My story broke threw 10,000 views! thank you all so much for reading it! Love you! :) ^_^ Here is sadly the last chapter of Innocence (technically since it's a bonus chapter) I hope you had a good read! -Destiny Italia

November 13th, 1889

Chapter 13: School Is Now In Session

"Happy Birthday Belladonna!" Maylene, Finny, and Bard chorused.

"thank you, But you guys didn't have to do this..really" Bella smiled.

She sat at the enormous dinning table filled with a bouquet of food and pastries. Her hair was in a long fish tail braid with a small black bow at the end, matching her blue and black dress.

"Of course we do! it's not every day you turn twenty-one!" Bard said. Belladonna laughed.

"your right Bard, did ah, the Earl of Phantomhive have anything to do with this?" She smiled as her gaze followed the pastries to the opposite side of the table where Ciel sat stuffing his face with a strawberry pastry.

"nonsense, it was all their idea.." he blushed. "someone has to eat all this food Sebastian made"

"besides, we have to do something before you leave" Finny added.

Belladonna smiled- her and Acheron were leaving for Paris tomorrow morning, now that everything at Collette's manor has been sorted out and rebuilt, they can return home. Today is her last stay in the Phantomhive manor. After all that has happened, this place seemed like a second home to her, Ciel, Bard, Finny, May, a second family- and Sebastian. She blushed at the thought of his name.

Acheron and Sebastian walked into the dinning hall conversing about something Belladonna didn't really pay attention to. She smiled at seeing her brother smile-his tousled black hair and grey eyes- eyes that didn't seem to be so heavy anymore. Her gaze shifted to Sebastian then, and a strange thought came over her. What is to become of them? Will she ever see him again once she leaves?

Acheron came to her side and opened his arms to her.

"happy birthday Belladonna" He smiled, squeezing her tight to his chest. His gesture seemed happy and relieved everything was some how back to normal, he had his sister again and that's all that mattered.

"thank you" she replied, she looked around at all of her friends.

"come eat! all of you! Sebastian made all of this delicious food! let it not go to waste!" Belladonna exclaimed.

Bard and Finnian didn't think twice about diving into the chocolate birthday cake, with cream cheese frosty and freshly cut strawberries. Maylene taking up the butterscotch ice cream.

Belladonna quietly slide out of her chair, backing away slowly not wanting to draw anyone's attention. Once a good distance away she turned and left the dinning hall, unknowingly catching the eye of certain butler.


I stood on the tips of my toes once more and put the black book back in it's rightful place.

"did you finish reading it?"

I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"yes" I replied, turning to face the crooked smirk playing on his lips.

"and what did you discover?"

"Well, I'm not going to die" I replied, twirling my sliver hair waiting patiently for him to reveal it's true meaning.

He stepped forward, catching my breath as he usually does and brushes his finger tips along the base of my neck. My gaze connects with his as my back presses against the book shelf.

He moves in to what seems to be a kiss, and as much as I want to abide, I resist hearing the words of my father like a ringing bell in my head. I move aside and he wavers.

"what am I to you? another pawn? another women to-" my sentence was cut short by his lips pressed against my forehead. I looked up into his seductive red eyes.

"they say the eyes are windows into the soul, though this is true there is also another way. Threw the drawing of blood," His lips twist into a clinical smirk at the sight of my eyes widening.

"I don't wish to take your soul Belladonna" he chuckled. "Though I don't recall ever taking the soul of a shinigami before" He placed his hand on his chin as if delighted by the thought. I lightly pushed his hand away from his face.

"And your point is" I added.

"I only tell you this so that you know that taking a soul is something..intimate, as is giving yourself to someone.."

He stood close to me, our foreheads almost touching. His sudden serious tone almost forcibly making me believe every word he speaks is true. His eyes are low but glow with demonic sincerity. Which eases my discomfort on this tender subject.

"Demons are only intimate in one way, you gave yourself to me, and so this is me in return.. The venom of my blood flows threw your veins"

"humans who have been bitten don't survive because the demon will consume them without a second thought or the blood inside them will kill them."

"So were do we lie? a shinigami and a demon- A shinigami who has been infected by her mortal enemy" I smiled, backing away towards the double doors.

"we both survive and try not to kill each other" He smirked, following after me.

"a love and hate relationship?" I asked.

"those seem to be the best kind" He replied.

My back pressed against the door of the library and this time neither of us hesitated. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands intertwined around my waist. We kissed with restive ferocity that quickly began to unravel. My fingers threaded threw a handful of his silky black hair lightly tugging on the strands. I could feel the corners of his mouth raise against my lips. His arms tightened around me as his teeth bite down onto my bottom lip-

"Sebastian!" His young masters voice echoed threw the walls. "Sebastian!"

We separated with a gasp escaping my lips. "..Ciel" I muttered.

We ran into the dinning hall to see Ciel and his servants were now accompanied by three other people-two of them in black tailored suits and the other wearing familiar red pumps.

"Grell?" I asked.

"Maylene, Bard, Finnian, start cleaning up the silverware.." Ciel ordered.

The three quickly gathered the empty plates and cups and left for the kitchen.

"who are you?" Acheron asked, stepping closer to me protectively.

The man standing amongst them wearing rectangular glasses,black gloves, and slicked back hair stepped forward.

"Hello I am William T. Spears, supervisor of the Dispatch Management Division, you are Belladonna Marie Montuebellum-Eden"

"yes" I replied, my brows furrowed questioningly as to why he used my fathers last name.

"She's cute" The other added. He seemed younger than Grell and William. I looked over to the man with the top half of his hair was blonde while the bottom have black.

"I'm Ronald" he winked. Grell rolled his eyes and William raised his hand silencing anything else the reaper had to say.

"you are here by admitted into the school of Shinigami Training and Reassessment,"

"what?" Acheron and I yelled.

"you can't take her!" he added.

"take me?"

William then pulled out a long pole with sheer clippers. The pole extended and latched onto my wrist.

"Hey! what are you doing?" I yelled struggling as he began to pull me towards him. "My father didn't tell me about any of this!"

I stood before him now as he pulled his weapon aside. Grell and Ronald stepped in closer as well.

"your father has not told you many things, as of right now your first semesters training begins immediately"

I gasped looking deep into his bright green eyes and as soon as I did everything faded to white.

[update: 5/18/13, even though part one is completed I would still love to read reviews on what you guys think of this story! It would help with writing the sequel ( Choice number one!) which is still going! check out my page for the link!- Till then!]

I have two story ideas and eventually I will write both but, I want to know which one my readers would want to read first.

1. Belladonna goes to the dispatch society to train as a reaper. She learns all the essentials and such, also she learns why her father left and the rules that made him leave (breaking some rules herself I might add) This story will have Grell, William, Ronald in it, etc. and all that jazz.

2. I go back into the past and show you how Belladonna's mom and Undertaker met. Undertaker as a young reaper and his relationship with Rosetta. His animosity towards the shinigami dispatch society, Colette and Charlotte. This story will have original characters and kuroshitsuji combined.

It's up to you! I really don't want to have to choose :/

R&R! please! :)