Author's Note: My friend and I are writing this together. She doesn't have a fanfiction account yet, but she plans to..., Tori and André plan a night for their friends and them to hang out for a project that Schkowitz plans. But André has other plans..., (ooh-la-la. Lol).
Btw #1, I'm making this a story/song fic kind of thing. So, if/after you read this, can you guys as my readers either leave me a review WITH what song you think I should use for the following chapter(s)? Please and thank you (Or if you want the song request to be separate from the review, you can send me a PM).
Btw #2, Let's just pretend that with the date of July 4, 2011, everything that has happened up to season 3, has already occurred (Except for Christmas).
Disclaimer: I WISH I owned VicTORIous. :'( I don't (If I did, André and Tori would be together by now). I don't own the Rewind button, Skyscraper by Demi Lovato, The Vampire Diaries, or Blockbuster. Sad, but true.
~Tori's P.O.V.~
The distant clatter and noise of collecting dishes, or distributing of them, seemed like it wasn't going on. I guess it's because the only thing that held my attention were those lips. 'Damn.' I thought. 'There he goes licking them again. Is it just me, or is that the EXACT way that LL Cool J licked (or licks? I don't know, he's really distracting) his lips as an old singer/rapper in his videos?' Even if it wasn't..., he had me mesmerized.
"TORI!" He shouted.
"Huh? Wha-?" I was caught off guard. Damn those velvety..., chocolate lips. I shook my head to not get distracted again.
"What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked.
'Awwww..., he's such a gentleman.' I cooed inside my head. "Yes, I'm ok. And no..., nothing's wrong."
"Ok. Good. You were zoning out on me, I thought at any minute, a sock full of butter was going to aim for my head." He laughed.
I laughed along with him. "Don't worry André. I'm not your-uh-grandma."
"You can call her crazy or psycho if you want. She IS WAY off the deep end." André stated.
"Oh. I just don't feel right calling her that. But, I'm comfortable with 'off the deep end'."
He smiled. 'Damn. His teeth are bright as Heaven.' That's just what I need..., a drool-fest to embarrass myself.
"You look beautiful, Tori."
I blushed. "You're just saying that."
"Not really. I'm a gentleman by nature, I can't help it. But you..., look drop-dead-gorgeous. I don't know what it is about you in dark colors, like that dark purple dress you have on, that turns me on. It just does."
"Oh." I said. "Thank you." I blushed harder. Now I understood why-Oh! You know what?I'm giving away too much information before you even know how we got here. So, allow me to take you back to where it all started. Let me take you to the day I realized I liked André.
~Presses the mental Rewind button back to 2 months ago~
Monday-July 4, 2011
You'd think that we wouldn't be in school, right? Wrong. Schkowitz and his crazy acting tactics. He figured, 'It's the 4th of July, you're not barbequing with your friends and family and setting off fireworks to celebrate the freedom of our country-Oh, no. You'd rather spend your fourth of July learning about how the U.S.A. became an independent, country and afterwards..., do a play on it.' Ugh! Damn him. I'd rather play football with Trina in my distressed booty shorts. Wow. I must be really bored, if I'd rather do something with Trina. I mean, she's my sister, and I love her, but..., she's annoying.
"Hi, Tori." Speaking of the devil...,
"Shit! Trina! What the hell?"
"What 'cha doing?" She asked, lingering over my shoulder.
'Really? Was she really asking me what I was doing, when it was clear that Schkowitz was saying something boringly important on ''The Stage'' in the front of the classroom?' "What does it look like? And you're not even supposed to be in here right now, are you? I thought you were sick? Or do I need to tell Mom and Dad that you're really going on a shopping spree, followed by an epic window shop at Rodeo Drive?" I gave her a knowing look, and crossed my arms.
Trina stared at me. She knew that I was blackmailing her. Yet another thing I did better then her. She was also trying to challenge me.
I cocked my head to the side. My sign that I wasn't playing around.
"You..., ugh!" She walked away outraged, hands ready to strangle someone.
I giggled like crazy inside my head. 'Trina.'
"And since England had control over the U.S...," Schkowitz continued.
Blah, blah, blah. I'm so bored. I just wish that-buzz, buzz. I felt my phone vibrating from my bag. Hello, un-boredom.
1 Text Message
André Harris
10:31 a.m. Mon. July 4, 2011
I smiled. 'Someone likes me.' You know what they say..., ''You know you're cared for/loved/liked when you receive a text.'' (And no, I don't know who "they" are). 'But, he's sitting right next to me. Hmmm..., ok. Whatever.' I unlocked my pear phone, and read the text.
Tori, are you as bored as I am?
I started to text back. After, I pressed send.
1 SMS Message
Tori Vega
Jul/4/2011 10:34 a.m. Mon
Omg, yes! I don't even know what he's talking about.
I'm sorry, Tori. Want to study for it?
Yes! How?
How about we study by watching a very accurate movie, but an awesome/epic 1. That way, we don't get bored?
That sounds fun.
Yeah. But here's the thing. How about we add along the rest of the crew for fun?
Omg, yes! But..., does *Jade* have to come?
You *kno* we can't have Beck w/o Jade
*rolls eyes* w/e..., I guess
O-ho-oooh. The epic "eye roll"
You *KNO* Jade hates me
But you have a love-hate 'fri-enemy' relationship! :'(
Lol. I guess so
Yay! :D
Hahahahahahahaha. Ok. Well, are you gonna tell everyone, or should I?
You just set everything up, and I'll contact everyone. Kay?
Wait. What about your parents?
They're on- -um- -"vacation"
Oh. Ew. Gross.
Haha. Ikr? Just disgusting.
Idk wat 2 say bout dat
Me either. Lol. Well, 'class' is almost over. Thx 4 keeping me company! xD I'll set everything up for tonight. Dnt have 2 wrry 'bout Trina. She's on a shopping spree.
