A/N - Hey, this is my first story on here guys and gals and hopefully you all enjoy it. I'm not quite sure how long this is going to be, but it will be fairly long e.g. more then 25 chapters. The characters in the story are all 17 when the story starts and it may tend to be OOC at time's but hey this is my first attempt at writing a multi-chapter story so help me further my writing by telling me what you liked and what you didn't ... constructively of course. Well that's all and I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer- I don't own iCarly but i do own any OC's I may bring into the story later on.

Chapter One – Dreams and Plans

Freddie's POV


Sam and me are currently sitting on the fire escape where we shared our first kiss all those years ago. Over the years after the kiss Sam and me have grown closer and now we are more like best friend's who occasionally tease each other for the sake of entertainment as none of the insults even bother me anymore. I've also noticed that she has gotten beautiful over the past few years and have a crush on her. I just love the way she brightens the mood when she is around people with her laugh and personality. At first I thought it was disgusting but maybe that was due to the fact that I was on the receiving end of many of her pranks.

Wait I'm getting off track here, so Sam and me are sitting out on the fire escape just making small talk when Sam lets out a heavy sigh. "What's wrong Sam?" I asked her. " It's nothing really its just … I like this guy and I'm not sure if he likes me back or not". At this piece of information it felt that I had lost her to someone else but if she's happy I guess that would be good enough for me, right? "Come on Sam, Any guy would be crazy not to like you … I mean your beautiful, smart, funny, you also have one of the cutest laughs and your also one half of iCarly a world renowned web show, what is their not to like?" As I told her this I realized that a girl like Sam Puckett is the one in a million kind of girl and any guy who dated her would see what a great girl she was.

"It's just … this one guy I like, I've been teasing him, pranking him and just being mean to him since I've known him and maybe he just doesn't see me in that way, because I've always been aggressive towards him". As she ends her speech I see her wipe away a tear that was running down her cheek and I started to wonder what guy's she has constantly abused yet stayed close to. I knew their was me but it couldn't be me cause she's told me and everybody how much she's hated me for YEARS but it's not serious anymore (I Hope!) but that also left Gibby, Brad and Shane (The girls finally apologized to him a year ago and now he has become one of our closest friends and occasionally helps on iCarly when we do the bigger specials like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving). But that just made me feel worse because if she liked any of them the way she spoke would only lead to Gibby.

"It's not gibby is it? I mean sure he's funny but he does have a reputation of being a bit of a player and that he also has a girlfriend that we are also friends with you do remember Tasha right?" She looked at me with disgust and let out a little chuckle. I was honestly getting worried I mean if she did like Gibby it would make it so awkward for me with my feelings for her and her parading her PDA with Gibby as we all were in the same group of friends. She then proceeded to smack me over the head.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked Sam, but all she did was smile at me and just shook her head at me leaving me puzzled. "It's not that shirtless mermaid you nerd … It's you" I was floored she liked ME! As in her favourite punching bag? Her supplier of bacon? Her occasional partner in crime when she wanted to pull elaborate pranks? I then noticed she was facing the floor with her hair covering her beautiful face (Gosh I sound like a sappy nub!) I knew she only did this when she was blushing and hiding it because according to Samantha Puckett she does not do girly-girl things and does not giggle (Which is a lie by the way).

"Me? Why do you like me? This better not be a prank Sam … this is mean even for you, so if your serious why?" She just looked at me and exhaled "Well I like you cause you're the only guy that ever stands up to me whenever I insult you even though it's not serious now, you also have the brownest eyes and you know my favourite color is brown, you've also got muscle now and mama like's men with muscles" I rolled my eyes at this but let her continue "But above all your also the nicest and kindest guy I know and I've had this crush on you for awhile and I thought I could just wait it out and let it pass but it hasn't Freddie and I don't think it ever will, but now my question is do YOU like me?" The way she sat their and stared at me waiting for my answer was when I saw the true Sam Puckett not as the bully or overly confident girl but as the vulnerable girl who was afraid to pour her heart out to people for fear of rejection.

