I thought It'd be best to start at the beginning :3; warning: brief description of child birth, nothing too major Hope you enjoy, the beginning is quite heart breaking I've heard, but fear not!-Destiny Italia


The night I truly hated this profession with a burning passion

Paris; France

November 13th, 1868

Chapter One: A Child Of Innocence

"Just a little more miss, your doing very well!"

The women red in the face, doubled over in pain; gripped the hands of the nurses on either sides of her as her body shuddered from yet another contraction. She gasped and moaned as the doctor order for her to push. The trembling waves of her voice echoed through the air as she obeyed; her spouse close by her side. The lower pain in her abdomen had subsided as she felt a great sense of relief followed by the comforting sound of a baby's first cry.

"Congratulations, a beautiful baby girl" the nurse smiled, she cut the final life line connecting the infant to it's mother and promptly began wiping the baby clean. The father of this baby-his sliver hair pulled back into a long,flowing horses tail-left from the mothers side to retrieve the second love of his life; the women who bore his child obviously being his first.

her frail hand grabbed hold of his sleeve with so little strength he could have easily loosened her grip, but it was enough to make him stay. Her watery, blood shot, blue eyes boarded by long wet lashes gazed into his eyes; longing for him. He smiled, cupping her small hand in his, the warmth in his hand quickly being transferred to her progress cold ones.

"Don't leave me" she whispered,

"I will remain by your side until the very end" His eyes shut tightly as he uttered the words-his voice hinting a deeper, somber meaning. He releases her only to approach the nurse as she hands him their baby and gives them a moment of privacy. Warm tears fall from his eyes complementing his hysteria; his chest heaves from laughter as he looks upon his daughters face for the first time. How can you love someone so much with only a single glance! but know absolutely nothing of them?

"what shall we call her?" her voice snapped him out of his stupor and steadily dragged him back to this cold reality.

"Belladonna" he answered with the utter most certainty. He whispered her name into the air like that of a sweet lullaby and as quickly as it was spoken it dissolved away into the chilling air.

"Bella..donna.." she uttered with the last remaining breath in her lungs.

He remained still like a lifeless statue as the room suddenly grew cold with the absence of her life slipping away like a gust of wind and solemnly replaced by death's icy touch; but he is death? He is all too familiar with the suffocating atmosphere that holds so much depth to weigh heavy on your shoulders as you realize your loved one is gone. He knew his love was to pass with the birth of their child. Considering his current and unruly circumstances that is the only reason he was "required'' to be there, it should have be the only reason. He cradled the child close to his chest, his eyes lost deep within the round blue orbs that mirrored his gaze- the crystal blue eyes of her mothers. Long, slender fingers gently combs threw her thin bone white hair; he smiles inwardly.

She doesn't feel the cold, she doesn't know that she is fathered by a man designed to kill, she is unaware that she has lost her mother and will never see her father again. Ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is innocence, she is the pure embodiment of innocence; without a stain or imperfection.

And I will not bestow upon her this corruption, this eternal duty of fairing the souls of others into the next world, mutilating bodies that are already deceased,constantly surrounded by death, the works of shinigami's he thought bitterly.

An unpleasing sense of rage began to fester within him. He released the emotion with one long exhale; his breath making a cloud of vapor. oh my beloved Belladonna Montuebellum.. He swiped a warm drop of water that fell for his eye to her soft, porcelain cheek. She was so small; so fragile. He laid her down on the bed provided with folded blankets and turned to the corpse of his love. The duty he was sent for weighing heavier than her death.

His pale puckered lips rested firmly on her forehead lingering with a hesitant regret for what he is about to do.

"Forgive me Ember" He whispered.

He moved away from her side to the foot of the bed-armed in his hands his weapon of choice; the scythe most familiar to him and his work. He lifted it above his head, the shadow of the blade looming over the women. His eyes that of glass, reflecting in them emptiness; his expression held no meaning,only one purpose. The blade punctured her chest arching her back in the air before plopping the body down upon the bed. Her blood staining the white sheets beneath her; followed by the records of their past.


"Ember Montuebellum, 24 years of age, born October 16th, 1844, died November 13th, 1868 of natural child birth" The reaper recited in a monotonous tone that lingered in the stagnant air.

Completed. he grudgingly stamped into the small black book of records.

He now lifted the sleeping infant in his hands; parting is such sweet sorrow.

"I shall never truly leave you; I doubt there is a fiber in my being that will allow me to depart from you.."


The nurse returned into the room, frantically running to the baby laying in her mothers lifeless arms. She looked around for the man but there was no sign of her father anywhere.

The world could make due with one less shinigami..my resignation..

This is only the beginning to a long journey, R&R please!