L was growing more and more confused as the days went on, there were very few things about the case that didn't make sense. He knew who the culprit was and he knew what the crime was but he simply could not find the smoking gun. how does someone kill that many people with only names and faces? He glanced to the acrobat with a feeling of frustration as well as intrigue. Ty lee knew exactly what was going on but she was as tight-lipped on the secret as ever.
Although she didn't come right out and say what it was that she knew, she revealed much about the nature of her secret and her life, likely without even knowing it. She had made it clear that someone, or several someone's were the cause of her not sharing her knowledge. He knew that if she were to divulge what she knew something terrible would happen. The notion that someone was threatening her irked him greatly. Due to her selfless nature it seemed more likely that her telling him anything would most likely spell disaster for someone else. so who was being held hostage? Was it her family? L knew from how he saw her interact with Sokka that she cared very deeply for her adopted family. He doubted there were any lengths she wouldn't go to protect those she loved, after all she was going all this way to avenge someone she loved.
Speaking of those she loved, her friend Katara appeared t have an extensive knowledge of herbs. Furthermore, Sokka's and Katara's names were far too similar in their construction for that to be simple coincidence. Perhaps if their names were 'johnny' and 'jenny' it might be reasonable to think that they weren't related. No, Katara and Sokka's names were far too unique for something like that. Sokka looked as if he were some sort of native american, which would account for Katara's knowledge of herbs as well as Ty lee's association with them. There was also the possibility that Katara ws getting the herbs from someone else as well...
Then there was also the matter of the elderly man who was like her grandfather and the girl named Azula whom you were not to bet against. L found himself especially intrigued by these two figures because they seemed the most interesting. He imagined that the old man had shaped much of who she was and Azula appeared to have a sharp mind. The way Ty lee had said her name...they must have been really close. Between this Azula, himself and he would reluctantly admit Sokka, it would seem that the detective's little mystery preferred to surround herself with great minds. Not just great minds though, great minds with varying perspectives.
Ty lee's eyes widened in shock as the nature of things on the TV screens changed suddenly. Light was now proclaiming his innocence and begging to be released, all of a sudden everything had changed.
"Hei Bai..." said Ty lee, her tinkling voice ghostly, "He isn't Kira...not anymore."
He looked over at her, considering whether he should pry for anything more. seeing as how that went the last time he decided against it. Instead he nodded his head and turned his attention back to the rest of the team.
It was decided that they were to test the newfound innocence of the two Kiras. It was yet another plan that the acrobat didn't entirely agree with, but this time she simply chose to curl up in a corner and wait. The detective wasn't comfortable with that, she looked liked she was wilting. She had been so alive, even in spite of her exhaustion when she had first come to them...honestly he couldn't say that she was happy anymore. it wasn't fair but it was what anyone could have reasonably expected, This kind of work was a heavy burden. He couldn't dwell on her just yet though, he had to oversee the test.
the minutes felt like hours but the innocence of Misa and Light was reasonably proven much to the releif of Ty lee as well as the police cheif. In a few short hours Misa and light would be taken to head quarters and L would make some big reveal that he had just been informed of. Ty lee was quite curious to what it was that had been "finished." she had heard hushed voices of watari and Hei Bai talking about it over the phone. Whatever it was it was a pretty big deal but ultimately she was too emotionally spent to really care.
She found it frustrating that no matter what the detective did, not matter how far in the wrong direction he seemed to go, her feelings remained unchanged. She desperately wanted to see Sokka again and she would soon enough, after all it was almost time again for that. She wanted his calm logical, goofy advice. She wanted to go back to the days where the most either of them had to worry about was how much trouble they'd be in for sneaking snacks and staying out to late. Things were not as simple as they were when they were children and things would never be that simple again.
Her own longing nostalgia made her sad for the detective since he would never experience that. She wished that he could have had some sort of a child hood, perhaps then he wouldn't be so cold and so sad. She glanced his way and saw him as she usually did, crouched in a chair with his thumb up by his mouth gazing intently at nothing in particular as he thought. The sky out the window beyond where he was was growing ever darker and Ty lee could swear she saw the faint racing dash of raindrops.
The rain was consuming her it seemed.
To be consumed was a frightening enough thing, yet the fact the she had grown accustomed to it made it worse to deal with. She didn't know what she was becoming and she didn't think she liked it.
there was a soft click at the front door, followed by the voices of Misa, Soichiro and of course Light. Ty lee was only vaguely aware of the commotion that had been raised when they came in. It made her happy that everyone seemed to be in such good spirits, especially the police cheif. A part of her wanted to join in but instead she just watched as Misa Light and L interacted.
She hoped that they would become friends and that they would be good to him after she died. What ever would be would be of course but she still couldn't help but feel hopeful. She also couldn't help but feel jealous.
especially when Misa had the nerve to kiss him on the cheek.