"Well to be honest Sam … I've liked you for awhile now and I just never made a move because to be honest I thought you only thought of me as a friend"

I leaned over and caressed her cheek with my thumb and saw the light blush that formed on her cheeks when my hand touched her I couldn't help but smile at this and she must of seen because her smile turned into a grimace "Hey Frednerd you better not tell anyone that I have the ability to blush cause even though I like you and all I'm still not going to lay off on the beat downs if you tell people that I Sam Puckett am in fact a girl … but are you going to kiss me now cause I mean mama has some urges and if you cannot fill them I'm sure that someone else can satisfy them I mean you have to admit mama is a hottie" She ended it with a wink and I just smirked at her but as I was leaning in to kiss her this beeping noise was getting louder and louder until I WOKE UP!


I woke up glaring at the incessant beeping of the damn clock. Why oh Why just as I was about to kiss that blonde headed demon fate just has to ruin it somehow. Oh well! I reach over to the alarm clock and see that it's 7.00am and go through my usual early morning routine of 100 push-ups and 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches I hate it but hey the compliments from girls every time we go to the beach is more then enough motivation to keep up with it.

I was done with my early morning workout by 7.30 and shaved and had a shower. I came out of the shower and admired my body in the full length mirror I mean I'm not the most muscular 17 year old in the world but I was pretty built thanks to my early morning workouts and afternoon gym sessions combined with a strict diet kept my six pack and muscles looking solid so I wasn't complaining. Now I had to choose an outfit for school and I had a look at the clock and saw that it was 7.50 and I had to meet the girls so I threw on my blue button up some black jeans and white chucks, I quickly gelled my hair and sprayed deodorant and packed my books and spare clothes for gym after school with Gibby, Brad and Shane.

As I left the house I gave my mum a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a bagel and told her I'd be going to the gym after school so I may be home later than usual. As I walked across the hallway to Carly's I was thinking of a plan on how to get Sam to see me as more then a best friend. I walked into her apartment and looked around and saw that no-one was home so I called for Carly and she replied from upstairs that she would be done in 10 minutes and that Sam was already on her way so we should be ready to leave by 8.15. As I sat down on the couch and started to watch the morning news Spencer came stumbling out from his room rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. " Hey Carly's friend named Freddie who always seems to be in my house at ungodly hours where's your partner in crime?" I chuckled at his greeting as it was true Sam and me were here more then we were at our own homes.

"Well hello to you to Spence, and Sam's on her way now so she should be here soon". When Spencer heard Sam wasn't there yet he quickly scrambled to the fridge knocking over the bottle bot and one of the stools on his way to the kitchen he quickly opened the fridge and started dancing. "YES! YES! YES! I finally get to eat the breakfast ham today looks like it's going to be a good day WOOHOO!" I started laughing and noticed Sam sneaking through the back entrance in the kitchen and tip toing to the fridge and grabbing the breakfast ham and some juice and pouring herself a glass and smiling at me to which I smiled back when Spencer realized their was something else going on.

"She snuck in behind me again and is sitting at the table eating the ham and drinking the last of my juice already isn't she?" I just nodded and he turned around to face her, which only caused her to smile at him with that wonderful smile of hers which caused Spencer to throw a tantrum and mumbling to himself about Sam always eating his ham. Once we heard the door to Spencer's room slam, Me and Sam burst out laughing and I made my way over to her and we just sat their talking for a bit about nothing. "Ergh I HATE Monday's we should just go to school and Tuesdays and finish Thursdays!" Sam was yet again complaining about her hate of Monday's like she usually did EVERY Monday. "Come on Sam it can't be all that bad besides we have Health today and you know what Monday's is … DODGEBALL! Your favourite sport as you hurt people but don't get in trouble for it." She grinned and this and nodded her agreement at this fact.

We sat there drinking juice and Sam even shared some of her Breakfast Ham with me as long as I made her some toast. " Hey Fredwich what are you doing after school today?" I was happy at this and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming because she wanted to do something after school with me but I was quickly sent back to earth when I realized I was going to the Gym with the guys after school. "I'm going to the Gym with Brad, Gibby and Shane today why did you want to do something?" I was curious as to why she was asking. "I was just going to say did you want to come with me to the Mall after school because I sort of need your help with picking a new cover for my Pearphone but it's alright, although I don't see the need for you go to Gym you look like your going to break out of that button up soon" I felt a sense of pride that Sam had to have checked me out to notice that this shirt was indeed tight on my arms and chest. "Well I could go to the Mall with you tomorrow after school, come on I still need to train to maintain this figure you know" As I said this I motioned to myself and winked at her.

