Save Us Chapter 8

Bella POV

I'm so confused. I just need one of those little robots inside my head to clean up my emotions, like they have in all those films. I'm happy that we're free of Phil and his horrid games, but I'm sad that Jaymie's still in hospital alone and asleep. I'm grateful that the Cullen's could find it in their hearts to let us stay here, but I'm resentful that it's their fault we were found and we now have to go through the whole process of a trial and pressing charges against Phil. I mean, don't get me wrong, Rosalie is possibly the best thing to come along for me in a looooong time. She gets me. And Jaymie. She's been there and dealt with it before so she knows how to treat us. The last thing I want is pity. I avoid Alice at all costs. Whenever she looks at me all I can see is that she feels sorry for me and that is exactly what I hate. I don't want to be treated like I'm made of china and I'll break at the slightest bit of pressure. I won't. I've had experience dealing with this shit for years and these people move in to town for 3 days and it's like an atomic-fucking-bomb has gone off in my life!

So here I am. Sitting in "my room" in the Cullen's house. I'm on the third floor next to Rose and Jaymie will be the other side of the hallway. It's weird to look around this room and compare it to what I was living in just yesterday. I had dirty pale grey walls, a creaky bed, the bathroom door was practically hanging off its hinges and there was no real furniture there. Here I have beautiful pale blue walls with matching blue silk covers on my double canopy bed, the softest bed I have ever sat on! A Blue laptop sits on the white desk in the corner, also complete with all stationary you could ever possibly think of and a perfect blue keyboard lamp. A matching white vanity sits on the other side of the room and two doors opposite the bed. One leading to a fully stocked wardrobe that's bigger than my old room and Jaymie's put together, the other leading to my own private bathroom complete with jacuzzi tub and towel warmer. These people are insane! it's like being in a 5 star hotel all the time. I don't think I could ever get used to this.

I have to admit I did feel a little rude when Emmett and Carlisle tried to bring in a flat screen to set up for me. We weren't allowed to watch TV at Phil's house, I didn't see a point in starting now. I also felt bad for Esme. She keeps trying to bring me snacks and trays of food but I keep turning her away. All I can do is lie here and think of Jaymie. I agreed that I should maybe come here and rest up for the night, leaving Jaymie with the only person I trust. Rose. I knew if anything happened she would call straight away and I knew she was safe now. But I can't settle my mind. I think I must have been in shock whilst everything was happening leaving me to process everything now when all I really want to do is sleep. Maybe I could take a bath, or read a book I saw some shelves in the hallway. Yeah, I'll go find a book.


I never knew that little red numbers could be so mocking. I still can't sleep, my brain just won't switch off. Maybe I should just go downstairs and get a drink. I can be quiet, I used to do this all the time at home and Phil never woke up. Okay he was usually in an alcohol induced sleep snoring his god damn head off but Fuck am I thirsty! if I go slow I won't wake anyone up.

I creep down and try to find the kitchen, realising that I probably shouldn't have passed up Esme's idea of a tour... oh well. I eventually make my way into what has to be the most modern and stylish kitchen I have ever seen. The stainless steel worktops shine when I flip the light on and the fridge alone is like the size of an SUV! I'm not even kidding! opening the door to find the milk was like trying to navigate a maze. I give up and turn to find a glass. Luckily all the cabinets have glass doors so I can see into them without having to band the doors open an shut. I just reached the glass and pulled it down when I heard a cough behind me. Next thing I know, the glass is shattered around my feet and I panic. He's going to kill me. He's going to push me down into the glass until I pick it all up, cutting myself in the process and then when I'm done he's going to whip me. Shit shit shit FUCK!

I can't breathe. I can feel the bands tightening around my chest and the tears leaking down my cheeks. I'm so far gone that I don't even notice the person pick me up and carry me to a couch in another room. I hear a slight rumble and feel a hand on my cheek. There's black spots invading my vision now. I feel a sharp prick in my arm then it all goes black...

AN:/ sorry it isn't a long chapter. I know it's been a while since I uploaded. I hope it's still okay :) I also think I need to revise my story as I have forgotten what has happened so far. Woops :P until next time fair readers :) x