
She was sure this was a stupid idea. Actually, she was positive of it. Quinn Fabray did not serenade anybody. Especially a no good Lima loser like Rachel Berry. Even if she did secretly wanna hold her man hands and go down her treasure trail. But she was Quinn Fabray and that's not something that she could want and anyways she didn't want it. She needed it. She craved her like she had never craved anything before and wasn't sure how to handle it. So she did what seemed natural.

She got angry. She got angry and she got mean because if she couldn't kiss Rachel Berry throwing slushies in her face was the next best thing. At least she reasoned with herself that it was. And when Glee became all happy and united or whatever and throwing corn syrup in her teammates face was not a viable option she had to find another way to get out her frustration.

When she came up with her plan she mentally patted herself on the back for being such a genius and called up Tina Cohen-Chang immediately. At first the other girl seemed more concerned about the fact that Quinn had her number more than anything but quickly got over it when the blonde threatened call her Panda Express until they graduated if she didn't agree to help.

Tina quickly got into the idea though. Particularly since she had never been the type of girl that anyone called for a makeover (especially a Cheerio, former or otherwise). Apparently Hot Topic wasn't the premier choice for makeovers.

An extreme wardrobe change and a box of hair dye later Quinn looked into the mirror and smirked to herself. Quinn Fabray going from a bad ass princess to just plain bad ass who doesn't give a fuck would be so much of a shock that McKinley wouldn't even bat an eyelash if she started making out with chicks.

Her plan was flawless. No one could resist a bad ass who didn't care. Look at Puck. And if there was one thing that she learned from watching Berry drool after Finn, it was that the less interested she seemed, the more she would want her. If she played her cards right Quinn would be knee deep in Berry by the end of the semester.

Walking through the halls of McKinley that first day of school was one of the most liberating experiences of her life. She added a little swagger to her step and held her head high, not giving anyone the privilege of her looking them in the eyes. Not even the cluster of Cheerios gaping at her. With a slight smirk on her face she made her way down the hall and to her first class.

The Skanks weren't really apart of her plan but she figured it wouldn't hurt. Plus she wasn't sure if she could say no to them without risking her face. That was when her master plan was formed in her head.

Rachel wouldn't be able to resist coming to her rescue and trying to get her back in the Glee club. Quinn would refuse at first, but then come to the rescue at the last minute, song some sappy song and be the hero. Rachel's hero.

Of course everything went as planned. Quinn wasn't expecting anything less from herself. That is, up until the point that she's standing outside the Glee club door and can't convince herself to walk in.

Quinn stood outside the door pacing and cursing herself. This was a stupid idea. But she had to go through with it. She was Quinn fuckin' Fabray and if she wanted to serenade Rachel Berry you better believe she was going to. She stood firmly in front if the door and let out a sigh. Bouncing on the heels balls of her feet she readjusted her beanie and walked through the door.

Mr. Schue stopped mid-sentence at the sight if Quinn walking through the door in all her pink and black punk glory. Everyone stared at her in silence except for Kurt who let put a gasp (probably at the fashion emergency that was happening in front of him). Tina nodded at her with a proud smirk and Finn just looked constipated. She caught sight of Rachel who was looking at her with big expectant eyes and she tried to suppress her smile.

"Hey, Schue," Quinn said more confidently than she felt.

"Quinn," the teacher said skeptically, "what are you doing here?"

Quinn shrugged, "I thought that was obvious."

"Girl, you better not be here to set anything else on fire," Mercedes said, "'Cause I know you're all bad ass now or whatever but that was not cool."

"I'm sorry about the piano," Quinn said offhandedly, "I'm here to join Glee again."

Rachel clapped with excitement but no one else seemed as enthusiastic.

"Quinn, if this is just some way to mess with us-"

"It's not," she said quicker than she meant, "I promise."

"Mr. Schue," Finn said standing up, "As team captain I don't think we should let Quinn back in. I think she's up to something."

"Get over yourself, Finn," Quinn sneered.

"Finn, while I respect your authority as team captain this is not a dictatorship and you should not get the only say on members who are allowed into the club. Plus, we all know Quinn and although she may not be the most reliable or consistent member of Glee she is still a valued member of The New Directions and deserves another chance," Rachel said finally taking a breath.

Quinn wasn't exactly sure what she had just said because she was too busy watching her lips move but she was pretty sure she had said something to her favor.

"Let's just vote, shall we?" Mr. Schue said with a clap, "All in favor of letting Quinn back in?"

All hands raised into the air. Some reluctantly but Quinn noticed that Rachel's hand shot into the air enthusiastically.

"All those opposed?"

Finn raised his hand with a frown, looking around in confusion that no one else had their hands raised.

"I guess that's it," Mr. Schue said, "welcome back to Glee, Quinn."

There was a smattering of applause as Quinn smirked cockily at Finn who just scowled like a child.

"I also have a song to perform," Quinn said walking over to the piano.

"Okay, sure," the teacher said taking a seat and waiting for Quinn to start, "What are you gonna sing for us?

"Uh, it's a mashup of a couple of different songs that describe how I'm feeling."

She took a deep breath before nodding to the band who, of course, already knew her song. She made sure her eyes were trained on Rachel when she sang the first verse.

My heart's a stereo

It beats for you, so listen close

Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio

Turn me up when you feel low

This melody was meant for you

Just sing along to my stereo

She made sure to move her eyes around the room do she wasn't just singing to Rachel but she found herself still gravitating towards those doe eyes that trapped her every time.

You're such a lovely cup,

Why don't you fill me up?

All these reasons too hard to explain

So I'll drink you up my dear,

We got it all right here

Here is now and now is where I wanna be

Alora si, you belong to me

My heart's a stereo

It beats for you, so listen close

Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio

Turn me up when you feel low

This melody was meant for you

Just sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh To my stereo

Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo

And I had to get away,

From this here masquerade

Comes a time when a man loses his mind

It's such a mystery, my mind philosophy

What to do when we do have some time

Alora si, you belong to me

Alora so, never let you go

(No no never let you go)

I only pray you never leave me behind

Because good music can be so hard to find

I take your head and hold it closer to mine

Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind

You're such a lovely cup,

Why don't you fill me up?

You're such a lovely cup,

Why don't you fill me up?

You're such a lovely cup,

Why don't you fill me up?

My heart's a stereo

It beats for you, so listen close

Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radioTurn me up when you feel low

This melody was meant for you

Just sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh To my stereo

Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo

When the song was over there was a swell of applause that Quinn gratefully accepted as she went and sat down behind Rachel.

Apparently Quinn Fabray did serenade people. Especially Rachel Berry.