clapping, forcing Rin to break away and confront Shima, "Good job! Rin, pick someone!"
Exhaling, Yukio pushed his glasses up and sat crosslegged as to hide his current state of arousal. Damn him. Damn Shima for interrupting and Rin for stopping.
Rin moved away from his brother with a smirk on his face, "All right, Shiemi! Truth or Dare?"
Shiemi glanced up, her face red, "Uhm, Truth." At least she wouldn't have to remove any more clothes.
Rin picked up a blue card and squinted at it, "If you could have a th...threesome with anyone in the room, who would it be with?"
The blonde squeaked, covering her face. Oh, no. She couldn't answer this question! But she didn't want to suffer the humilaty of being the first one out, "U-Uh...I guess, I would choose...uhm..." Yukio and Rin were the two she trusted the most, so...
She had muttered it aloud.
"All righty, then..." Shima hiccuped. He had apparently become the spokesman for the game. "W-Who wantsta... Go next? No, wait. Shiemi, you gotta pick...Nevermind." The pink haired boy chuckled at himself. Ryuji rolled his eyes. Shiemi hesitantly picked Izumo who in turn responded with; "Dare."
Reading the red card aloud, Shiemi announced, "Suck your fingers in a seductive manner."
"Easy-peasy!" Izumo drawled, shoving three fingers in her mouth. It took her a minute but before long the digits were wet, more faces were blushed red and she was able to pick Yukio next.
"Dare." He said. Rin raised an eyebrow. He would've guessed Yukio would have picked Truth, or opted out altogether. Izumo attempted to read the card, but wound up having Ryuji to read it, since her eyesight had gone blurry.
Ryuji coughed into his fist, "It says...You must spend five minutes in a different room with someone of my own choice."
The demon child sitting beside Yukio frowned, Damn, if he picks anyone else...
The thoughts and scenarios ran through Ryuji's head. By determining Yukio's fate, he chose Rin. Surely this would allow Yukio time to get back at Rin for the dare earlier, and there was nothing Ryuji loved more than Rin in torment. Yukio nodded, pulling a startled Rin to his feet then dragged him out into the hallway and into the next room down the hall, shutting the door with a slam and a click of the lock.
Hit that review button and tell me what you wanna see happen next chapter - anything at all! Okay, almost anything...
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~Days of Despair