*raises eyebrows* As usual. That's good for everyone. Later
Laterz! ;D
~The bell rang~
"Sky's are crying. I am watching. Catching teardrops in my hands. Only silence, as it's ending. Like we never had a chance. Do you have to, make me feel like, there's nothing left of me?" I started to sing Demi Lovato's song Skyscraper. Why? I don't know. I love Demi. Maybe that could be the reason why I'm so totally taken over by this. All of a sudden, I heard a piano playing. Then, as I rounded the corner towards my locker, I saw André behind that same piano in the middle of the hall, encouraging me to keep on, so I did.
"You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground. Like a Skyscraper..., like a Skyscraper."
All of a sudden, I heard background vocals. I realized that Jade and Cat were the people that I heard. This was getting weird, but I continued anyway. Then there was a banging of drums-or something like it..., bongos?-in the background. I turned the corner towards the school. There was Robbie and Rex-of course-and Beck playing them. And Sinjin and Trina-I thought she went shopping?-playing this thing that looked like a Moroccan wash board with a tiny stick. Ok. Definitely weird, but something kept me singing.
"As the smoke clears..., I awaken..., and untangle you from me. Would it make you, feel better..., to watch me while I bleed? Oh, my windows..., still are broken..., but I'm standing on my feet. You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass..., like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground. Like a Skyscraper..., like a Skyscraper."
I was really feeling this. I felt like I was on stage performing. I had to give it my all. I started to travel/dance backwards, stomping my feet, and clenching my fist towards my chest, about to sing the next part.
"Go run, run, run. I'm gonna stay right here, watch you disappear. Ye, aa-oo-h. Go run, run, run. Yeah, it's a long way down..., but I am closer to the clouds up herrrrrrrre-eeeeeee."
I stood on top of the stairs by the windows in the middle of the hall, to be symbolic. I then realized that there was a lot of purple lights on me, bringing out my dark purple layered top, dark skinny's and black boots. I looked at André. He looked at me. I blushed-wait what?-as he continued to play. I gracefully walked down the stairs, holing onto the rail, singing softly as André played softly, verses the loud and rock-type moment we just had.
"You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Ooh-oo-oh. Go on and try to tear me down." I put my all into this. This was her most powerful moment in the song, so I decided I would make it mine as well. "I will be rising from the ground. Like a Skyscraper. Like a Skyscrape-er-er-er-er-er-er-errrr!" I continued to belt out the last note as long as I could, as Jade and Cat did the background vocals, singing, 'Like a Skyscraper' instead of the ''ah-ah's'." I felt so powerful. I looked at at André again.
"Like a Skyscraper-er-er-er." I took a well-needed breath. "Like a Skyscraper." All the background voices and instruments stopped. All except André's piano. I looked at him breathless, catching everything I just dished out. He looked back at me..., smiled, then winked. I blushed, he smirked, and ended the song with his piano, looking at me. Then, he began mouthing something. Sorie? Story? Morning? I didn't understand.
"TORI!" The voice of André took me out of my daydream. Wait. That wasn't real? I thought it was? It felt real. I'm confused. And why did I get a warm feeling inside me during the daydream-obviously that's where it came from-everytime I looked at André? I don't know why it happened though. Hmmmm...,
"TORI!" André yelled louder.
I jumped-almost into my locker.
"Gosh, girl! What is going on in your head? I've never seen you so out of it before."
"I honestly don't know." I answered, shrugging my shoulders.
"Well..., I just thought that you should know.., I got a 'yes' from everyone, and they said they'll be there at 7pm. Is that ok?"
"Yeah, that's perfectly fine. What about you? Since you leave so close...?" I sound like I was begging. What is going ON with me?
"6? Or 6:30?" He asked.
"How about 6:30?"
"That's fine. I'll be over."
"Yay!" I laughed. "Can't wait." I did a happy dance.
André smiled. "Don't worry about the dvd for the movie. I'll buy it from that movie place that has like EVERY movie."
"You mean Blockbuster?" I corrected, eyebrows scrunched together.
"Oh, yeah. You're rubbing off on me. I must get away...," He fake ran away with his hands flopping around in the air.
I giggled frantically. He always knew how to make me laugh.
"Tori!" A voice called.
"Gosh! What is wrong with you-? Oh. Hey Cat!"
"Tori. Why were you yelling?" Cat asked, twirling her bright red hair in her finger. Now, this girl may be a little ditsy, but when it comes to fashion, I could take twenty or more paged notes (front and back) from her.
"Oh. I'm sorry Cat. I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized.
"That's okay, Tori. Listen, I heard that you and André are having a movie night for Schkowitz's class project. Is that true?"
"Yes, it is Cat."
"Ok. Good. I just wanted to make sure. I'll be there at 7:30." She replied, walking away in her criss-crossed 6-inch heels.
"Love the shoes, btw." I said after her.
"Thanks!" She yelled back. "They're new."
I received a text.
1 Text Message
Cat Valentine
11:55 A.M. Mon. July 4, 2011
Don't worri. I knw ur shoe size! :) I'll get u a pair! xD
1 Text Message
Tori Vega
11:58 a.m. Mon. July 4, 2011
Yay! Thanks, Cat! ;D
No prob! :O Lol. C u there!
Kk :D
Well, I don't know why I'm at my locker. I was only here for Schkowitz. Now I can go shopping! Forever 21, here I come!
