England, a short scruffy blonde haired country with green eyes and bushy eyebrows, was glaring at the two brothers who sat in front of him, while France, a shoulder length blonde haired country with blue eyes, was looking curiously at the two of them. The two brothers both had blonde hair, and where America and Canada but which was which one was what the two older countries where trying to figure out. The brothers had decided to wear the exact same white t-shirt and black pants. Both had put in contacts for the occasion, and England suspected that Canada had gone as far as to get coloured contacts to make his eyes look blue like America's natural eye colour, instead of leaving his eyes the natural purplish blue. However if England and France didn't guess which was which brother by the end of a 24 hour period they would lose the bet and have to compete with the brothers in one of their rodeos. France had been horrified at the idea of getting his fashionable clothing dirty, and England would rather watch than be strapped down to a bucking bronco, though if he lost Scotland had taken great delight in telling him that he would watch him be publicly humiliated and probably injured.
Right now the small group where sitting in a French cafe in an outside patio with a parasol protecting them from the sun. England didn't like France, and the feeling was mutual, but if there was any other country that could guess the brothers identity it was France.
America right now was very proud of himself for his acting skills. He had pulled off a pretty convincing act as Canada, even going as far as putting in hair extensions to make his hair the same length as Canada's. However the hair extensions and contacts were merely being used to guarantee their win, as their fathers, England was his and France and England where Canada's, couldn't tell them apart even when they wore their normal glasses and America had his short scruffy hair style. Still it had been funny when he and Canada had ordered their drinks and food, as France and England had eagerly expected them to give themselves away with their choices. However America and Canada had a very similar taste in food, and had both ordered coffee and some kind of French pastry. There had been a tense moment when Canada had wanted to reach for the maple syrup that the sly France had put on the table, but America had accidently knocked the two pastries on to the floor before his brother could give them away. Instead they had both just looked klutzy.
"well I wouldn't worry about those ridiculous pastries, because we could go back to one of your houses and get donuts instead. My treat." The sly Englishman tried
"Awesome! Let's go!" announced an excitable America as he stood up abruptly.
"Ah ha!" Cried the two older countries successfully. However their celebration was short lived, as Canada suddenly stood up and asked whether it would be Timmy's or dunkin. England cursed the fact that he had forgotten Canada and America both had donut shops, and he couldn't even remember which one was the Americans or the Canadians.
"Which eva one ez closest to your house." France continued with the trap.
The brothers looked at each other before Canada nodded and America grinned. France and England hadn't noticed America's grin and where congratulating each other on their win. If Canada took them to Ottawa they would know which one he was and the same for America for Washington D.C. They felt they couldn't lose, and with light hearts on both sides the group boarded an airplane that was to land in Calgary.
The flight was almost like there was no bet going on at all. The two brothers both sat watching a movie intently in the row of seats in front of England and France, while France was taking the opportunity to flirt with England, much to the latters disgust.
The seats where located next to the windows on the plane, and as these seats had only three chairs per row there was no escape for England. The chairs next to France and one of the brothers where empty, and England cursed himself for not sitting next to one of the brothers , or at least the aisle seat so as not to be trapped against a wall. Instead France had taken to cornering the Englishman and trying to force feed him the airplane food.
"Get that Crap away from me!" Hissed an angry Englishman who was trying to keep France away from him by pushing him back.
"Mon cheri, eet ez not as bad as your own food non?" The Frenchman asked laughing
"Don't call me Mon cheri! " England said through gritted teeth before pushing France back into his seat while he got up and tried to pass him.
There was an awkward moment when France had managed to pull him on to his lap, but England had jumped up as if burnt and darted down the airplane towards the toilet with the Frenchman quickly following him. Canada took advantage of the older countries causing a disturbance at the back of the plane, France was calling out something like they should join the mile high club loud enough for the whole plane to hear, and pulled out Americas headphones. The American didn't look pleased at being disturbed when watching the movie.
"Hey I was watching that!" he complained in his most America like manner
"Al, you know that we're going to that house right?" asked Canada in his normal quite voice using his shortened version of Americas human name.
"duh." Was Americas response
"Well I hope we can get this thing over with. To tell you the truth my throat hurts from trying to talk as loud as you." Canada said
"Really? I've been trying to talk more quietly." America said in amazement.
The two silenced as an embarrassed looking England and a loudly laughing France where escorted back to their seats by an angry male steward. England pushed France ahead of him so that he wouldn't get trapped again, and sat in the aisle seat, trying to use the empty seat between them as a buffer. However France just moved into that seat and began petting the Englishmans leg which gave England a chill up his spine, and resulted in the Frenchman getting strangled.
"Voulez-vous savoir quelque chose intéressante au sujet de votre papa ?" France asked the brothers in front of him while gasping for air.
England let go of France once he realized what he was trying to do. Obviously France wanted to get this over before reaching one of the brothers house's and was trying to get Canada to reply to his French question.
"Oui" Replied Canada instinctively
"Hah now we have really got you! " England announced with a smug grin
"Êtes-vous sûr ?" Asked America
America maybe called an idiot, and half of the time that was appropriate, however the other half of the time he could show just how smart he could be when he had to be. America could speak many different languages, however if this French conversation continued for too long France would surely figure out which one was Canada, as Canada could speak French much better than he could, as he was much better at Spanish. However he prayed that his response had been fast enough to save their identies for a little longer. He really didn't want to dress up in a cat tail and ears while being shirtless for a week, and he was sure Canada felt the same way about wearing the same things but with a bunny tail and ears. That was the condition if the two brothers lost, and it had been Frances idea. England had surprisingly not objected to the conditions, as he had had a dark look and laughed when he reminded them that there was a world meeting tomorrow. England was such a sadist.
"A-America can speak French as well?" asked the surprised France and England
There was a pause in which America winked at Canada and they both said in union
"oui il peut."
"Now spill what you were going to say about Arthur." America said hoping to end the French conversation and using Englands human name.
"Yes" Agreed Canada
"Very well, your Angelterre use to be a ruffian. Ee waz a pirate." France said laughing as England was futilely trying to shut France up.
Once France had finished England suddenly went still and quite. The two brothers sat looking at England with wide surprised eyes. They had only ever known the gentleman England, who was bossy and proper.
"Oui, Angelterre waz quite a problem child. Ee always tried to beat up other countries, like myself, and ee often beat up iz brothers." France finished ignoring the sullen England.
"Shut up git! I did beat you up and other countries. Do you want to tell them what happened to you when my boss Henry V was around? I mean you're giving them a history lesson anyway." He spat at France.
For the rest of the plane journey the group sat quietly. Canada and America where whispering to each other about England's past, and France was trying to give England his space. England was admitting such a dark aura that it could probably rival Russia's. He kept muttering under his breath that he was going to turn France into the frog that he was. However before any black magic could be summoned into the plane, the pilot announced that they where landing at the airport, and before they knew it overjoyed stewards and stewardesses where waving them goodbye hoping that it was the last time they would be seeing the group.
Once in the airport itself, which was decorated with posters of the Calgary stampede and greeters with white cowboy hats to remind the older countries that they were losing the bet, England began to notice that they were leaving the airport.