She knew she had no right to him, she was nothing but a dead girl walking after all but...well she never really could reconcile her head with her heart. It would have hurt a little less if it weren't for the way he reacted to it. His surprised face and they way he said "I think I might fall for you..." She knew that they could never be together so she had no place to intervene. Instead she just sat in her chair and stared out the window while she meditatively pet her cat MoMo.
The room's attention was turned to the detective's big reveal, the brand new head quarters building. Ty lee didn't notice. Ty lee didn't care. She was miserable, plain and simple. She was so out of it that she didn't even notice Misa's approach.
"You're the Sakura Angel aren't you," she said.
Ty lee shook her head, "No, I'm Ty lee..." she didn't feel like an Angel an she certainly wasn't acting like one.
"You're the girl I was talking too right?" she said, "when I was all tied up and stuff?"
Ty lee looked at her and nodded, "yes," she said quietly.
"I think we should be friends don't you?" said Misa holding out her hand, a great big grin on her face. Misa reminded her of a more gothic version of herself. She couldn't help but smile a little and take her hand.
"Yeah," she said, her voice a little shaky with unshed tears, "I would really like that..."
It was then that Light approached, followed closely by Ryuzaki, he too held out a hand. "Can we be friends now too?" he asked pleasantly.
Ty lee nodded and slowly took his hand, she was still a little nervous around him after all. "Sure..." she said, her smile fading from her lips.
"You still don't trust me..." said Light releasing her hand.
She shook her head, "No, it's not that it's just...difficult to watch someone change so suddenly."
"I agree," said the detective interjecting and taking Light's arm,"Which is why," he produced a hand cuff, "I'm doing this." with a clink the hand cuff tightened around Light's wrist causing a great deal of shock.
"RYUZAKI! What are you doing, that's my boyfriend, you can't have him!" exclaimed Misa.
"Untill Kira has been caught you will not leave my side," said the detective, raising his own hand to show the other cuff around his wrist. "Until Kira has been caught you and I will share the same fate."
Misa and Light wer both furious but Ty lee found it to be absolutely Hilarius. Without even meaning to she began to laugh, she laughed so hard that she cried and brought much attention on herself. "What's so funny?" asked the detective in his usual dead panned tone. He had been trying to elicit some sort of a reaction from her all day but this was unexpected.
"I'm sorry," she said, wiping at her eyes, "just, isn't this a little silly? I mean hei Bai, there are better ways..."
"I've been meaning to ask you Ty lee, why do you call him Hei Bai?" asked Light with honest curriosity, "and how on earth does he let you get away with it?" This last statement caught Misa's attention.
"So Ryuzaki let's you give him a special nick name?" asked Misa, her eyes and tone suggestive, "He must really like you then." She was smiling but this caused Ty lee's spirits to dampen.
"Light could you please get her to stop talking," said the detective having had enough of the blond girl. L found her to be charming at times and totally intolerable at others and the fact that she had made Ty lee uncomfortable irked him as well.
It wasn't long after that Misa was ushered away from the group and they all began their preparations to move into the new building. The cheif left to go pack some of light's things and the rest of the team all decided to leave for home as well. Soon the only people in the hotel room were watari, Ty lee, L and now Light.
Things were awkward now with Light there. Instead of sleeping together Ty lee instead chose to grab some pillows and a blanket to sleep by the door to the room the detective and her once shared. She wanted nothing more than to avoid that difficult conversation, explaining to Light that they slept in the same room.
The detective wasn't having any of it though , he was getting fed up of her distant behavior, after all it wasn't in her nature to be that way. "What are you doing?" he asked, a touch on the bitter side.
"I'm getting ready to sleep," said Ty lee.
"You never sleep outside my room," he said crouching down, "is it because of Light?" Light stood there feeling sufficiently awkward at this point.
"Maybe," said Ty lee, "it's just..."she refused to make eye contact which frustrated the detective to no end.
"Survival 101, isn't that what you told me," he dead panned and Ty lee flinched involuntarily. "I don't know what you're problem is, whether it's an unnecessary sense of awkwardness or miss-trust in Light but I suggest you get over it."
Ty lee rolled her eyes, "Why don't you ever let me get away with anything," she muttered to herself.
The detective shrugged, "I let you get away with everything," he said, "but not this."
The three of them went to bed then, but nobody slept, in their delirium they could swear that they heard the rain...
A.N: So this took way way longer than expected...probably because it's really difficult to write moody, distant Ty lee and it's even more difficult to write tense relationships with moody Ty lee and frustrated L.
Don't forget to check out the continuation I added to one of my chapters, it should be chapter six.
It should also help make the story more understandable since it was like, probably the second most important scene and for whatever reason it got left out.
The shame of my folly is unbearable, please forgive me!