~1:00 p.m.~
Okay, so I went to Forever 21, Icing, Hot Topic, and Foot Locker. Ok, ok, I also went to Journeys, and Charlotte Russe (I have a bigger shoe fetish than my obsession for clothes. It's sad really). But, I'm happy! I got like, 10 outfits, underwear (Victoria's Secret- and I don't have one like this!), a PINK outfit (or two), perfume; Love Spell (Victoria's Secret) and Sweet Pea (Bath & Body Works), and jewelery for every outfit I bought, and a pair of shoes for each outfit as well (Oh, God. I have it BAD). And nerd glasses. Now, to put it all in my room.
~2:30 p.m.~
It took an hour and thirty minutes! Wow! I think I broke my record of just fourty five minutes (I usually don't buy this much). I picked out this military jacket to wear with black skinny jeans; distressed, a purple flowy zebra striped tank, an black flats. I picked out bohemian themed jewelery-of course-and some underwear. I needed a shower. NOW!
~4:00 p.m.~
Another hour and thirty passed. I slipped into my room-wasn't hard, provided that every bedroom had it's own bathroom attached. It was something about changing in a bathroom that I couldn't do. Maybe I'm bathroom-change-a phobic or something (I know it's not real, I just made it up). I began to dry myself off and change into my clothes.
~4:07 p.m.~
I unwrapped the towel from my head, towel dried it, and used my hair dryer for the rest. My hair was naturally curly/wavy, so I didn't do much, but add a purple hair feather.
~4:22 p.m.~
Now that's done..., make up time. I only went subtle tonight. A little black eyeliner here, black mascara there and tropical flavored lip gloss, I was done in five minutes . Now to wait for another two hours and eight minutes. I decided to catch up on The Vampire Diaries.
"Oh, come on! Elijah is alive? What the hell? I thought Damon killed him! And I have like five more episodes to watch." I shook my head. "The things you miss because of Schkowitz." 'Hey! That rhymed!' I thought.
Ding, dong. I heard the doorbell ring. Was it 6:30 already? I asked myself, checking the time on the DVR box. 'Whoa! Time flys.'
"Who is it?" I asked, eyes glued to the television, not wanting to miss a moment. I already knew it was André, I just wanted to mess with him.
"You know who this be." André replied. He was trying to be funny. I opened up the door.
"And you know who I be." I replied laughing, as he walked past me and flopped on the couch.
"What are we watching?" He asked, walking past me into the house.
"I was watching-well really catching up on-The Vampire Diaries."
"No chiz." He said, flopping on the couch. "I can't believe Katherine-" André started.
"Ah, ah, ah." I put one hand over his mouth and a finger to mine. "Shush! I haven't gotten there yet."
"But you don't know what I was going to say."
"Doesn't matter. Shush!" I commanded. "Use all of that talkative energy into helping me prepare everything in the kitchen please?"
"Sure. No problem."
"Thank you."
André and I walked into the kitchen to get everything together before everyone arrived.
"Hey André, can you get the twenty four pack of Wahoo Punch out of the refrigerator please?" I asked.
"Sure." He replied, doing just that and putting the un-open box on the kitchen island, while I was reaching for the bags of chips I had on top of the refrigerator. I felt a pair of eyes on my back, as I got on my tip toes. I still couldn't reach. Hell, I was persistent. 'How did I manage to get them up there in the first place?' I asked myself.
I felt heat coming toward me and a hand grab my waist and saying, "Let me help you" in a powerful whisper in my right ear that sent shivers down my spine, as those warm fingers wrapped around me to pick me up. I was feeling something again. First, it was the feeling that sent my eyes in the direction of André in the daydream, now THIS? Am I dreaming again? I bit the inside of my cheeks as I realized the answer..., this was really happening. I was still biting my cheeks as I rose off of the ground and grabbed the bags of chips and the box of popcorn.
He let me down slowly. I gasped inwardly, as those hands traveled up my body. His hands were SO warm. "Thanks." I said, looking at the floor. I couldn't bare to look in his eyes. And when did my shirt go up? That must've happened as I was being brought back down. No reason my skin felt like it was on fire (I took my jacket off during The Vampire Diaries. A girl can only commit to that level of fashion during the fall. It's the summer-too hot). I gave André the three bags of chips and the last bag of pretzels we had.
"Could you put these chips in the big bowls we have under the sink, while I pop the popcorn?" I took the bags and stared into my eyes. "Thanks." I said nervously, as his hands grazed past mine.
"No problem." He replied, still looking in my eyes (Was it just me, or was the only replies he had were "sure" and "no problem"?). I needed something to drink. I put two bags of popcorn into the microwave and got two more bowls from under the sink, then headed over to the Wahoo Punch. I opened up the box, took a can, and walked back over to the microwave. Why did it feel like I needed air? Why did it seem as if André was trying to get me worked up? Why was I having this feeling that he was looking at my ass when I tried to reach for the chips? Why did- BEEP..., BEEP..., BEEEEEEEP. "SHIT!" The microwave scared me so much, I spilled my drink on the floor. 'Damn, I'll get it later.' I thought, as I opened up the microwave and retrieved the popcorn and put two more bags in and headed towards the bowls for my popcorn, while André was busy pouring the pretzels in the last bowl. "Could you go get the other bag please?" I asked, as I poured the popcorn in the bowl.
"Sure." He replied. 'Well, damn.' I thought.
I finished with my bag and decided I needed more Wahoo Punch. I walked back over to the microwave and bumped into André. I felt out our legs twist and turn, as we inevitably fell onto the floor, with my back on the ground, and André on top of me.
"Well, white girl, looks we got ourselves in a situational mess. André said.
"I told you, I'm half Latina!" I hissed playfully.
"Well then, muchacha..., be more alert of the microwave. Maybe we would've never fell on the ground." He demanded.
"What do you mean?" I countered.
"This...," He mopped the floor with his left hand. "Isn't the result of you jumping out of your pants because of the microwave?" He asked, showing me the spilled drink.
"Oh. My bad." I apologized.
