alrighty, here's a really long story comin your way it will take some time to do this but it will get done.
disclaimer: i dont got it, i would be supermegafoxyawsomehot rich if i did
"Eddie it is too early to be sitting in an unsanitary bus heading for a Beyoncé concert," Destiny complained from where she sat, squished next to her excited friend.
"It's never too early to head out for a wonderful time immersed in good music," Eden said joyfully, which reminded Destiny how much of a morning person she was when given enough coffee.
"You're friggin insane chica," Destiny muttered before Eden pulled out a king sized Hershey's bar. "I love you," Destiny said as Eden unwrapped it.
"You thought this was for you? That would be funny if it weren't so sad" Eden said as she bit into the bar.
"I hate you, and I wish this bus would get to our stop already so I could drag you into an alleyway and kill you" Destiny said as she sat up to look out the window for any signs of human life.
"You're going to love the concert," Eden said, purposefully oblivious to her best friend's evil intentions. Destiny sighed in irritation as the bus jolted and bumped along.
Eventually they came to their stop.
"Uuhh . . . this doesn't look like a Beyoncé concert. Where are all the super-mega fans? The regular fans? The creepers selling illegal copies of tickets for insane prices? The idiots willing to buy said tickets? Where are they!" Destiny screamed in horror as she spun in circles wildly looking for some sign of a crazy Beyoncé lover.
"Hey! The bus drove off with our bags! YOU TACOS!" Eden screamed angrily at the shrinking bus, shaking her fist. Destiny grabbed Eden's fist and pulled it down to her side.
"Calling them delicious foods will not bring them back Eddie," Destiny said soothingly. "Why don't we go into that creepy and decrepit hotel and ask to use a phone? We can call a taxi and go home."
Destiny began to lead Eden towards the hotel. The words: Black Forest, White Rose where painted on the front of the building.
"It looks like it belongs to a Mary-Sue," Eden said softly. "Most likely a ginger Mary-Sue! Destiny! I don't want my sole sucked out and then thrust into a shitty Fanfiction!"
"Shut up!" Destiny said as she pushed open the door, her head turned to her friend "this place does NOT belong to evil, ginger Mary-Sues intent on taking over certain loved Fanfictions!"
"Uh, D-Destiny?" Eden said softly, eyes wide with sheer horror. "You should look in front now."
She turned and saw a room filled with Mary-Sues, Mary-Sues of all completely horrible shapes and sizes.
Purple eyes, White hair, pink eyes, blue-black hair . . . you name it was there. And on a stage in front of all the Sues was most likely their leader. She had Red hair that fell in long wavy locks, golden eyes, and no freckles.
kinda short, but oh well.
there is a button and it whispers: click it, precious