Oooooo 1,000 hits this month for Abduction! Give us a round of applause! :D
Note to you guys: I certainly do love reviews, and it doesn't hurt you to hit that button and drop a review that could,
a) make me better.
b) tell me if something is confusing so I can explain it next chapter.
c) give me an indirect idea.
d) or just generally make my day. :)
Without further ado…
Abduction Chapter Five!
Wait…there's more?
I screamed out in pure agony, but somehow managed to wrench the arrow out of my shoulder. The smell and sight of my blood sickened me long enough for my assailant to shove my bleeding body into a thick, burlap sack. I cried out in pain as I slammed into his back—I think…he threw me over his shoulder—right on the injured side and cried out in pain again. "F-F-Fang!" I wailed, kicking and thrashing. To my complete and utter surprise, there was a muted snap. I felt myself falling for a short second, and then, all was still.
A long, white face pushed it's way into the bag. I almost cried in joy and hugged horse's head tightly, allowing it to hoist me out of the bag and onto my feet. Blood running down my shoulder, I gripped it with one hand and gently eased myself onto the great animal's back. All that surrounded me were cluster after cluster of trees and shrubbery. I could barely see the way I had came, and since I certainly didn't want to stick around for my so called "assailant" to wake up, my stallion (I'd named him S'mores because I like his chocolate tobiano color) decided he'd lead me in the best way he saw fit. I didn't protest, busy digging through my bag for that pad and roll of gauze I knew I had somewhere.
After spraying off my arm with the antiseptic, (it stung like a #$%^!) and wrapping it, I sat up to gaze at our surroundings. We were wandering close to a town, slightly bigger than the last one. The houses on this particular side were painted a warm chocolate brown with tan tops, and intricately painted brown swirls on the stone roofs. Most of the people outside sitting on their porches looked rather friendly and approachable, but I remembered every one of Fang's lessons. Rule Number One: Never trust anyone but yourself.
He pitched an interesting point about that first rule, however. Always listen to your first idea. Because if you didn't trust it, it wouldn't have even thread itself together. Even if it's a bad one, there must be something in that idea that could help you. Something you were on to, that's just out of your reach. It's like a Rubix cube. You might have three sides figured out, but can you figure out how to get that last half?
So come on, ideas. Come get flowing…
I couldn't believe it.
I can't believe #$%&%* Roikos would do that. To his own sister.
I held Maddie's bleeding, limp body close, tears of anguish flowing down my cheeks. I brushed my thumb over her high cheekbones, moving onyx hair from her pale, lifeless face. He took his sister's life. And the love of mine.
I don't know how long I laid there before I had the decency to clean up the blood and her wounds. I changed her into a fresh, clean pair of underwear and a bra. Then, I moved her into the silken white sundress I bought her for her birthday. And then I laid her under her favorite sheets, surrounded by the petals of her favorite flower: the hibiscus.
Her horse, Cobalt, reached it's head through the window and gently nuzzled her beautiful face, forever still. He seemed just as pained as I to have lost his master and best friend.
I wiped furiously to try and stop the tears, but it was getting harder and harder as the realization finally hit me that she was dead. I leaned down to kiss her soft, full lips one more time, and was surprised, yet not surprised, when I felt how cold they were. I had to turn away as I choked up, and bid her a silent farewell. I left the house.
As I tacked up my horse, I realized in order to stop the tears, they had to fall. So as I rode through the once calm forest, which now seemed cold and depressing, I welcomed the rain as it came. Because it shrouded my tears.
But now I knew my one and final goal.
It wasn't to bring Maximum to the King.
It was to kill Roikos and hang him on a tree by his intestines. To wring his stocky, short neck and stab him through the heart until my whole arm cramps up.
Jaybird, my stallion, snorted underneath me as we plodded on quietly. I felt like complete #$%. I didn't want to die, but I didn't feel like living at this particular moment either. I felt like I could feel her soft touch as we walked through the forest, trying to guide me the right way.
After about an hour or two of continuous walking with one stop at the river, that warm presence suddenly stopped. Jaybird stopped as well, pawing at the ground. I looked up and internally groaned. I was at the black iron gates of the town of Kyzyc. Oh great. The cheeriest city in the darkest part of, well, this whole Realm!
But I did have a little bit of a reason to be cheery.
Because at that moment, I saw a familiar flash of blonde and brown hair, and a dark cloak with the golden letters "Madison" embroidered in it. I almost cried right there on the spot, but since I am a man, I certainly shouldn't be crying. Even though I felt like my heart had been cut out of my chest.
He Shall Have Hell To Pay!
I turned around, eyes widening, and rushed to the gates. "Fang! Oh, god…what happened? You looked like you got hit by a carriage.
Fang raised his red, puffy eyes to me, and held onto the gate as if it was his lifeline. His forehead was pale and slicked with sweat, the obsidian bangs sticking to it, and a few specks of crimson were evident on his shirt. "He…he killed Maddie."
"Oh…oh my god, Fang." I pushed open the gate and ran to hug him. "I'm so sorry…"
"Don't be."
"Because…Madison will always be in my heart. But her death made me realize this wasn't a mission anymore about you, Maximum. It made me realize…that I'm out for blood. Roikos' blood."
At that moment, I decided something. "Well, I guess we're taking him down together, aren't we?"
With that being said, we both gave a smile. Mine, a genuine, loyal smile, and Fang's a heartbroken, renewed one.
After all, he wrought us both hell, didn't he? So why shouldn't we send it back his way?
I'm such a softie that I can't kill anyone unless it's a random unimportant person. Lol. I teared up when I killed Maddie…oh well. xD
…what do you guys think?