"It's okay." He looked into my eyes again. "I forgive you." He whispered, putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. *Enter gulp here*
Why was he staring at me? And what's this- "Oh." I moaned. He was hard. I could fell it through his pants. "ANDRÉ." It sound like I was begging him to be hard. What is going on with me? I felt a lyric of Skyscraper pop into my head. 'Do you have to, make me feel like, there's nothing let of me?' I mean, I know the song was more about heartbreak, and how Demi felt about the people that bullied her, but to me, it meant something else. André made me weak. At the moment, I realized that I liked André.
"You must know..., I LOVE purple and dark colors on you. It makes me hard every time I see you wear them. Maybe it's because purple's my favorite color. I don't know. And I just want to do things to you when I see you wear them together." He grinded his cock on top of me to emphasize his point.
"Aaannnnnndddrrrééééé...," I could barely think. He was beginning to make me horny and wet. Chills went up my spine, as he did it again. "Fuck...," I cooed. "You're gonna make me-.
"WET?" He finished, chuckling. (And how did he know that?) "That's what I've been trying to do since I walked into the kitchen. Too bad 'the crew' has to be here. I'd rather have you to myself." He kissed my temples, then my nose, my cheeks, and lastly, my lips. God. I was getting wet. I needed release and QUICK! He grinded against me again. "F-faster...," I begged, grabbing his lips with mine again. I couldn't take it anymore.
He grabbed my hips, and trailed his hands down towards my ass, and dug his fingers into my petite cheeks. I arched my back, and gave a breathless moan into his ear. One of his hands traveled up my back towards my bra. He trailed it to my chest, rose my bra up a little, and begun to rub my right nipple. God, I'm starting to wish that everyone wasn't coming over.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked in a husky voice, flicking his tongue over my nipple. I wrapped my legs around André's back, and gripped his dreads. My first encounter with a black boy, and WOW!, he knew what he was doing. "No. Please. My room." I said between his licks and bites. Screw 'the crew'-and I know that sounds bad. I don't care-! I need him to fill me. Now!
"What if I want to take you right here?" He asked, fondling my boobs, rubbing against my core. He's making this hard for me.
"That's not fair." I said, pushing my chest into his warm hands.
André groaned. "Why not?" André asked, wrapping his lips around my right breast.
"Because...," I stammered (It's really hard to concentrate while his mouth is devouring my breast, and his tongue is rapidly flicking my nipple). "Because...," I started again. "Because, the floors cold-mmmm-and my bed's warm. Also because we wouldn't-damn, André-have to worry... anyone walking in and catching us. Also, I have sound-proof walls." I bucked my hips to meet with André's again."Ohh..., God. We can make as much noise as we want."
"Well, Tori. I have to say..., I have a lot to learn about you. But...," He shook his head. "I can't do this to you." He said, getting up off the floor.
I frowned. "But, why?"
"As much as I want-" André paused to take a breath, running his hands through his dreads. "As much I want to have sex with you, I can't do that to you. It's just sexual frustration, that I can get out by jacking myself off. I was raised better than this. I can't allow myself to do this. Not until you're ready, and consider it more than just sex. I have feelings for you. I do. I just don't want to do this because I got caught up in the heat of the moment. You have to understand."
I got off the floor as well. I sighed, pulling my bra back down. "Of course I do. It's just..., now I have to take care of myself." I said, fixing myself up.
André smirked sexually. "I can help with that."
"But you just said-"
"I'm not going to jump right into sex with you. I can control myself. But, I said nothing about helping you release some of that sexual tension onto my fingers, now did I?" He asked, walking back towards my direction.
"Don't make promises that you can't keep." I flirted, smiling back."I don't just let anyone touch me that way."
"It's a good thing I'm not just 'anyone'." He came to where I was, between the kitchen and the living room.
"No, André Harris. You're not. I think I like you enough to even consider it." I chuckled, flipping my hair behind my back, biting my lips afterwords, running my hands though his hair.
"Consider?" He asked, as if I just killed his 'manly pride'. "Naw. I don't think I have enough time on my hands for considering."
I bit my lips again, looking at his hands. "They are some pretty big fingers."
"They know their way around." He said, holding onto my waist.
I squirmed under his touch. He held me tighter. "You sure are persuasive."
"Let me show you how persuasive I can be." He responded, bringing our bodies closer together-if at all possible.
"Maybe you should. But..., my room is upstairs."
"Well..., as I said, I'd rather have you right here...," He pulled my hands and pushed me up against the kitchen island. "Right now." He trailed kisses down my neck. I groaned, and placed my hands on his chest. "Damn. He's really buff.' I thought, pulling on his shirt, wanting his body as close as possible. I opened my eyes in surprise and ecstasy. He lightly pulled my ear. I whimpered.
"Mmm...," André groaned against my skin, licking my ear, kissing the area on my shoulder. "Sorry baby." He murmered against my skin, kissing it again, headed toward my throat with his lips.
I let out an airy gasp. 'Baby? Since when did I become his "baby"?' I guess it doesn't matter now. What DID matter, was while my fingers were tracing his-unbelieveable-abs under his shirt, André had managed to slip one of my legs (maybe it was my right leg), around his waist, gripped my thigh, kissed my chest harder, and brought his-once again-hard cock towards my body. His hand scratched back up my leg. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and bucked my hips. "André...," I moaned. I realized that even though he said that he didn't want to have sex with-I mean..., make love to-me just yet, the 'problem' between us said something totally different.
He pushed us against the island more, bringing his hardness closer to my want for him. 'Fuck! He's an animal. And I love it!' I thought. He attacked my lips furiously. He bit my bottom lip, begging for more entrance. I opened my mouth for him, put my hand behind his neck, and brought him closer, as our tongues fought for dominance (I think that his strong muscles somehow translated into an even stronger tongue, so I was clearly at loss here). I moaned. How much time has passed since we started this? I was slowly starting to become more impatient waiting for him to touch me between my legs.