"Alright Mr Muscle's deflate that ego of yours, you're probably still weaker then mama here and yeah we could go to the Mall tomorrow" I laughed at this and heard Carly walking down the stairs so I got up and Sam followed. "Hey Carly ready to go?" I turned around to see Sam staring at me so I just winked at her and she quickly snapped back to reality. "What nub!" "Nothing I just wanted to ask if you were enjoying the view" "In your dreams boy mama's got standard's and you aren't included in them NUB!" I would have been upset at this comment if it wasn't for the smirk she gave me after the comment.

"Okay guys, enough of the flirting we have to get to school sometime today let me grab an apple so we can start walking so I can text Wendy and catch up on all the gossip from the weekend while you two keep flirting" "Me and the nub don't flirt Carl's it's called banter!" " Well you two can "banter" all you want on the way to school because at this rate we're going to be late" Putting air quotes as she said banter, Sam and me looked at each other and quickly looked away while Carly just shook her head and opened the door and we followed her out.

As we were walking to school Sam and me were talking about the boxing from the weekend but I wasn't really paying attention as I was thinking about what Carly said do we actually unintentionally flirt with each other? I know I was but was Sam? As I pondered these questions, Sam was waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello Earth to the nub, are we still living in there or maybe all your muscle has taken over your brains?" I laughed at this and brushed her hand out of my face. "Funny Sam, I was just thinking about stuff" "Well for the sake of both of us Carly will never love you" She poked her tongue out at me and I just shook my head at the jabs at my former crush on Carly … well not crush more like obsession that was bordering on unhealthy. " You know I'm over her after that horrible attempt at a relationship that we had when I realized we worked better as best friends" " Well who knows what goes on in that nubby head of yours" She said patting my head. "I Love how you guys just talk about me as if I'm not even here" which Sam and me both turned to her and shushed her and reminded her that's why she loved us. "Yeah yeah yeah, but everyone already knows you two love each other" To which Sam and me both blushed and resumed talking about the boxing match on the way to school.

Sam's POV

Wow did Freddie and me really flirt that much sure I had a crush on him, but I'm pretty sure that the nub isn't flirting with me his tormentor, right? I have to admit that I've had a crush on Freddie for a while now before he got all buff and confident in himself. In my eyes that was just extra reason to like him because on top of that he had one of the best personalities a person could have he was always kind, courteous, put everyone before himself and he also tolerated me even though I am pretty much more then unpleasant to him most of the time and I'm pretty sure he could also find a different group of friends because unbeknownst to him he is actually pretty much liked by everyone and even other girls have noticed him filling out, getting taller, his deeper voice and how his eyes are able to show so much emotion.

Now I'm sounding like a sappy girly-girl but I guess that it's okay if it's only to myself. Gosh I hate that boy so much for making me feel like this and making it hard for me to not just blurt out my feelings to him and I like him so much more because he is genuinely a nice guy and its not an act to get into girl's pants like most guy's acts are. As we walked to school surrounded in silence apart from the sounds of other kids walking to school and Carly texting I would look at Freddie from the corner of my eye and swoon on the inside at what perfection must be in a boy. I've even heard he's gained a six-pack under his nubby clothing from Wendy and Tasha when they saw him at the beach with Brad and Shane. I wish I had went so I could ogle him as he was running around and watch the sweat and water drip down his chiseled muscles … okay I better stop imagining him at the beach topless otherwise I'm going to start drooling stupid nub.

As we reached the double doors of Ridgeway and walked in and headed towards our lockers I could see girls in the years below us and some even in our year staring at Freddie, this was not good now I have contenders but I've got a plan to win him over but I'm going to need Carly, Wendy and Tasha's help to win him over.

So how was that for an introduction for my first story EVER? The POV's will switch between Freddie and Sam through the story as it is a Seddie story but their will be the occasional sections of chapters which may have the other characters points of views on what is going on in the story but it will mainly be Freddie and Sam's POV's. Their will also be other pairings in the story so do not worry :) Anyways Read, Review and Favourite and don't forget those criticism's cause without them I won't know what I could do to improve the story . TOODLES!