"André, please." I begged, pulling on the notches on his pants, wanting to grind against his hardness again.
He put his forehead against mine, bringing ours together, closed his eyes, and groaned when I finally achieved my plan. "Tori." He moaned. "Don't do that. Please."
I ignored his 'warning', and did it again anyway. "Mmmm..., Dré..."
He pulled at my belt. I just needed to keep doing this. I wrapped my left leg around André, and began pulling him closer to me, wrapping my ankles together to lock him in place, and rubbed against him again.
"Fuck..., Tori." He groaned, running his fingers down my shoulders. He bit his lips as he pulled at my belt again, this time unbuckling it as he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. He put his right hand on my stomach, and rubbed it a little. His hand felt nice and warm. I just REALLY wish it was teasing me right now.
"I just want you to now...," André began, as he pecked my lips. "That you deserve the best, you're beautiful." André sung to me.
I smiled, and slapped is left arm playfully. "You are NOT Lil Wayne." I laughed.
"You're beautiful." André sung, smirking, looking into my eyes. "But really..., you are. And...," He swallowed hard. "I love you, Victoria Vega. I really do."
I stared into his eyes, looking for any sign that he was lying. I found none. And that gave me enough courage to do what I wanted. I put my left hand on his cheek and rubbed. I smiled, as I brushed his dreads in my hand. "I love you too, André Harris. I really do."
"Good. Because, it makes what I'm about to do worth while." He said, as he slipped his fingers down inside my panties. I took a much needed breath, as his middle finger rubbed me vigorously up and down my slit.
"Mmm..., fuck." I moaned softly, as I arched my back, pushing my wet folds onto his hungry finger. I could barely spit out "More...," from my lips.
But, André heard, and pushed his middle and ring finger into my wet (and dripping) vaginal hole. Obviously, André liked what I had to offer, because he started to kiss me again, and- without me even asking- he began to move his fingers faster. I started to wish that we were doing this with a lot less clothes, on my bed, with the door closed, and I definitely wished that his fingers were replaced with his dick. Hopefully one day, they would be.
I couldn't control my hormones. I really wanted him. "André" I moaned a little louder. "That feels so good. Don't stop."
"Fuck." He groaned, moving his fingers rapidly." I don't know if I can baby. You're so unbelievably tight and wet. And I love it." André said, using his left hand to spread my legs, inevitably creating more space for his fingers. I licked my lips.
I grabbed his face in my hands, and began to kiss his lips again, as he continued in his ministrations, making me buck my hips in his fingers.
"Tori...," I heard a voice say, I looked up at André and gave him a weird face. "That wasn't me." He whispered. I gave him another weird face.
"Tori...," I turned my head around to Cat standing in my living room.
I gave André an 'Oh, shit. We're fucked.' face.
"Yes, Cat?" I asked out of frustration, seeing as she just interrupted André and I in the midst of our make out, making André slip his fingers out of me. I whimpered sadly.
"Why is André attacking you?"
"Attacking me?" I had to laugh about that. "Why would you think that André was attacking me?"
"Because...," She began, twirling her bright red hair. "Because...,"
"Spit it out, Little Red." André said, with a little anger. I shot him a look that said, 'Don't do that. You're going to make her spaz out.' "Sorry." He whispered to me.
"Because..., I...," She started again, whispering the next part. "I heard you." She said, leaning in as if she were telling a secret.
"You heard me say what?" Cat was slowly starting to tick me off. I zipped and buttoned my pants back, and re-buckled my belt (and how weird does that sound? Re-buckle? It just sounds weird), as I jumped off the island counter,- "Wash your hands." I whispered to André-and headed towards Cat. I put my hair in the right place so Cat won't see my red skin on account of André's lips attacks on my neck, shoulder, chin, cheek..., um. Sorry. *Smiles shyly*
Cat used her loud and evasive Southern Belle voice-the one that she uses while in her Little Bo Peep costume-mixed with Jade's annoying mocking tone of me. "Oh, André. Yes. Oohh, yes. Mmm. Don't stop..., Ohh...,-" I slapped my hand over her mouth to prevent her from continuing.
"Ok! That's enough!" I yelled at her. Her big eyes pleaded for release, and I let go.
She smiled giddily. "Sorry."
"It's okay, Cat." André said.
"Kk." She replied, grinning ear to ear. "Oh! One time, my brother and I got into a wrestling game, and-"
"NO!" André and I yelled in unison.
"No stories about you and your brother." André ordered. If he was thinking the same thing I was-which, by the look he gave me, spoke volumes that he was-he didn't want to hear the rest of Cat's story like I didn't.
"Look." André began. "When did you get here?" Clearly still pissed that he didn't get to finish fingering me.
"Before you started to sing, 'How To Love' to Tori. You were like, attacking each others lips." Cat burst into a giggle fit. It was really hard to stay mad at the bi-polar red head (even if it wasn't her real hair color). She started to play with her creme colored knee-length dress, still smiling. "Heh, heh."
I shook my head at Cat smiling. "So, do you know where everyone else is?"
"Well, Robbie text me just as I arrived, and said that he was on his way, and he told me that Beck and Jade were just leaving the house when he last text me."
I checked my phone. It said 8:00 p.m. 'I thought that André said that everyone was going to be here by 7? And I thought that Cat said she would be here at 7:30? That's weird. Oh well.'
Cat checked her vibrating pear phone. "Robbie's here." She said. "And he brought Rex."
'Great.' I thought sarcastically. 'He brings along the wise-cracking puppet that's in love with me.' I rolled my eyes. 'Just great.'
The door bell rang.
Cat answered it. "Hi, Robbie!" She said, excitedly.
"Yo, yo, yo." He replied. 'Oh, God.'
I didn't have to look in André's direction to know that he took that to heart.
But-thankfully-Rex got to Robbie before André did. "Ay. 'Yo!' You ain't coo' my brutha. So stop it, before André kicks your Jew-fro ass. Don't worry, though. I'll wait patiently for my turn. Ha!"
I couldn't help but to laugh, as I turned to André. "Hay. Calm down, ok?" I asked, pecking his lips quickly. "No harm, no foul."
"But-" He began.
"He didn't mean anything by it, babe. You've got to stop being so..., so..., like this. Mmk?"
André looked into my eyes for a few seconds. "Ok."
"So-" Robbie started awkwardly. "Are we cool?"
"Yeah, man." André answered.
At that moment, Jade burst into the house, with Beck trailing behind. "Well..., isn't this lovely?" She asked, as she stood behind André and Robbie in their bro-hug.
"Well, 'hello' to you too, Jade." André said, standing up straight, putting his hands in his pockets. I could tell that he was still getting over his 'I'm in love with Jade' and 'Jade, who?' stage.
"André." She replied coldly. I gave her my best evil eye in her direction. "Well, hello there, Tori." She smirked.
"I don't talk like that!" I screamed. This chick is going to make me want to hurt her (More than I already did).
"I don't talk like that!" Jade mocked back, smirking evilly, walking past me, her new scissors in hand.
"I'm so sorry about her." Beck apologized. I smiled.
"Hi, Beck."
"Hey." He smiled back, running his hand through his hair.
"So, I say that we get this show on the road." André said, as he reached into his backpack for the movie.
"Really? You decided on The Fourth of July?" I asked. "How in the hell are we supposed to learn about America-"
"The movie is titled, The Fourth of July." André argued. "It's in the title."
"Tori." André gave me a look. He was using my tactics against against me. And damn. He was better at it.
"Fine." I bit back my bitterness.
"Great." He said. "Now, turn on the movie player."
'Movie player?' I scrunched my eyebrows together towards André. 'Ok. that's just weird, but it kind of makes sense.'
I grabbed the movie from André's hand, and turned on the "movie player", so we could do "research."
~2 hours later~
"That was awesome!" Robbie screamed, excitedly.
We all looked at Robbie.
"What?"He replied in a surprised girl tone.
"We all know how "awesome" it was." Jade said, threateningly playing with her scissors, as if to say; "It'll be more awesome if I could cut your vocal cords out with these scissors. Then everyone's life would be better."
I watched Robbie audibly gulp, as Rex said, "That's right. Swallow your scared girl spit." Rex laughed.
It had gotten real awkward, real quick. So, I broke the silence. "Ok! How about we talk about how in the hell blowing up objects has ANYTHING to do with our project!" I yelled. "Other then the fireworks that are used to celebrate our freedom?"
"I could show you how blowing you up has anything to do with the project." Jade eyed me. A chill went up my spine. "I like human fireworks." She smirked evilly, stroking her scissors.
I sunk into the couch. André discreetly wrapped his right hand around my waist. I smirked towards him, as a way of "Thanks", I said.
"No problem." He replied
"Jade." Beck reprimanded. "Be nice."
"I am nice." She disagreed.
"Jade." Beck pestered her.
Jade looked in my direction, and sighed. "Sorry."
That was weird. But I took it. "It's okay." 'I guess.' I thought. "But seriously, what are we going to do about the project?"
"I don't know." André said.
"Me either." Beck said, pulling Jade in his lap-it's weird that André, Beck, Jade and I could all share the same couch without there being too much trouble. "Ditto." Said Jade, kissing Beck's lips.
When they pulled apart-about two minutes later-we looked in Robbie's, Cat's, and Rex's direction on the other couch.
"Robbie...," Rex started. "Tell your girlfriend to get her hands off of me. I do not need her trying to make me over!" He yelled. "That's what she has you for!"
Beck, Jade, André and I all looked at each other.
"Girlfriend?" We all screamed together, with our smirking.
"You heard that?" Robbie said, his face scrunched together as if he hoped we didn't.
"YEAH!" We replied.
Cat giggled, and kissed Robbie on the lips. She laughed again. "Robbie's my boyfriend." She smiled giddily.
"Since when?" Jade asked, laughing out of surprise.
"Since the incident where she walked in-well, hopped in-on me teaching Tori how to do her best on her tech exam." Robbie answered.
"Oh! You mean, after she-" I began, cut off by Robbie.
"What happened?" André asked.
"Robbie has like, three life-sized cut outs of me, and I got freaked out." Cat giggled, playing in her hair. "He made up for it afterwards..., hehe." She smiled, obviously remembering what happened. "He told me what he used the cut-outs for." Cat burst into laughter, as Robbie turned a shade of deep pink, almost red.
"Which was...?" Beck questioned.
"Let's just say that Robbie has plenty of wet dreams of a Miss. Cat Valentine, and needed a way of "release" without feeling bad about it afterwards." Rex said.
There was another awkward silence, this one was one that we used to fill in the meaning behind Rex's words. When we each figured it out, we all had our own way of expression.
Beck's mouth fell open, as a low chuckle rose from his throat.
"Oh...," Jade said, her hand covering her mouth.
"My...," André said, eyes widening.
"God." I finished, my eyes staring at the floor. The next thing I knew, we all burst into laughter for the next five minutes.
~After we all calmed down~
"That's just nasty." André said, still laughing, leaning back onto the couch.
Robbie's face was bright red from embarrassment-and most likely-a little of anger. "Oh, calm down, Jew-fro. It's okay that you had to jizz a little. From what you wrote in your 'Journal'-" Rex actually did air quotes. "Little Ms. Red was one naughty girl."
Cat smiled, playing with her hair, and giggled.
"This just get's better, and better." Jade smiled.
"You read my Dia-I mean, Journal?" Robbie looked as if he was going to have a heart attack at any moment.
"It's not that hard to get to, Mrs. Frilly." Rex retaliated.
"Hey! Don't talk to my boyfriend like that!" Cat said pecking Robbie on the lips. "He's wonderful." She started to play in his hair. "At a lot of things." Obviously, Cat's words were like magic, because as soon as she finished, her "boyfriend"'s face went from fuming red, to it's normal shade, with a hint of a blush across his face.
"So...," I dared to ask the question that was on everyone's mind. "How did you make up for it?"
Cat and Robbie both blushed. Hard. "Are you sure that you want to know?" Robbie asked.
We all looked at each other. "Yeah." We agreed.
"Let's just say..., Robbie's wet dreams came true." Cat said, and if it weren't so quiet, we wouldn't have heard her next words. "Even what he did to the cut-outs." Her cheeks flushed.
"Ugh! Eww!" Jade said.
"Gross man." Replied Beck.
"Wow." André said.
"That's interesting." I replied, making a face.
And there seemed to be a lot of awkward silences going on between us. And I seemed to be the one to keep breaking them.
"So...," I began.
"So...," André said.
"So." Jade said, rudely looking my direction. 'Why does she hate me?'
"So...," Beck elbowed Jade in her side.
"So...," Robbie continued.
"So...," Rex said.
"So." Cat chirped up. "What's going on between you and André, Tori?" Oh, gosh. She turned the tables on us.
I looked at André. "Um-uh-um..., what..., what do..., what do you mean?" I stuttered, nervously.
"I mean, you were all over each other when I walked in." Cat replied.
'Oh no, I am not about to re-live her feeding me my lines again dramatically.' My eyes bugged, and I ran towards Cat.
And inevitably, she had started it once again. "Oh-" She didn't have time to finish, because I-ONCE AGAIN-slapped my hand over her mouth. I shot a death glare at her.
"You better not." I threatened. "Do you understand me?" I whispered in her ear.
She nodded, and I released.
"So, what happened?" I heard the conniving smirk from Jade as I walked back towards André.
I brushed my fingers through my hair and looked at André. "Should we tell them?" I whispered.
"Yes." He replied. "But not everything. Not yet." And who was I to deny his wonderful chocolate eyes?
"We..., we kissed." I said.
"Oh!" Jade said. She seemed oddly interested. "Oh, really? What else?"
"We just...," André smiled, wrapping his arm back around my waist. "Made out, and...," His eyes locked with mine. "I told her that I love her."
It was my turn to have an ear to ear blush. And then, surprised.
"FINALLY!" Jade, Beck, Cat, Robbie, and Rex said together.
"Wait. What? Finally?" I asked, confused.
"Oh, please." Jade said. "Like you didn't know!"
"He makes songs for you, ALL THE TIME!" Rex said.
"And almost half of them- -if not all of them- -are about you." Continued Cat.
"Tori this, Tori that...," Robbie mocked.
"Ever since you arrived at the school." Beck said.
"I hate to admit it..., but they're right." André concluded.
"When did you fall in love with me?" I asked.
"Cant this be a conversation between just you and I?" André asked.
"Of course." I replied.
"So...," Jade began. "Are you guys finally together?"
"Are we?" I asked André.
"Not yet." He replied. And my heart sank a little. "But, we will be." He sweezed my hand, and placed a kiss on my lips.
And that was enough for me. That hope that he gave me that we would be together one day, sustained me until the day that we would actually became a couple. I kissed him back.
And yes, it was my first encounter with a black boy- -and really, he was more of a man than any of the other boys I dated; and I don't discriminate- but it was amazing. He radiated love and care for me that no one else had- other than my family. I could tell it. I could feel it. He may have loved me more than I loved him- -for now anyway- -but, he was going to be mine. But, here's the thing..., I was already his. The moment that I told him that I loved him back, I gave into his love and became his. Okay. So..., maybe André is mine too (We were still kissing throughout this inner monolouge. Thought you should know).
"Hello?" Cat screamed, grabbing our attention. "Earth to André and Tori!"
I smirked, slipping away from André's embrace on my waist .
"Congrats...," Jade spat, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips. "You're turning into Beck and I." Her lips spread into a smile. "Next thing you know, you're going to be his cut-outs. He might just take notes from Robbie and Naughty Red Riding Hood here."
""What's that supposed to mean?" Cat yelled in defense. 'I knew that was coming sooner or later.' I thought.
"Nothing." Jade said, smirking. "Just that you're a little more naughty than you let on. I should've known though...," Jade flipped her long black hair across her shoulders. "That singing voice of yours is little up there. I mean, not that you can't sing. It's just..., voices like that are heightened by sexual interactions." She concluded. "Someone got busy at an early age."
'Damn.' I thought. 'And they consider her a friend? Pfft. Wow. She treats them like crap.'
Cat's face started to fall apart from the words that came from- someone that was supposed to be- her best friend. The next thing I knew, tears were silently streaming for her eyes. She grabbed her things, and left out the door without so much as a 'goodbye'. This was turning out to be a great Fourth of July (Sarcasm way intented).
Robbie gave Jade a- -very convincing- -death glare to Jade. "Thanks a lot." He said.
"Yeah. You don't have to be such a bitch!" Rex retorted, as Robbie grabbed the front door. "Cat! Cat, wait!" He yelled, slamming the door behind him.
"Well...," André said. "You didn't have to say all of that. Not only did you offend Tori and I-which I'm sure you could care less about Tori's feelings-" He shot her a look that said, 'You better not interrupt me.' "But you made your best friend cry. Don't you care just a little about other people?"
She began to retort, but André cut her off.
"OTHER than yourself and Beck?" He asked.
Jade had her turn to sink into the couch.
"I'm not trying to be mean or rude..., but come on Jade. You're better then this." André said.
Beck stroked Jade's forehead. "You are." He whispered. "I love you, but..., you've got to be nicer."
"Ok, babe." Jade whispered back. "I'll try." She turned her head towards us. "And again..., I'm sorry."
"It's all good." André replied, looking at me. "Right, baby?" He stroked my stomach, and I smiled up at him.
"Right." I replied.
"Ok, well. It's getting late, and I have to take Jade home. I'll see you guys tomorrow to meet with Schkowitz." Beck said, grabbing Jade's hand, heading toward the front door.
"Alright. Later." André said.
"Bye." I waved, as they went out the door. I sighed. "Well..., today was a long day." I said to André.
"You can say that again." He said.
"Well..., today was-" It was André turn to put his hand over my mouth.
"I didn't mean it literally." He laughed.
I laughed as well. "Are you going to stay the night?"
"Do you want to me to?"
My eyebrows raised. "Really? You think that I don't want you to stay over? Now I can have you to myself." I smirked in the most sexy way I could.
"Then, I guess I have no other choice but to stay then." He smirked back.
"Good." I said, locking the front door, headed back to André and straddled him. I bit my lip. "What do you want to do now?"
He licked his lips. "I can think of a few things." He said, running his hands up my back.
I shuddered under his touch. "Mmmm..., don't do that."
"But, I like the way you sound when you moan."
I rolled my eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"
He laughed. "Love me. The way that I love you." André said. "And to answer your question..., I have loved you since I wrote 'Song 2 You.' Oh! And while I'm confessing..., I wrote that song for you and to you. But apperently...," He continued. "It was blantanly obvious before that song- -to everyone but you and I- -how much I loved you.
"Oh." I said. "That's..., interesting, I guess. The fact that they could sniff you out before you even knew how you felt."
"Yeah. I know. But, look. I can't express how much I love you. It's just, I turn to you for everything. I trust you more than I trust the rest of our friends. You listen. You understand me. We spend so much time together, you made an impression on me. I mean, I can talk about you for hours...," He smiled at that. "And I still can't express my love for you."
I started at him. Wow. He really loves me. "But..., I thought that you get wonky when you don't get your feelings out?"
He smiled. "Why do you think I did what I did today?"
I laughed. "The wonk proved to be too much for you?"
"Exactly. The wonk got to me, and..., I guess I couldn't handle it much too long."
"Oh..., well maybe I can use your wonk to my advantage."
"What do you mean?"
I smiled evily. "How about I make you a bet?"
His eyebrows frowed together. "What kind of bet?"
"I bet that you can't last..., the rest of the summer..., without...,"
"Without what?" He interrupted.
"Without 1) Sex, 2) Touching yourself to release sexual frustration, 3) Using any other method or toy for that matter-to get sexual release, and 4) Having sex with and any other chick,-even though I know you wont-or again; I use the word 'sex toy', for release."
"Well damn, Tori." André said. "You are literally trying to kill a nigger."
I laughed at that. "Whatever! I just want to see how long it'll take you -well, your wonk- to crack."
"And if I crack before Fall begins?"
"Idk. I guess you just crack."
"Hmm. Will you be there for me when- -or if- -I do?"
"Of course." I answered. "Not only will I be there...," I put my lips over his ear. "But, I'll gladly be under you, letting your cock roughly fuck my cunt as hard and as fast as you want..., without complaning." I smirked.
"Don't say things you don't mean." He warned, swallowing spit.
"I said it, didn't I?" I ran my hand down his chest.
He groaned. "And how will I know you'll be ready?"
"Um..., I almost convinced you to do it today. But, your 'gentlemen like ways'- -which I appreciate- -got in the way. And I mean..., I love you, remember? I'll be ready when you crack. But remember..., this is your wonk, not mine. So, I can do whatever I want. Including tourture you. Be prepared." I smirked.
"You're going to be the death of me, and you're going to give me blue balls."
I burst into laughter. "Blue balls are a myth!"
"Still!" André argued.
I shook my head. "Oh, André. You're going to be so easy to crack." I said. "Now, follow me to my bedroom, so we can start on this bet." I replied, grabbing his hand, pulling him up the stairs after me, bitting my bottom lips in anticipation of my plan.
It seems as if Tori has a plan. Are you prepared for it? Review please. I will surely apprieciate it. And I'll give thanks to my reviews/reviewers in the next chap at the end. (Or by a pm).
Written: 7/15/2011-12/30/2011 (With a long break from 7/23/2011-12/16/2011)
Typed: 1/2/2012-1/4/2012
Updated: 5/28/2012
Sneak Peak into Chap. 2. It will be in André's P.O.V. The title will be Day 1: Phone Sex/Sexting (Love Faces). Love Faces is a song song by Trey Songs. Therefore I have just discliamed the ownership:
"André...," Tori said into her phone. I wondered if she was still rubbing her folds.
I had to control myself. Keep my cool. "Yes?" I breathed, wishing that I could get rid of the bulge in my boxers.
Tori moaned. At that moment I knew my answer. "There's one problem with the song." She said, breathlessly. God, I'm sure that she's rubbing her vagina right now. Or better yet, finger fucling herself. 'Damn.'
I cleared my throat in attempt to clear my mind of the image of her in her bra and panties, her fingers curled between her legs slowly pushing in and pulling out of herself, as she had the phone between her shoulder and ear, using her other hand to rub her nipples. 'Hot damn.' I had to stop thinking about it. "And what's that?"
"I don't get perms." She answered, laughing quietly.
I chuckled to myself. "I know this Tori. But when we do finally make love, I'll make you sweat your curls out so much, that it's gonna take a black girls perm to curl it back."